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Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 【学习目标】(一) 知识与技能 1. To learn how to describe future careers.2. To understand the passage on Page 110.3. To learn the following expressions: congratulate, none, ahead, responsible, separate等(二) 过程和方法 4.To know how to talk about the future by practicing and role-play. (三) 情感态度和价值观 5. After learning this part, every student will have a dream of his future career.【自主梳理】1. Turn to Page 109 and finish task la.2. Turn to Page 110 and finish exercises 2c and 2d on Page 111. 3. Check answers.【重点领悟】Studying useful words and expressions. 1. none: 没有人;一个也没有;没有任何东西 Its none of your business.这不关你的事。Theres a subway in my hometown, but there was_ two years ago.我的家乡现在有了地铁,可两年之前还没有呢。2. attend: 出席;上(大学等)to _去听音乐会to _ 上教堂做礼拜to _ 听讲课Who will _? 哪些人出席这次会议? 3. thirsty: 口渴的,口干的;渴望的,热望的Everybody felt more or less thirsty. 大家都感到有些渴。 Young man should _ knowledge.青年人应该渴望知识。 4. responsible: adj.有责任的;负责的;责任重大的;Whos responsible _the terrible mess?谁应该对这种混乱负责? As a boy, I know, I was responsible _.作为个男生,我知道,我有责任帮助她。 5. ahead: 领先;预先;在前;向前;提前By doing extra homework, he soon got _.他靠多做家庭作业,很快在班上名列前茅。 He will be _.他在英语方面将超过别人。 6. separate: v 分开;隔开Wed better _ the good ones _ the bad ones.我们最好把好的和坏的分开。 Even numerous mountains and rivers cannot separate our friendship.纵然是万水千山也隔不断我们的情谊。 【探究提升】 Translate the following sentences.1. 我们提前完成了任务。2. 很抱歉,我恐怕没时间去参加你的婚礼了。3. 我们被人群分开了。4. 我们要对自己的未来负责。5. 有些人很渴望权利。【巩固训练】Translate the following phrases:1. 渴望2. 对负责3. 提前4. 在前面5. 沿途6. 对感激7. 做出自己的选择8. 几年以后9. 和分开10. 参加会议Answers: 【重点领悟】1.none 2. attend a concert, attend church, attend a lecture, attend the meeting 3. be thirsty for 4. for, for helping her 5. ahead of his classmates, ahead of others 6. separate, from 【探究提升】1. We finished the task ahead of time. 2. Im sorry, but Im afraid I dont have time to attend your wedding ceremony. 3. We got separated by the crowd. 4. We should be responsiblr for our future. 5. Someone is thirsty for power. 【巩固训练】be thirsty for, be responsible for, ahead of time, ahead of, along the way, be thankful to, make ones own choice, in a few years time, separate from, attend a meeting
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