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Unit 6 How do you feel?,Hey,lets have some popcorn.(popcorn为不可数名词) 嗨,咱们吃些爆米花吧. Yum!Im so happy.I love popcorn. (极好的)妙,我如此高兴,我喜欢爆米花. Here you are .Ill go and get some drinks.Wait for me. 给你,等我一下,我要去弄些饮料. Hey,wheres my popcorn? 嗨,我的爆米花在哪? Yum!It was so good. (极好的)妙,太 (was为is的过去式) 好了 What?How could you eat all the popcorn?!We should share .什么?你怎么可以吃了所有的爆米花?我们应该分享.(could为can的过去式),Mum,if I feel angry,what should I do? 妈妈,如果我感到生气,我应该做什么? Well,first,take a deep breath.Then you should count to ten .那好.首先.深深吸一口气,然后你应该数到十. After that?之后呢? After that ,you wont feel so angry. 在那之后,你将不会感到如此生气了. Mum,I fell ill.Should I count to ten,too? 妈妈,我感觉生病了,我也应该数到十么? No,dear.You should see a doctor. 不,亲爱的,你应该去看医生.,重要词组,take a deep breath (深深吸一口气) count to ten (数到十) will not=won t (将不会) see a doctor (看医生),Its cold outside. Sam is talking with Sarah. Listen and circle.,1.Where are they? A. At home B. At school,2.What will they do? A. Eat some fruit B. Watch films,Sam:这个卡通关于什么? Sarah:它是关于一只小猫的。小猫是一个警察。 Sam:醋! Sarah:他逮老鼠。它们害怕它。 Sam:为什么? Sarah:因为老鼠很坏。它们祸害人类。这只猫很生它们的气。 Sam:或许我们的猫现在正在逮老鼠。 老鼠mouse的复数是mice,be afraid of (doing)sth.害怕 /担心(做)某事,Be angry with sb.生某人的气,A,重点短语辩析,1.be afraid of (doing)sth.害怕 /担心(做)某事,be afraid to do sth.害怕 /担心(做)某事,Most of girls are afraid of the dogs.大部分女孩害怕狗。,The boy is afraid of speaking in front of the classroom.男孩害怕在教室的前面说话。,Mary is afraid to go out at night.玛丽在晚上不敢出去。,2.be angry with sb.生某人的气,be angry about sth.因某而生气,Dont be angry with him, He is only a child. 不要生他的气,他还是一个孩子.,He is afraid about what they said.他对他们所说的话感到生气。,I am afraid of(害怕)tigers.,I am afraid of _ (chase) snakes. There are a lot of _ (mouse) under the ground. Amy is angry _ me. Because I broke her favorite toy. How _ (do) they feel? My mother is worried _ my grandpas health. -How _ (do) Jack feel? -He _ (feel) sad. -Why _ he sad?,chasing,mice,with,do,about,does,feels,is,His son is ill. He is very _. I am _, because I will go to the park this afternoon. Harry eats my apple. I am very _. My little cat is dead. I am _. People wear scary clothes on Halloween. I am _ of these scary dressing. I slept at eleven last night. Now I am _. I have nothing to do. I am _. Ms Wang asks me a question. Its hard. I dont know how to answer it. I am _.,worried,happy,angry,sad,afraid,sleepy,bored,nervous,看一看告诉你的同伴.这些图画让你感到怎么样?,afraid,worrid,happy,A,Im happy when I ,The girl is happy.,1. How does he feel ?,2. Why does he feel that ?,He is sad .,Because his ear hurts(疼痛的).,1. How does they feel ?,2. Why do they feel that ?,They are angry(生气的).,Because Guangtouqiang hurts(伤害) the trees .,1. How does he feel ?,2. Whay does he feel that ?,He is happy .,He is playing game .,1. How do they feel ?,2. Why do they feel that ?,They are afraid(害怕).,Because the black cat chases them .,It is about _ and _ .,Look,Tom is afraid of the _. And _ is afraid(害怕)of the _ .,Look , the cat is chasing(追赶) the _,The girl is sad.,生气的,The boy is angry.,The boy is worried.,担心的 发愁的,How do you feel?你感觉怎么样?,angry.生气的 afraid害怕 Im sad难过的 worried担心的;发愁的 happy髙兴的,主语 +be(look / feel) +形容词 系动词 表语,afraid,happy,worried,sad,angry,angry,sad,worried,happy,afraid,How does he /she feel?他/她感觉怎么样?,Hes,写写,说说,worried,afraid,happy,angry,sad,The mouse is _.,afraid,Which one is right?,B,Mum:萨拉,山姆,请来这儿 Sarah:怎么了? Mum:你爸爸生病了。他上 午应该去看病,因此我们今 天不能去动物园了。 Sam:哦,不。 Mum:不要难过。我们可以 下次去! Sam:爸爸现在感觉怎么样? Mum:不是很好。我们一起 去医院吧!,和你的朋友演一演,帮助,应该,看病,go to the doctor =see a doctor,多做锻炼,“主语 +should +动词原形”句型 表示“建议,要求等”.,穿暖和的衣服,wear 同音词 where,-,-,深呼吸,并且数到十,活动要求: 两人一组,完成本部份任务.一位同学拿着说明问题或症状的卡片,用What should I do?询问建议,另一住同学用You should.给出建议.比一比哪一组的同学解决的问题最多.,玩纸牌游戏,你能给出什么建议?,为每个单词画脸,happy,She is happy. They are happy. Happy, happy, Happy, happy, she is happy. they are happy.,sad,He is sad. Sad, sad, he is sad.,angry She is angry.,afraid,The man is afraid.,The mouse is _.,afraid,worried The bear is worried.,这是一个睛朗的早上.罗宾正打算坐在草地上,这时他听见“等一下” 。 是只小蚂蚁.他很害怕. “请不要坐在我身上.有一天我能帮助你.” “别担心,小蚂蚁,我不会坐在你身上的.”罗宾说. 第二天,下雨了.罗宾在公园里.他陷在泥里了.他很担心. 然后他听见这样的声音, “让我们帮助你吧!”那是小蚂蚁和他所有的朋友们。 他们很强壮.他们把罗宾从泥里拉了出来. 每个人都很高兴.,这个故亊告诉我们什么?,我们应该总是对彼此友好,伤害,给图片标一标序号,afraid,worried,pull Robin out of the mud,is happy,如有两个爆破音/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/连贯出现在同一单词內部或连贯出现在前一单词结尾与后一单词开头,前一辅音音素只按其发音部位形成阻碍,但不爆破,稍作间息后立即过渡到后一个音的发音部位并爆破.这种现象称为失去爆破. 如: sit down si(t) down似乎听不到任何人会把sit的/t/音完整地发出来,这个音几乎永远失去.,听一听,并重复.,看课本第62页,找一找并说一说更多像这样的(发音),失去爆破,活动: 练习本单元重点词汇及描述感受的句型.四人一组,比一比哪一组同学想出的单词最多,谁能准确无误地说出心理的感受。,1.Zip:我最喜欢的电视节目马上开始了.让我们看电视吧.你有爆米花吗? Zoom:我去做一些. 2. .Zip:我迫不及待了.我爱爆米花.我太高兴了. 3. Zip:他肯定在做很多爆米花.太好了. 4. Zip:他在哪儿?我现在有点担心.我将去检查一下. 5 Zip:哦,Zoom,你在这儿干什么? Zoom:我在做爆米花. Zip:什么?! 6.Zoom;:哦,别生气!数到十并深呼吸.嗯,我刚种了些爆米花种子.但是它们要花很长的时间长出来.我仍在等. Zip:哦不,
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