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英语四级短文听力的2种猜答案技巧短文听力理解题特别注重对细节的考查。所谓细节,从提问的角度来看,就是常说的几个特殊疑问词:what,when,why,who,how,where。在2001年1月至2007年6月期间,共有10次考过短文听力,其中出现what问句71次,why问句15次,how问句10次,when问句4次,who问句、where问句各2次。由此可以看出“短文具体说了什么”是这种试题的主要考查目的。锦囊妙计1:一头一尾。决定成败如果说短文听力只要听懂短文的开头与结尾就能得到较好的成绩,这丝毫不令人意外。为了进一步说明短文听力理解题头尾句的作用,我们先看几个例子。【例】 1. A) The art of saying thank you.B) The secret of staying pretty.C) The importance of good manners.D) The difference between elegance and good manners.2. A) They were nicer and gentler.B) They paid more attention to their appearance.C) They were willing to spend more money on clothes.D) They were more aware of changes in fashion.3. A) By decorating our homes.B) By being kind and generous.C) By wearing fashionable clothes.D) By putting on a little make-up.【录音】Do you remember a time when people were a little nicer and gentler with each other? I certainly do (中间的大段话都没有听懂) Good manners add to your image, while an angry face makes the best dressed person look ugly.Q1: What is the passage mainly about?Q2: What does the speaker say about people of the past?Q3: According to the speaker, how can we best improve our image?20041Passage One【解析】Q1:四个选项都是名词性词组。这是一道主旨大意题。“听到什么选什么”。manners在原文中反复出现,应该能够听到;如果没有幻听,应该不会听到elegance吧?答案为C。Q2:短文第一句话原词再现听到什么选什么。答案为A。Q3:如果不是选择题,丽是问答题,我们会毫不犹豫地回答说:Good manners。似乎没有用上“听到什么选什么”的技巧,不过,同义替换也没有什么可怕的。记住,短文听力理解中一般不会有同音干扰,所以不会有问题的。答案为B。做了上面这篇短文听力理解,读者也许会吓一跳:啊!短文的听力理解原来这么(都不知该用什么语言表达了!)不是说很难吗?其实也不尽然啊!听懂两句话就解决问题了!短文听力魔力法宝:短文开头与结尾的关键词揭示主题内容是解题的重要依据。与“听到什么选什么”原则相结合这些核心词就成为正确答题的钥匙。锦囊妙计2:语义突出之处必是出题关键在听力理解题目中,语义突出的方式颇多。 首先而且主要的语义突出方式就是通过语音现象来加强语气。这一点,稍加注意便可体会到:关键之处,往往前后停顿时间稍长;重要单词,往往读得响亮又清晰。其次,为了与这种语义突出作用相匹配,在词汇上也会有一些特点。比如:the only,the first,the perfect setting等等。这些词的共同特点是,对所修饰的对象起着突出的作用。第三,在语法上,语义突出的方式也令人侧目:because,but,however都能带来新的信息;最高级形式的形容词,表示目的的不定式,都会获得句子重音。第四,在篇章结构上,起承转合之处,排序列举之处,均为显“耳”之处,万万不可忽视。这些语义突出之处,必有题目考查。【例2】1. A) Beauty. B) Loyalty.C) Luck. D) Durability.2. A) He wanted to follow the tradition of his country.B) He believed that it symbolized an everlasting marriage.C) It was thought a blood vessel in that finger led directly to the heart.D) It was supposed that the diamond on that finger would bring good luck.3. A) The two people can learn about each others likes and dislikes.B) The two people can have time to decide if they are a goodmatch.C) The two people can have time to shop for their new home.D) The two people can earn enough money for their wedding.【录音】The period of engagement is the time between the marriage proposal and the wedding ceremony. The diamond represented beauty; he placed it on the third finger of her left hand. He chose that finger because it was thought that the blood vessel in that finger went directly to the heart. Many people say the purpose of the engagement period is to permit enough time to plan the wedding. But the main purpose is to let enough time pass so the two people are sure that, they want to marry each other. Q1: What was the diamond ring said to represent? Q2: Why did the Austrian man place the diamond ring on the third finger of the left hand of his would-be wife? Q3: What is the chief advantage of having the engagement period? 2005.6/Passage Three【解析】Q1:听到什么选什么。短文中的beauty必定重读,它后面有稍许停顿,显得异常响亮。只有思想开小差的人才听不到这个词。答案为A。Q2:如果作为阅读理解题,问题中的why与短文中的because当然很醒目。但是在听力理解过程中,要听清楚转瞬即逝的because,平时还是要多加练习。不错,它是一个很有用的信号词,告诉我们答案之所在但是,如果耳朵不好使,好计策也会落空的!答案为C。Q3:本题的答案,短文中也有显著的标志engagement period。训练耳朵敏锐捕捉“重点”信息的能力,何其重要!我们实在不必完全听懂全文但绝对付不起听不到如此响亮的关键词的代价。答案为B。小结:本例所有题目,都完全符合“听到什么选什么”的战术原则。英语四级长对话听力的3种技巧锦囊妙计1:话题与场景的判断第一个话轮中的核心词汇揭示答案在长对话中,第一个话轮(尤其是对话的第句话)往往引出话题,很可能是对话的主题所在,也是回答主旨、话题以及场景题的依据所在。简而言之,即:第一个话轮中(尤其是对话的第一句话)所包含的(核心)单词就是答案的依据。正确的答案往往是:该单词的重现;该单词的同义替换;由该单词所能得出的自然的推论。【例1】A)Te go boating on the StLawrence RiverB) To go sightseeing in Quebec ProvinceC)To call on a friendin Quebec CityD)To attend a wedding in Montreal【录音】W:Hey,Bob,guess wharf Im going to visit Quebec next summerM:Im invited to go to a friends weddingBut while Im there Idalso like to do some sightseeingQ:Whats the womans main purpose of visiting Quebec? 200612T19【解析】通过选项可知,本题问的是“话题”女士去Quebec的目的。读题时要把握各选项间的差异:四个选项的中心词分别是go boating,go sightseeing, call on a friend和attend a wedding。带着这些内容听对话,并要特别关注对话的第一个话轮。本对话的第三句话说:“我被邀请参加一个朋友的婚礼。”由此可以推断出正确答案是D。【例2】A)Secretary of Birmingham Medical SchoolB) Head of the Overseas Students Office.C) Assistant Director of the Admissions Office.D) An employee in the city council at Birmingham.【录音】M: Sarah, you work in the admissions office, dont you?W: Yes, I, mmm, Ive been here ten years as an assistant director.Q: What is the womans present position? 2007.6/T23【解析】名词选项题,可以判断,本题问某个人的身份。本题若听到了男士的admission 0ffice或女士话语中的assistant director,便可迅速判定答案为C。由上面这些题目可以看出。长对话的第一题很可能就会针对对话的第一个话轮(尤其是第一句话)提问
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