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2017届高三英语作文指导,引人入胜的开头 与 回味无穷的结尾,Part 1,我想邀请你在下周六和我们一块去附近的敬老院过重阳节。,(一)书信的常用开头法开门见山法,Id like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival.(2015全国卷书面表达),(二)记叙文的常用开头法,1故事背景法交代人物、事件、时间、地点、背景等 Last Tuesday, our class invited an old craftsman to teach us how to make paper-cut.(2015北京高考书面表达),上周二,我们班邀请了一位老艺人来教我们如何剪纸。,我依然记得第一次去泰山旅游的事情,就像是在昨天一样。,2引用数据法运用数据引出所要论证的主题 A recent study shows that 50% of the school kids dont have breakfast.,(三)说明文的常用开头法,1点明中心法开门见山点明所要介绍的事物 The pen is seen everywhere. In most cases, it only acts as a tool to write with, which I think is too simple. (2014湖南高考满分作文),钢笔到处可见。在大多数情况下,它仅仅当作书写工具,我认为这太简单了。,最近的研究表明,有50%的学生不吃早饭。,通过几年的校园生活,我学会了如果我们要在生活中有所改变,从小事开始是非常重要的。,(四)议论文的常用开头法,1点明主题法提出一个观点或论据作为文章要阐明和论述的主题 Through my years of school life, Ive learned that if we are to make a difference in life, its vital that we should begin with small things. (2014湖北高考满分作文),当谈到如何成功时,很多人或许会想到谚语“有志者事竟成。”,2引用名言法摘录或引用某些名人的名言或常见的习语、谚语作为文章的开头 When it comes to how to succeed, many people may think of the proverb “Where there is a will, there is a way.” (2014山东高考书面表达),现今,许多大城市的人们都在抱怨交通拥堵,它严重地影响了人们的日常生活和经济发展。,3列举实例法通过一个实例或现象引出话题 Nowadays, people in many big cities are complaining about heavy traffic, which has seriously influenced peoples daily life and economic development.,描述图画法描写图画内容,为下文做好铺垫 As is vividly shown in the picture, one person is asking the other to do some voluntary labour.,(五)图画作文的常用开头法,正如图画中生动形象地显示的那样,一个人正在请另一个人做义务劳动。,Tips:the other 和 another 的区别(都是“另一个”的意思) the other 用于两个事物之间。 eg:He has a book in one hand , and a pen in the other. another 用于三个或三个以上的事物之间 eg:Hell be back in another ten days.,widespreadly / generally,Tips:cant help + doing sth. 意为情不自禁、忍不住做某事,我期待着收到你的信。,(一)书信的常用结尾法,1表示期待法 Im looking forward to your reply / hearing from you. (2015全国卷书面表达),希望今年夏天在训练营见到你。, Im waiting for your early reply.,我期待你的早日答复。, 如果你能尽快回信,我会很感激你。,Id appreciate it a lot if you can reply as soon as possible.,Tips: cant do sth too much 意为:再也不为过 eg:We cant emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。,plenty of,改为:they are beneficial to all of us 是不是更好呢?,改为:In this case是不是更好呢?,同样的表达还有:In conclusion,改为:are supposed to是不是更好呢? 当然,更高级的表达:can do nothing but 意为:只,仅仅,变换一下句式(祈使句):Take good care of our friends , and well enjoy life to the fullest 是不是更好呢? Eg:Follow me ,and youll succeed. 跟着我做,你就能成功,Tips: Its high time that sb (should) do sth 意为:该是做某事的时候了,处动名词短语作主语不失为一个亮点,改为:prefer(因为prefer包含“更”的意思,所以去掉most) / favor sth most是不是更好呢?,倒装句也是一个亮点,相同的表达:wish,改为:as是不是更好呢,Part 2,一、表示起始关系的过渡性词语,同样的表达还有:First of all,
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