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My Day【板块要点】教学目标:1.熟练运用本单元所学单词、词组、句型组织语言。 2. 学会根据提纲组织写作材料。 3. 合理架构文章,向别人介绍自己对于学校方方面面生活的喜好及缘由。教学重点:分析范文结构,试用多句式,仿写一篇短文介绍自己对于学校生活的喜好。教学难点:使用正确的人称、时态、句型描述自己对于学校生活的喜好。二、词汇、短语 1.原因,理由n. (pl.复)_学习、学会 v_ 世界 n. 2.Get ready for be good for Learn a lot about the world Have too much homework .三、句型、要点1. I love/ like/ dislike doing.2.my favourite subject 3.He is my hero.【课前导学】your school life Do you like your school?Is your school life interesting/ colourful?Do you like it? Why?Why do you dislike it? 【课堂学习】1. Duty report (say something about Simons favourite football player)2.Oral practice: (Work in Pairs)Do you like your school?Is your school life interesting/ colourful?Do you like it? Why?Why do you dislike it? 3. (1)lets do a survey.Activity Love Like Dislike Reason (2) Use different sentence structures.I like /dont likeMy favourite subject(s) is/areI can learn a lot aboutIt helps meIt is fun/interesting.I cannot,soWe always have (3) Writing:(选做)B 根据自己的happiness chart 写一篇文章。评分标准:满分10分1段落不清晰,扣1分2 时态错误,扣1分3 要点遗漏,每条扣1分4 句式简单、重复,扣1分5 书写不规范,扣1分6 语法,拼写错误,每处扣0.5分参考写作要求完成作文段落分明,要点齐全,时态恰当,结构正确,句式多样,过渡自然,观点合理,书写规范。在保证正确的前提下,多用层次高的同义词、句。My school life _互评得分:_【课后拓展】一.根据句意及提示完成单词1.They help us get r_ for the party.2.The_(科目) are interesting.3.This is a map of the_(世界).4.The boy is_(总是) late for school.5.What do you_(学习) in the club?6.He has too_ (多)homework to do every day.7.Can you tell me the_(理由;原因) why you didnt do your homework yesterday.二选择( ) 1. Its fun_ in the sea in summer.A. to swim B. swim C. swims D. to swimming( ) 2. My mother says children shouldnt watch _ TV.A. too B. too many C. much D. too much( ) 3. The students at our school chat _ lunchtime.A. on B. in C. at D./( ) 4-_do you go shopping? -Once a week.A. How often B. How many times C. How long D. How much ( ) 5. You can learn _ about the world from it.A. many B. much C. a lot D.B&C( ) 6._his father, David Beckham _ playing football.A. Like; likes B. Likes; like C. Like; like D. Likes; likes ( ) 7. Lily _ playing badminton because she is not good at it.A. like B. loves C. dislike D. dislikes( ) 8. My mother is busy. She has _ work to do. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too三、1.请为明天的聚会做好准备。 Please _party.2.聚会的一切准备就绪了。 Everything _the party.3.做早操对我们有好处。 _morning exercises _us. 4.经常锻炼有益于我们的健康。_often _our health.5.吸烟有害健康。 _ our health.6.我们想要更多地了解他。 We want _ him.7.我们每天有太多的作业要做。 We have _ homework to do every day .8.外面太冷了,你得穿上暖和的衣服。 Its _ cold outside .You must _warm clothes.四、书面表达A.按要求完成一篇短文 :1 你在学校爱好英语和语文 2 你的老师友好,科目有趣。3 星期三、星期五你经常去英语俱乐部 ,在那你能读英语书籍和唱英语歌曲。4 你爱好游泳和网球 。他们对你有好处,能帮你保持强壮,你也喜欢画画。它很有趣。5 你不喜欢做家庭作业 ,但你们每天有太多的作业。它使你疲劳。你晚上常常上床睡觉迟。_
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