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冲刺12月月考一.根据所给中文完成句子翻译(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)1. 我听到了人们兴奋的叫声。_2 . 当我购物时地震开始了_3. 你知道学好英语的重要性吗?_4为什么他急于离开?(be in a hurry ) _5由于这场洪水,成千上万人失去了他们的家园。 _1.I heard the shouts from the excited people2. While I was doing some shopping ,the earthquake started.3.Do you know the importance of learning English well.4. Why was he in a hurry to leave?5.Thousands of people lost their homes because of the flood.二、完成句子。(本题共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)1.His sister had a bad cold and _ (从早到晚咳嗽).2.Farmers_ _ (忙于收获庄稼).3. Spring is _ flying kites.(是放风筝的最好时间)4.The number of wolves is _.(越来越少了)5.We should _.(立即采取行动)1.coughed from morning till night 2.are busy harvesting crops3.the best time for 4.getting smaller and smaller5.take action at once三、完成句子。(本题共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)1. 我们必须采取行动阻止人们砍伐森林。We must stop _forests.2. 打大雪仗非常的令人刺激。Its exciting to have big _.3. 农民们在忙于收割庄稼。 Farmers are _4.昨天雨从早下到晚。The rain was falling _ yesterday.5.那匹马闭着眼睛站在那儿。The horse is standing _.1. people from cutting down 2.snowball fights3.are busy harvesting crops 4.from morning till night5.with its eyes closed四、完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成句子,并将答案写在答题卷标有题号的横线上。(本大题共9分,每题1.5分)1.人们捕杀狼因特为他们认为狼对人类是危险的。 People hunt wolves because they think wolves _.2.我希望这将帮助人们理解湿地的重要性。 I hope this will help people _.3.妈妈叫我要同情那些需要帮助的人。 Mum asked me _.4.在冬天, 白雪覆盖整个地球。 In winter, white snow _.5.政府应该制定法律来防止人们砍伐森林。 The government should _cutting the forest. 6.这将会导致野生生物的空间越来越少。This will _ for wildlife. 1._are dangerous to humans_ _ 2. understand the importance of the wetlands 3. to have/take pity on 4. covers the whole earth 5. make laws to stop people from 6. lead to less and less space 五、句子翻译 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。(本大题共9分,每小题1.5分)1. 大家都知道,食用过多的糖会导致各种不同的健康问题。As we all know, eating too much sugar can _. 2. 突如其来的暴风雨使得菜价上涨很多。The price of the vegetables .3. 孩子们有说有笑地忙着装饰圣诞树。The children are busy_ _ . 4. 你最好不要再接受其余的任务了,因为我们没有足够的时间。 You other tasks any more, for we dont have enough time.5. 猫妈妈在钓鱼而小猫在捉蝴蝶。 The mother cat was fishing .6. 为了阻止人们向车外扔垃圾,政府已经制定了法律。In _ , the government has made laws.1. lead to all kinds of health problems 2. rose a lot because of the sudden storm3. decorating the Christmas tree talking and laughing 4. had better not accept5. while the little cat was catching the butterfly 6. order to stop people throwing rubbish out of the car六、完成句子 (本大题共9分,每小题1.5分)1. 扎龙保护区为许多鸟儿提供食物和庇护所。 Zhalong Nature Reserve _ many birds.2. 你再也不是一个小孩了,你应该三思而后行了。 You _ , you should think over before doing things.3. 昨晚的大雨使得我们无法外出,我们只能在家看电视。 The heavy rain _last night, we had to watch TV at home.4. 人们认为狼对人类有危险,但实际上,他们处于危险之中。 People think wolves _ , but in fact, they are in danger.5. 寒冷的冬天使得一些鸟儿飞往南方过冬。 The cold winter makes some birds _the winter.6. 看!农民们正忙着收割庄稼。 Look! The farmers _ .1. provides food and cover for 2. arent a child any more3. prevented / stopped / kept us from going outside 4. are dangerous to humans 5. fly south for / to spend 6. are busy harvesting crops七、完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。(本大题共10分,每空0.5分)1. 警方要求驾驶员雨天缓慢行车。The police ask the drivers to 1 2 on 3 days.2. 所有的孩子都喜欢打雪仗。All the children like 4 5 6 7 .3.英国学生要比中国学生暑假少休息几周。British students have 8 9 10 than Chinese students in the summertime.4.我们正在采取措施来阻止他们捕杀更多的狼。Were 11 12 to stop them
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