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A teaching plan for talking about tourist attractions人教版Book 5 unit 2 The United KingdomUsing language: Reading,Speaking and Writing一 教学内容及设计思路 (一)教学内容包含三部分:1. 复习主课文,从检查英国的主要地理知识着手,然后引出新课;2. 阅读本单元Using language 部分的课文Sightseeing in London, 学习作者第一次观光伦敦旅游景点都有何感想,进一步学习激起作者这些感想的细节内容,并思考作者为什么会对某些景点重墨描写;3. 模仿文章的手法,以一个旅游者的身份口头描述和书面描写在贵州(贵阳)你看过的某处(或几处)风景的感受,用简单的描述来说明(二)设计思路本课设计思路包含以下步骤:1. 复习课文(地理)知识入手。引出新的课文;2. 在新课文学习时,先简单了解课文介绍了哪些历史古迹(旅游点)-按day1、day2、day3的顺序;3. 对于每个不同景点,作者的感受如何?通过寻找相关的单词(形容词、名词)、短语(表达)来表示。进一步引导学生弄清楚为啥会有这种感受?(supporting details)4. 进一步引导学生思考:哪些景点作者进行比较详细的介绍?为什么?-从作者的角度出发;(critical thinking)5. 阶段复习以上所学,给学生分发贵州旅游景点的小册子,让其以一个旅游者的身份来口头描述在贵州(贵阳)看过的某处(或几处)风景的感受及细节;6. 书面表达。基于以上口头描述,模仿文章的手法,以一个旅游者的身份来描写在贵州(贵阳)你看过的某处(或几处)风景的感受,用简单的描述来说明二 教学目标及重难点Knowledge aims:Ss will be able to pick out and further understand the words and expressions in the text used to describe the girls impressions and feeling towards different sites of historical and tourists interest.Ability aimsThe students will be able to talk and write about how they would feel to visit a local site (or several sites) using the words and expressions in the passage.Emotional aims:1. To strengthen the Ss cultural awareness by understanding and perceiving the culture of London through studying itsits historical sites and tourist attractions;2. To arouse students love for and pride in their hometown by introducing scenic spots of their hometown.Important point:To pick out and further understand the words and expressions used to describe the girls impressions and feeling towards different sites of historical and tourists interest.Difficult pointTo talk and write about how they would feel to visit a local site (or several sites) using the words and expressions in the passage.Teaching and learning method:task-based approachTeaching aids:ppt slides and some brochures二教学过程Step I Reviewing for leading-inShow the Ss the map of the UK and guide them to answer the following questions one by one which are about what they have learnt in the passage PUZZLES IN GEOGRAPHY:1. Which country is it?-The UK.2. Whats the full name of the UK?-The United Kingdom of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland.3. What countries does The Great Britain consist of?-England, Wales, Scotland.4. Whats the capital of the UK?-London.5. If you want to learn sth about the culture and history of England, which city would you like to go?-London.建议删掉这个问题.建议改为:呈现两幅图片,一副为真正的伦敦桥,一个为London Tower Bridge,问:which is London Bridge?根据学生的回答,引出:There are a lot more interesting places to visit in London。Today a Chinese students will take you all to have a sightseeing in London。然后呈现文章标题。Step Reading-SkimmingT: Well, a Chinese student, Zhang Pingyu went to London for sightseeing. Lets follow her to visit some historical sites and tourist attractions there. Skim the passage SIGHTSEEING IN LONDON and make a list of the sites or places Zhang Pingyu visited in London.TimeDay 1Day 2Day 3Sites/places1. Scanning (pair work)T: This was the first time for Zhang Pingyu to go sightseeing in London, so she had some strong feelings for the sites she visited, right? For example,Now, scan the text and find outour the words and expressions Zhang Pingyu used to describe her feelings for each sites she visited.TimeSites/placesFeelingsDay 11. London Tower2. St Pauls Cathedral3. Westminster Abby4. Big Ben5. Buckingham PalaceDay 21. Greemwish with old ships2. Clock3. Longitude LineDay 31. Karl Marxs statue2. British MuseumKeys for reference:TimeSites/places记得带读这些名词,必要时可以用图片来考查学生的记忆。FeelingsDay 11. London Towerfirst delight, fancy, her great surprise2. St Pauls Cathedralsplendid3. Westminster Abbyinteresting4. Big Benfamous5. Buckingham PalaceDay 21. GreenwichGreemwish with old ships2. Clockfamous3. Longitude Linemost interestingDay 31. Karl Marxs statuestrange2. British Museumsadly, thrilled, proudStep Careful reading (pair work)建议把这部分和上面那部分结合,即用同一个表格,一部分填写feelings,一部分填写supporting details。考虑到时间的关系,可以分组完成任务,然后分享。Find out the supporting details for Zhang Pingyus feelings.T:As we know, Zhang Pingyu felt fancy to see the Tower, right? Then, what is it about the Tower that makes her feel fancy?.Find out the other supporting details for other feelings.SitesFeelingsSupporting detailsLondon Towerfirst delightfancyher great surpriseSt Pauls CathedralsplendidWestminster AbbyinterestingBig BenfamousClockfamousfamoursLongitude Linemost interestingKarl Marxs statuestrangeBritish Museumsadly,thrilledproudKeys for reference:SitesFeelingsSupporting detailsLondon Towerfirst delightits long historyfancyRemain standing there for one thousand yearsher gr
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