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内江师范学院学生试讲教案学 生 试 讲 教 案 院 别: 外 国 语 学 院 专 业: 英 语 专 业 班 级: 09 级 1 班 学生姓名: 邱 瑾 学 号: 20090541212 指导教师: 刘 娟2012 年 4月Teaching Plan for Lesson 2, Module 6 (NSE Book 2)The Second Period, Reading: “Film Review: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”I. Teaching Objectives 1. Language Objectives(1) Important words and phrases actress, character, female, male, martial arts, leap, take place, every now and then, to ones surprise(2) Important sentence patternsa. To everyones surprise b. Martial arts films are often enjoyable but they are seldom great art.c. Unusually, it is the female characters that interest us most.2. Ability Objectives(1) Develop students language skills, namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing. (2) Enable students to talk about the films and the characters in them(3) Enable students to make a comment on a film(4) Try to improve the reading skill of the students, especially their skimming and scanningability3. Moral Objectives (1) Enable students to appreciate the film in a right way and learn the good things from the film(2) Cultivate students spirit of cooperation and strengthen their friendshipII. Important Points How to make a comment on a filmIII. Difficult Points1. Talk about the plots and characters in films2. Master the reading skillIV. Teaching Methods1. Task-based language teaching approach (predicting, asking and answering, chart-filling, group-work); Communicative approach (presentation, discussion, explanation)2. Teaching Aids: chart, posterV. Teaching ProceduresStep I Greeting (1 min) T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. I am so glad to see you, and you?S: Step II Review (5 mins)Ask students to make a presentation and introduce their favorite film.T: Do you still remember what our topic was in the last class? The film, do you all like film? Today we will continue our topicfilm. Yesterday, I gave you a task, remember? Who would like to be the first one to share your film with us?S:T: listen to her carefully.S: T: Any other? Welcome.S: T: Wonderful presentation. You guys really have done a good job. I also want to present a film to you.Step III Lead-in (2 mins)Show the poster of this filmCrouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to students and ask students to get some information from the poster.T: Everyone looks here. How many students have seen this film?S: T: (teacher asks student A) Can you tell us some information about this film? Or come here to analyze this poster.Student A:T: Which type is it? Can you list other films that are the same type?S: T: Good! You guys really have seen many films. But do you know how to comment on a film? Have you ever thought?S:T: Today lets read a film review together. After this reading, maybe you will get the idea.Step IV Pre-reading (5 mins)T: Now please open your book and turn to page 52, have you found it? Before we study this film review. Please look at activity 1 first. (Teacher asks one student to say his difficult word) which word is difficult for you to understand?S:T: Ok, who knows the meaning of these words? Stand up and answer it.Good job. Have all of you known these words? I hope you can remember these words, ok?S: T: lets look at this poster, which word do you think will be in the film?action actor actress character desertexpress female master male martial arts play a part unusualSuggested answers: actor, actress, character, female, male, martial artsT: Is your prediction right? We will check it in this film review: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Ok?Step V While-reading (24 mins)1. SkimmingAsk students to skim this film review and try to understand the general idea ofthe whole article. Then the teacher provides 5 statements and asks students to decide which statement is true and which is false. T: Now I will give you 3 minutes to skim the film review and try to understand this text. Just read it.S: T: Have you finished it? Look at the blackboard. There are five statements; I want you to put T in the right sentence, F in the wrong sentence.(1) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is a masterpiece of martial arts films.(2) Now wuxia film is well-received only in China.(3) The story is mainly about how Li Mubai and Yu Xiulian tried to get back a stolen sword.(4) Chow Yun-Fat played wonderfully in the film and the part Li Mubai interests the audience most. (5) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is really an excellent film.Suggested answer: T F T F TT: Who would like to stand up to correct the wrong statements? 2. ScanningAsk students to read this film review carefully and conclude the main idea of each paragraph. At the same time, the teacher and students analyse the structure and handle some questions of the article toge
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