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英语作文范文辞典1(1)Natural Environment New York As I See it 纽约之我见 My first impressions of the skyscrapers in New York were a definite anticlimax. Like the pyramids and the Sphinx in Egypt they are over publicized and take fantastic proportion in the minds of people who have seen them. My first impressions of both are identical: !Not bigger than that! But soon I was caught by the special fascination of New York, that strange city with its Mediterranean faces and its cold, efficient, Nordic soul. In no other city do the human types more remind one of Naples, Tel Aviv or Cairo. But these Mediterranean faces are without the warm, sensitive and passionate Mediterranean soul. The predominantly dark faces are, as it were, a disguise, for the soul behind them remind one of London and Berlin. The soul of New York is cold and indifferent, and brutally efficient, like the soul of Northern Europe. Cities like Rome or Paris or Vienna somehow seem to return ones love but New York does not. And yet it seems to me, paradoxically, eminently lovable and sometimes painfully beautiful, like a dazzling but aloof woman. There is no other city in the world where one can feel more delightfully and absolutely alone in New York, for in no other city are people more indifferent toward each other. In other great cities in the world there are people who are at least interested in other peoples wallets, or curious about each other for various reasons. Not so in New York, where the inhabitants not only ignore each other, but seem to look through each other, which is still a step father in the gradations of indifference. If somebody ignores you, he is still somehow ware of you, and you have at least a negative importance. But if he looks straight through you, as though you were invisible, you eventually begin to wonder if you really still cast a shadow. (from Selected Readings in English by Gunnar D. Kumlien) anticlimax 令人扫兴,兴趣骤降,虎头蛇尾 over publicize 过度宣传 proportion 比例,部分 identical 同一的,不变的,相似的 Mediterranean 地中海式的 Nordic 北欧日耳曼民族的 sensitive 敏感的 passionate 热情奔放的 predominantly 绝大多数地,普遍地 disguise 伪装,假装 indifferent 冷漠的,无动于衷的 brutally 残忍地,蛮横地 paradoxically 自相矛盾地,似是而非地 eminently 出众地,超凡的 Welly制作英语作文范文辞典2dazzling 漂亮迷人的,令人眩惑的 aloof 冷淡的,清高的 absolutely 绝对地 inhabitant 居住者 gradation 等级,程序 Sphinx 狮身人面像 Naples 那不勒斯 Tel Aviv 特拉维夫 Cairo 开罗 Which is still a step farther in the gradations of indifference. 就冷漠程度而论是更进了一步。 英语作文范文辞典3Kirkwall 柯克沃尔 Kirkwall was a town of ineffable delight. By comparison with the isolation of the Island it was all bustle and excitement. The narrow paved streets on which pedestrians, horse drawn vehicles and cars all made their way together were lined with brightly lit shop windows. In the harbor great ships lay at anchor bearing the names of faraway places like Aberdeen and even Leith; and, most exciting of all, up at the far end of the main street, sheltered by the buildings, there grew a tree! A tree was something so exotic in our experience that whenever we visited Kirkwall we could hardly wait to rush up the street to see if it was still there. It would not have surprised us if a panther had lurked among its branches waiting to pounce down on an unwary passer-by or if brightly plumaged parrots had hopped from twig to twig. (From Against the Wind by Douglas Sutherland) ineffable 无法表达的,不可言喻的 bustle 忙碌,熙熙攘攘 at anchor 抛锚泊定船只 exotic 奇异的,异乎寻常的 panther 豹 lurk 潜伏,埋伏 pounce 猛扑,突然袭击 unwary 不注意的,不警惕的 plumage 长有羽毛 hop 齐足跳英语作文范文辞典4Piccadilly before Dawn 黎明前的皮卡迪利大街 Piccadilly before dawn. After the stir and ceaseless traffic of the day, the silence of Piccadilly early in the morning, in the small hours, seems barely credible. It is unnatural and rather ghostly. The great street in its emptiness has a sort of solemn broadness, descending in a majestic sweep with the assured and stately ease of a placid river. The are is pure and limpid, but resonant, so that a solitary cab suddenly sends the whole street ringing, and the heavy pace of the horse resounds with long reverberations. Impressive because of their regularity, the electric lights, self-assertive and brazen, flood the surroundings with a strong and snowy brightness; with a kind of indifferent violence they cast their light upon the huge silent houses, and lower down throw into distinctness the long evenness of the park railings and the nearer trees. And between, outshone, like an uneven string of discolored gems, twinkles the yellow flicker of the gas jets. There is silence everywhere, but the houses are quiet and still with a different silence form the rest, standing very w
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