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-词汇一上 词汇5500 个基础词汇:tractorvisitor边缘词汇:monarch turnipsulfur宗教,科普,历史。核心词汇:2300 个59-80 页基础词汇1.I graduated from the high school.high school = middle school = secondary school 中学senior schooljunior schoolprimary schoolelementary school2.sometime有一次I met him sometime last week. 一个时间点sometimes 有时候Sometimes I suffer from headache. 多个时间点some time一段时间I have been waiting for some time. 两点之间有一个间隔核心词汇1. American companies are evolving from mass-production manufacturing to flexible enterprises. evolve from A to B从 A 演变到 Bmass-production 大规模生产flexible 灵活的方法:替代法、联合法、谐音法、对比法、拆解法1.替代词:agenda=plan n.议事日程on the agendaPlease place it on the agenda.The government has set an for reform over the next ten year. A. agonyB. agendaC. dilemmaD. paradoxassignment=task=homework n.任务assign v.分配,指派How are you getting along with your assignment?incentiven. 刺激inspirationn. 1.灵感;2.鼓舞encouragement=incentive=inspirationment n.encourage=en-courageen 使有courage 勇气使有勇气discourage=dis-courage material incentivedis 否定courage 勇气使泄气Your help has been an inspiration to me.preserve=keepconserve=save _orderpreserve _ones energyconserve fresh flesh preserven.保持,腌制2.联合法:friendship=friend-ship friend 朋友ship 关系n.友谊disappointment n.失望disappoint=dis-appointdis 否定appoint 约会ment n. ragrapratrobrodrugrag be in rags rug=carpet blanket(床)rob v. 1.抢劫;2.盗窃stealrob a wallet该句子是错误的!rob sb of sthrob him of his walletsteal his wallet rap=knockrat=mousemouse 小老鼠rod=stickrap a rat with a rodpit witA fall in the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智sweet sweatNo sweet without sweat.No pain, no gains.repelrebel repel the rebelstwist wrist twist ones wrist3.谐音法:frugaladj.节俭的-al adj.腐乳够=thrifty adj.节俭的-y 多thrift n. 节俭live a simple life.live a frugal life.a frugal housekeeper. 一个节俭的管家thriftthriftycloudcloudy-y 多dirt n.灰尘,尘埃dirtyhairhairy (sb)a hairy hand fur n.furry (sth)extravagant adj.奢侈的,过分的 extra-vag-ant extra 过多的 vag 喂 ant adj.Parents who have extravagant hopes for their children are bound to be disappointed. bound 必定的,注定的-词汇一下agony n.苦恼 爱过你curse v./n.诅咒,咒骂 克死ambition n.雄心,抱负 俺必胜slaughter v.屠杀 死了老多inch n.英寸 foot n.英尺 mile n.英里4.对比法:1)形近词adapt/adoptadapt=ad-apt ad add 增加 增加适应性 v. 1.使.适应;2.改编apt adj.1.适当的,恰当的;2.有.倾向的 He made an apt remark. 他做出了恰当的评论。adapt+sb 使动动词的宾语通常是人adapt oneself to new environmentadapt oneself to 调整自己使适应. 有反身代词的一定选 adapt. adapt the play for television改编剧本使更适应于电视播放adopt=ad-optad 增加opt option 选择增加+选择=选中v.1.采纳;2.收养optional course 选修课adopt ones suggestionadopt an orphan2) 义近词reserve ordersubscribereserve v.预留reserve a room/table/seat at a hotel=book不能拿走,只能留book v.预定book a ticketorder v.预定order a cake/suit(男)/dress(女)可以带走subscribe v.订阅subscribe to a newspaper/magazine/journal/periodical3) 形近+义近(2004)worth worthyworthwhileadj.价值的worth be worth doing/名词在此处动名词表示被动The book is worth reading/being read. 错误worthy adj. 1.有价值的;2.值得尊重的,值得表扬的,值得敬佩的(定语,修饰人)be worthy of doing/be worhty to do在此处动名词是正常的动名词The book is worthy of being read.The book is worthy to be read. a worthy professor 值得尊重的,值得敬佩的worthwhile adj.worthwhile doing/to do也可以什么都不带Our effort is worthwhile.4) 短语 look for look at get upturn down 调小;拒绝look uplook downlook into look outlook up查找.look up the dictionary 错look up the word in the dictionary refer to the dictionaryreference n.参考书look down look down on sb/look up to sb 看不起/尊重look into=investigate调查invest-i-gateinvest 投资gate 大门look into the matter look out小心put up=put sb up提供住宿turn down the radioturn down ones requestturn down=decline5.拆解法:prefix-root-suffix 前缀-词根-后缀前缀改义,后缀改性compose 前缀+词根重点!1) root-suffix词根+后缀-y 多 两个后缀改变词义的例子industry n. 1.工业;2.勤奋 可以作为词根出现 industrialadj. 工业的al adj. industrious=diligentadj. 勤奋ous adj.His is industrious in his business.imagine v.想象imaginary想象出来的ary 性质imaginative想象力丰富的tive 多imaginable可以想象出来的able 能drinkable 可以饮用的1.The picture is highly_ imaginative2.All the characters in the book are imaginary2) prefix-root前缀+词根构词法精神的灵魂!abstractcontractextractdistractsubtractattracttractorn.拖拉机tract拖,拉abstract=abs-tractabs=ab 离开n.摘要,抽象abnormal adj.反常的contract=con-tractcon=com=cor=col=co 共同,一起v.收缩 n.合同读音名前动后extract=ex-tractex 外adj.提取,拔出extract a tooth extract
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