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Unit 6教学目标: 1. To learn to use adverbs of manner to give more information about the way things happen 2. To learn form of manner 教学重点: 1. To learn form of manner2. To master the differences between adjectives and adverbs 教学难点: 1. To learn form of manner预习作业&预习交流 . Try to read the new words. 写出下列单词的反义词1. happy _ 2. honest _3. regular _4. possible _ 5. able _ 6. friendly _7. unnecessary _8. incorrect _9. unpopular _10. careless _11.useful_12.uncomfortable _. 写出下列形容词的副词形式13.free _ 14. close _ 15. nice _ 16. easy _17. polite _ 18. noisy _ 19. careful _20. heavy _ 21. slow _ 22. gentle _交流展示&点拨提高Step1 Presentation 1. Elicit the adjective and adverbTell the students that I have been to the Beijing Wildlife Park, too. But I didnt enjoy it because it rained. Show the picture and elicit the adjective and adverb.e.g. : It rained heavily. The rain was very heavy.In the same way, show another picture and elicit another pair of adjective and adverbe.g.: He is always very careful when he drives. He drives carefully(give two or three more examples like the above sentences, ask Ss to summarize the different usages of the adjectives and adverbs)Step 2 Practice1 : Do Part C1 on Page84 and remember the words.2. read the adverbs loudly3. Get the students to work out the rules1) Most adjectives+ly quietquietly politepolitely2)Adjectives ending in lee +y gentlegently3)adjectives ending in y -y +ily easyeasily happyhappilyStep 3 Practice1. Read the exercisesC2 on Page85 quickly to get the main ideaAsk Ss some questions to see if they can understand it1) Where did the Class1, Grade8 students go?2) How did they travel there?3) How did they feel?4) Who greeted them when they arrived there?5) What did he tell them about?6) What did he tell them not to do?2. Complete the exerciseC2, And first check the answers in pairs. Then check the answers together.3. Ask Ss to finish PartC3, use adverbs and rearrange the words to make sentences.3. do more exercises 1). Birds/ in Zhalong / free/ fly 2) some birds/ very noisy/ when they/ sing/ hungry/ are 3) fast/ the birds/ do not walk/ because you/ very/ will frighten 4) sing/ hear that/ beautiful/ you will/ birds 5)dance/ Simon/ able to/ is/ very good : irregular change: some adjectives also can be adverbs: early, fast, high, hard,some adjectives and their adverbs are different words: goodwelltrue -e + ly truly Step 4 SummarizeT: Today we have learned how to form adverbs and how to use adverbs of manner in sentences. When you want to give more information about the way things happen, you can use adverbs of manner instead of adjectives.当堂检测题一 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Little Tom is sleeping, so we must walk _ (quiet) and talk _ (gentle)2. Many birds live (comfortable) in Zhalong3. I think I can solve the question_ (easy)4. Lets _(active) take action to protect them5. I am _(true) sorry that I keep you waiting here for two hours二 汉译英1. 他总是很粗心地撞倒我的书。He is _2. 阳光明媚地照耀,我们感觉非常开心The sun _ and we _3. 当我们看到那些可爱的动物时非常激动When we saw _, _4. 朱老师叫他们仔细听他讲课 Mr. Zhu _
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