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Unit 1教学目标复习有关的单词、短语与句型,能写一篇自我介绍。重难点灵活运用重要单词,短语和句型教学过程Learning aim:1. 复习有关的单词、短语与句型,能写一篇自我介绍的文章。复习重要单词,短语, Words:grade, master,slim,classmate,looks,hobby,glad Phrases: like/love doing sth. be good at . over there,come from,after school,like reading,wear glasses,.Step One:基础词汇11.照顾: _=_ 2.早上好:_3.下午好:_ 4.晚上好:_5.晚安: _ 6.一个新学生:_ 7.欢迎来到七年级一班:_8.在阳光中学:_9.喜爱阅读:_ 10.让我们做某事:_11.会见我的新同学们:_ 12.踢足球:_13:放学后:_ 14.在那边:_15:她的头发是长的(两句):(1)_ (2)_16:他来自南京:(1)_ (2)_ _17.他擅长数学:(1) _ (2)_18.很高兴见到你(两句):(1)_ (2) _19:在八年级:_20:听音乐_21.放风筝:_ 22.喜欢玩游戏:_23.回家迟: _ 24:来自南京:_25.和我家人住在北京: _26:戴眼镜:_27.所有的功课:_ 28.在学校:_Step Two:practice in class一.根据汉语提示、英语解释完成下列句子。1. Whats _(你的) name ?2. Are you my _(主人) ?3. Nice to _(遇见)you.4. We are in (年级)7.5. I often play f _after school.6. Is that boy Daniel ? -No ,he isnt . Daniel wears g .7. This is our ( 教室) 。It is very big and nice .8. Li Ping is good at _(数学).9. They are all my new _(同班同学)10. Can I borrow your dictionary ? Ok , but you cant _(借) it to others . 二.完成句子1. Is he from Shanghai ?( 同义句) he _ _Shanghai? 2. I dont do well in sport.(同义句)I _ _ _ sport. 3. I am Sandy . (同义句)_ _ is Sandy. 4 . Daniel is in Class 1, Kitty is in Class 1 ,too.( 同义句) Daniel and Kitty are _5. Millie in Beijing .(和她家人住在)6. I (喜欢所有的功课) at school .7. I usually go running for half an hour . (对划线部分提问) _8. Im in the Reading Club. (同义句转换) Im _ _ _ the Reading Club . 9. Amy walks home after school . (同义句转换) Amy _ home _ _ after school .10. Jacky usually feels very happy at school. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Jacky often feel at school? 设计意图自主备课记录板书设计教学反思时间地点集体备课室_召集人课题Unit 2 Revision II课时 科任教师授课时间教学目标1. 掌握Be动词的一般现在时。2. 掌握Be动词的一般现在时句子的,肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句。重难点1.掌握Be动词的一般现在时句子的,肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句教学过程Learning aim:1. 掌握Be动词的一般现在时。2. 掌握Be动词的一般现在时句子的,肯定句、否定句、疑问句。Step1.语法回顾1. l am a student 2. Sandy is my classmate.3. We are in Class 1.(表示经常性,习惯性的动作或者状态以及客观真理,格言等)肯定句:I am(=Im)a student. He/She/It is(=Hes/Shes/Its)happy). You/We/They are (=Youre/Were/Theyre)students.否定句:在Be 动词后面加not.一般疑问句:Be提前 Am/Is/Are I a student?_Yes, I am No,I am notStep 2 Practice in class1. ImMillie.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)-_Millie?-Yes,_2. I_astudent.(be)3. You_adoctor.(be)4. _shefromJinan?(be)5. _youAmerican?(be)6. Who_heinthephoto? 7. I_astudent.You_ateacher.8. How_you?I_fine.9. Myparents_teachers.They_busy.10.Thisisthereadingroom. 否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_设计意图自主备课记录板书设计教学反思
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