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Unit 12 My childhood in the countrysideI. 单词辨音:( )*1. A. have B. face C. skate D. date( )*2. A. great B. ready C. sweater D. headmaster( )*3. A. like B. give C. ride D. side( )4. A. hot B. police C. box D. modern( )5. A. put B. but C. supper D. uncleII. 单项选择:( )1. She was born_ a small village. A. on B. in C. at D. for( )*2. When he _ young, he _ skating very much. A. is; likes B. is; liked C. was; liked D. was; like( *)3. There_ many bikes in the streets ten years ago. A. was B. is C. are D. were( )4. Lily spent 30 yuan _ the books yesterday. A. in B. at C. on D. of( )*5. -_was your holiday? - It was very nice. A. How B. Where C. What D. Which( )*6. The room was filled _ sunshine. A. on B. with C. for D. in( )*7. Grace often helps her mother_ some housework. A. did B. do C. does D. doing( )*8. -Did she _ her grandparents? - No, she _. A. visit; hadnt B. visit; doesnt C. visit; didnt D. visited; didnt( )*9. Mike _ yesterday afternoon. A. goes swimming B. go swimming C. went to swimming D. went swimming( )*10. -Was she a famous singer 10 years ago? - _. A. Yes, she is. B. No, she was. C. No, she wasnt D. Yes, she does. ( )11. Mr Zhang was in London _ 1980 _ 1983. A. from; on B. from; in C. on; to D. from; to( )*12. I was ill and I didnt go to school the day before yesterday. _ A. Dont worry. B. Im very sorry to hear that. C. It doesnt matter. ( )*13. My sister wants to be a doctor when she _ up. A. grow B. will grow C. grows D. grew( )*14. He and his mother _ at home last night. A. are B. is C. was D. were( )*15. Tom _ my birthday last year. A. gave me a pen for B. gave a pen for me forC. give a pen to me for D. give me a pen forIII. 完形填空: Dick did not live too far away from school, so he liked to 1 to school every day. On his way to school he always went past(经过)a playground. When it rained, like many other boys, Dick liked playing in the water . One afternoon when the boy came 2 , he was all wet . His mother become very angry. And said, “ 3 play in the water after school. ” The next day he was very 4 again, and his mother became 5 angrier. “Ill tell your father 6 you go to play in the water again,” she said, “And then hell punish(惩罚)you. ” The 7 day the boy was 8 when he came back from school. “You are a good boy today. ” His mother said, “You didnt play in the water. ”“No. ” he answered, “ 9 there were so 10 older boys in the water. I couldnt play in it. ”( )1. A. go B. walk C. fly D. come( )2. A. house B. family C. home D. room( )3. A. Dont B. Cant C. Mustnt D. Doesnt( )4. A. dry B. late C. early D. wet( )5. A. very B. more C. too D. even( )6. A. if B. before C. for D. so( )7. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth( )8. A. dry B. wet C. tall D. short( )9. A. So B. Or C. If D. Because( )10. A. many B. much C. more D. mostIV. 阅读理解:A Mr Smith did the shopping in the street one afternoon. A short time later, he saw a truck hit(撞击)a car not far from the shop. He ran to help at once. There was only a man in the truck and one woman in the car. They didnt hurt(伤害)themselves, but the car was broken. The woman looked very white and she didnt feel well. Mr Smith asked her into his house and gave her some tea. She was a kind woman of 30 years old. She drank the tea and soon looked much better. Then she said to Mr Smith , “Do you have a telephone, please? I would like to telephone my husband. ” Soon the bell rang and in came her husband. “Oh, its you, Dick! Im very pleased(高兴的) to see you and your wife in my house,” Mr Smith said. “Yes. Its much better to meet here than in hospital,” Dick said. ( )1. Mr Smith _ one afternoon. A. went to see his friend by car. B. hit a truck on the road. C. hit a woman in the street D. did the shopping in the street( )2. The truck hit _. A. a woman in the street B. a car C. Mr Smith D. womans husband( )3. Which is right
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