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II 目目 录录 摘摘 要要 . I Abstract . III 引引 言言 . 1 一、工伤认定概述一、工伤认定概述 . 3 (一)工伤及工伤保险 3 (二)工伤认定 4 二、工伤认定程序现行规定二、工伤认定程序现行规定 . 10 (一)工伤认定程序的界定 10 (二)工伤认定主体 10 (三)工伤认定的行政程序 12 (四)工伤认定救济程序 14 三、工伤认定程序存在的问题三、工伤认定程序存在的问题 . 15 (一)工伤认定权归属错位导致循环诉讼 15 (二)繁琐的认定程序削弱了救济效果 17 (三)法律法规冲突导致工伤认定程序混乱 18 (四)工伤认定申请期限不够合理 20 (五)工伤认定行政诉讼举证责任分配存在瑕疵 21 四、完善工伤认定程序的建议四、完善工伤认定程序的建议 . 23 (一)重构工伤认定程序的基本思路 23 (二)重构工伤认定程序的具体路径 26 结结 语语 . 46 参考文献参考文献 . 47 致致 谢谢 . 50 攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文目录攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文目录 . 51 I 摘摘 要要 随着我国工伤保险制度的逐步建立, 工伤认定法律制度业已初具雏形。 但工 伤认定争议日益增多,工伤认定程序仍不完善,存在着一系列亟待解决的问题, 尤其是处于弱势地位的劳动者在申请工伤认定时,往往得不到及时有效的救助, 现有的工伤认定行政诉讼模式又弊端突出,因此有必要对我国现有的工伤认定 法律程序加以梳理。文章就工伤认定的有关法律问题进行讨论,力求更公正快 捷、更为简易有效、更加高效正确地解决工伤认定纠纷,保障受伤职工的合法 权益及企业的良性运作。笔者试图以实证的角度,从行政法和劳动法结合的交 汇点出发,探寻现有工伤认定制度面临困境的出路。鉴于此,文章分析总结了 现行工伤认定程序规定及其在实践中存在的问题,从法理和实证角度剖析了其 诸多弊端,提出了完善工伤认定程序的基本思路和具体路径,使工伤认定程序 彰显公平公正、高效便民、保护弱者、以人为本的理念。 文章正文分为四部分: 第一部分是工伤认定概述。 此部分引入工伤及工伤保 险的概念,重点分析了工伤认定的概念、性质及特点,为后面的深入论述作理 论铺垫;第二部分是工伤认定程序现行规定。该部分结合工伤保险条例和 工伤认定办法等法规、规章,着重阐述现行工伤认定主体、认定程序及相 关救济程序规定;第三部分是工伤认定程序存在的问题。即工伤认定权归属错 位,认定程序繁琐、混乱,申请期限、举证责任设置不合理等;第四部分是完 善我国工伤认定程序的建议。提出重构工伤认定程序的基本思路,即在社会法 理念的指引下,简化和整合工伤认定程序,彰显维护公正、突出效率、成本合 理、统一权威的法治价值理念。在此基础上,提出重构工伤认定程序的具体路 径。首先,应考虑赋予法院终局的工伤认定权,根本上避免司法权与行政权在 工伤认定结论上出现“僵局”;其次,应构建便民高效的工伤认定及争议处理 程序,为此,建议取消工伤认定纠纷的复议前置程序,将工伤认定与劳动关系 认定合并处理,尝试工伤认定行政附带民事诉讼,有效整合司法资源;再次, 通过合理修改工伤认定申请期限、完善工伤认定举证责任分配、统一工伤认定 实体标准等系列措施,优化工伤认定及其争议处理程序;最后,另辟蹊径提出 II 两个颠覆性设想,即提高工伤认定机构的社会化程度,引入工伤认定民事诉讼 特别程序,从而根本上避免或“绕过”行政诉讼,减轻当事人的诉累,提高程 序的效率。 关键词:关键词:工伤;工伤认定;法律程序;公正;效率 III Abstract With the gradually establishment of work-related injuries insurance system,the legal system concerning work-related identification has also had the embryonic form. However, the dispute about work-related injuries identification also increases day by day. The procedure of work-related injuries identification is not perfect enough. How to perfect the legal system concerning work-related injuries identification is becoming an important social topic. Particularly at the vulnerable position, the worker applying for the work-related injuries identification usually can not get the valid protection and salvage in time, and the existing administration litigation mode of work-related injuries identification is far away from regularity. Therefore, it is necessary to comb the law problem of the administration behavior of the existing work-related injuries identification. From the point of the substantial evidence, the writer tries to start from the combination of the administrative law and the labor law to find out the outlet of the systems plight of work-related injuries identification. In view of this, the article analyzes the summary of the procedural requirements that the existing work-related injuries in practice and its problems, from the perspective of legal and empirical analysis of the many disadvantages of work-related injuries that the process of perfecting the basic ideas and the specific path, so that work-related injuries shows that the procedures fair and impartial, and efficient convenience, to protect the weak, the concept of people-oriented. The body of the article is divided into four parts: The first part is an overview of work-related injuries found. This part of the introduction of work-related injuries and the concept of industrial injury insurance, focusing on an analysis of the concept of work-related injuries found, the nature and characteristics, in order to go into the back of paving the way for the theory; The second part is the process that the existing provisions of work-related injuries. Some combination of the “industrial injury insurance regulations“ and “found ways to work-related injuries“ and other rules and regulations, the existing work that focuses on the subject of relief that the procedures IV and related procedures; The third part is that the procedures work problems. Work-related injuries found that the right to ownership of dislocation, that the procedures are very complicated and confusing, the application period, the burden of proof, such as setting unreasonable. Part four is to improve my work-related injuries that process. Reconstruction work proposed that the basic idea of the procedure. Concept in the community under the guidance of law, the simplification and integration of work-related injuries that process, highlight the interests of justice, highlighting the efficiency and cost-reasonable, the value of a unified concept of the authority of the rule of law. On this basis, I proposed for reconstruction of specific work-related injuries procedures. First of all, It should be considered work-related injuries in the final to give the court finds that the right to avoid a fundamental right of judicial power and the executive that the conclusions in the work of “impasse“; Second, building a convenient and efficient work-related injuries and controversial process that, to that end, proposed the abolition of work-related injuries that pre-dispute review process, labor relations and work-related i
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