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Unit 5 Amazing things period 4 Grammar教学目标: To learn the structure and the usage of the simple past tense.Be able to talk about the things in the past according to the situations.重点难点: To learn to talk about the things in the past with the proper forms of verbs.教学过程:Step 1 Lead-in1. Ask Ss: How many days are there in a week? What are they?2. Then present the simple past tense by asking Ss again: What day is it today? What day was it yesterday?3. Revise some content of Reading and complete the passage with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. It _ (be) Sunday morning. Millie and Amy _ (sit) under a big tree. They _ (hear) a whisper but _ (find) nothing. They _ (run) away and _ (meet) Andy. He _ (go) to the park and found the ghost _ (be) a cat. They _ (take) the cat to the animal center.Step 2 Presentation1. Put a students bag into the desk and make a dialogue with the student:T: Wheres the school bag?S: Its in the desk. Then put the bag on the desk and ask:T: Where is the school bad now?S: Its on the desk. 2. The teacher write the sentence on the Bb: The school bag is on the desk now. Then ask the student some questions and write down the answers on the Bb again, like:T: But where was the school bag a moment ago?S: The school bag was in the desk a moment ago.Then underline “was” and “a moment ago”.3. Ask one student: What do you do every day?Then write down the key words of the students answers on the Bb:Every day: get upwash facego to schoolhave lunchdo sports4. Ask Ss to use yesterday instead of every day to talk about the things they did yesterday and then write down the key words:Yesterday: got upwashed facewent to schoolhad lunchdid sports5. Divide Ss into different groups and discuss the changes because of time and then the teacher help Ss to summarize the concept of the simple past tense: We use the simple past tense to talk about things in the past.Step 3 Presentation1. Present the verbs and their forms of the past participles:turnturned live-lived cry-cried stop-stopped2. Then help Ss to summarize the rules changing verbs into the past paticiples.规则变化:(1) 直接加ed(2) 以e结尾的单词加d(3) 辅音字母加y结尾的单词去y为i加ed(4) 重读闭音节,双写最后的辅音加ed不规则变化:(1) 不变(2) 只变元音字母(3) 只变辅音字母(4) 元音字母和辅音字母都发生变化(5) 其他不规则变化4. Present the following verbs and ask Ss in groups of two to complete the exercises:stay _ share _ chat _prepare _ study _ carry _check_ like _ pick _plan _ invite _ drop _Step 4 Practice 1. Ss learn the rules of the verbs and have a discussion about them. 2. Ask Ss to complete the exercises in Part A on page 62 and encourage them to ask questions.3. Ask Ss to complete the exercises in Part B on page 62 and check if they have grasped the rules.4. Ask Ss to complete the exercises in Part C on page 62 and check the answers together. We can ask Ss to answer these questions: (1)Which museum did they go the day before yesterday、 (2)What amazing things did they see? (3)What else did they learn?Homework 1. Finish the guide-learning paper 2. Recite the passages or dialogues in Grammar 教学反思
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