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Postgraduate Course文化理論Cultural TheoryInterdisciplinary work, so much discussed these days, is not about confronting already constituted disciplines (none of which, in fact, is willing to let itself go). To do something interdisciplinary its not enough to choose a “subject” (a theme) and gather around it two or three sciences. Interdisciplinarity consists in creating a new object that belongs to no one. _Roland Barthes課程簡介文化理論課程是針對當代文化議題與文化研究理論做一介紹。文化理論所涉及的領域相當廣泛,本課程除了提供並研讀文化理論的核心主題之外,並以碩博士階段常遇見的認識論、方法論問題為主軸,期待學生能熟悉文化理論主要的核心關懷與辯論。課程所要處理的範疇包括,從西方馬克斯主義到後結構主義轉向、語言與論述、傅科與文化研究、認同與差異、以及科學研究(STS)等。以差異與認同問題為主軸,這節課探討的概念包括,主體性、自我與他者、認同政治與再現。課程分為四部分,第一與第二週,我們將從自然與文化的二元對立關係談起,從nature/culture的二分概念討論中,試圖mapping出文化研究、女性主義、科學研究等認識論的基礎與其對立面。三到六週,我們將進入法蘭克福學派、阿圖塞以及後結構主義轉向。在此最重要的部分是語言、論述與權力的關係,也就是理解後結構主義的轉向的重要概念與思考。同學通常容易混淆的部分是論述分析之中,關於主體、作者與文本/論述的關係。所以,我們從論述分析(研究方法)的問題出發,進入到關於作者已死與以及語言的理論之中找尋解答。接著,我們就能夠銜接英國文化研究學者Stuart Hall的重要理論基礎-再現。由於再現探討的是關於文化意義於語言、論述的關係,因此我們接著進入這個文化理論重點主題之中。第三部分,我們將綜合討論後現代主義理論中有關認同、差異與主體的問題。我們將檢視從現代到後現代主義轉變過程中,認同概念的轉變以及其於大眾文化之中所展現之特性。此部分我們著於從現代主義到後現代主義的理論脈絡理解;當然,所挑選的經驗研究主題主要還是以大眾文化現象、消費、以及通俗文化研究、性別議題為主。第四部分將以專題方式來進行,我們請到清華大學林文源教授來帶大家討論Foucaultian 科學研究的認識論與方法論問題,為同學開啟科學研究mapping新視野與觀念。世新大學陳政亮教授帶大家討論英國工人文化研究的重要理論家Paul Willis 的勞工史著作,進入英國勞工史書寫的精彩世界。最後,本課程特別強調女性主義與文化理論中的各種命題:理論與實踐的關係(theory and practice)、跨學科整合的必要(interdisciplinary research)以及針對知識的認識論的反省。此節課不只要求熟悉相關文化理論,更重要的是希望能將個人生活經驗,與理論結合,探討如何將不同理論取向,歸納、整合、批判,並開展出研究者特殊的研究取向與方法。 Assessment1. 期中、期末報告各一篇,每篇以一萬字至一萬五千字為主,不超過兩萬字。也可以選擇一篇三萬字大報告來寫。研究報告必須與理論提問對話,架構完整、立論清楚。研究報告之主題可以與自己的論文研究相關(最好相關,以使畢業時間更有效率),決定研究主題之後,必須先與老師討論,再進行寫作。2. 每週個人課堂報告佔成績20 %,期中、期末報告各佔40%Core Readings: 1. Gray, Ann and McGuigan, J. (eds). 1993. Studying Culture: An Introductory Reader. Arnold. SCAIR. 2. The Cultural Studies Reader. 1993. During, Simon (ed). London: Routledge. (CSR)3. Cultural Studies. 1992. Grossberg, Lawrence, Cary Nelson and Paula Treichler. Routledge (CS) 4. Hall, Stuart. 1997. Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. Open University.5. Peter Brooker,2003。文化理論詞彙(A Glossary of Cultural Theory),王志弘翻譯。巨流。6.文化與社會(Culture and Society),1998。Jeffrey C. Alexander and Steven Seidman. 立緒。7. Hall, Stuart (1996) Introduction: who needs identity?, in Stuart Hall & Paul du Gay (eds.), Questions of Cultural Identity (pp. 1-17). London: Sage.8. Smith, Philip. 2001. Cultural Theory: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell. (文化理論的面貌,林宗德譯,韋伯文化)。9.後現代文化導論,1999,Steven Connor 著,唐維敏譯。五南出版社。本課程內容將隨同學程度與上課狀況而調整2/21 Week 1. 導論與課程簡介:what is interdisciplinary research? What is theories of culture?Smith, Philip. 2001. Cultural Theory: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell. (文化理論的面貌,林宗德譯,韋伯文化)。2/28 Week 2. Nature v.s. Culture*Raymond Williams, Cultural is Ordinary. (SCAIR) *Ortner, Sherry B. 1998. Is female to male as nature is to culture?, in Landes Joan B. (ed) Feminism, the Public and the Private. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. Paul Willis, Symbolic Creativity. (SCAIR) Fiske, John. 1992. Cultural Studies and the Culture of Everyday Life. (CS)Lury, Celia. 1995. The rights and wrongs of culture: issues of theory and methodology. In Feminist Cultural Theory: Process and Production. Manchester: Manchester University Press.Franklin, Sarag, Lury, Celia and Stacey, Jackie. 1991. Feminism and Cultural Studies. In Off-Centre: Feminism and cultural Studies. London: GarperCollinsAcademic.Fuss, D. 1989. The risk of essence, in Essentially Speaking: Feminism, Nature & Difference (pp. 1-21). New York: Routledge.3/7 Week 3. Althusser:意識型態與意識型態國家機器*Althusser, Louis. 1994. Ideolology and Ideological State Apparatus (Notes toward an Investigation). In Mapping Ideology, edited by Slavoj Zizek. London and New York: Verso.Butler, Judith. 1997. The Psychic Life of Power. Chapter 4. pp.106-131.Butler, J., Laclau, Ernesto and Zizek, Slavoj. 2000. Contingency, Hegemony, Universality. London: Verso.3/14 Week 4. Gramsci :文化霸權 / Adorno, Theodor and Max Horkheimer: 文化工業*Adorno, Theodor and Max Horkheimer. The Cultural Industry. (CSR) 黃瑞祺,批判社會學,法蘭克福學派的批判理論,pp. 105-122。Theodore W. Adorno. 文化工業再探。李紀舍譯,中外文學,25:2: 146-153。3/21 Week 5. 關於 作者已死?Foucault, M. What is an author?. In Mukerji, Chandra and Schudson, M. (eds.) Rethinking Popular Culture: Contemporary Perspectives in Cultural Studies. London: University of California Press. Barthes, Roland. 1977. The Death of the Author. (http:/faculty.smu.edu/dfoster/theory/Barthes.htm)3/28 Week 6. Representation * Hall, Stuart. 1997. Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. Open University. pp. 1-74Barthes, Roland. 1999. Rhetoric of the image. In Visual culture : the reader, edited by Jessica and Hall Evans, Stuart. London: Sage in association with the Open University.4/4 Week 7. 論述分析:語言、主體與意識型態Somers, Margaret R. and Gloria D. Gibson. 1994. Reclaimin
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