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八年级上册教案设计Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller.Section C. Material analysis 本节课的主要活动为1a和2a。 本节课以阅读的形式介绍了因特网的利与弊,复习“主语+及物动词+宾语+宾补”的结构,同时要求学生快速阅读文章了解文章大意,通过英文解释判断单词的含义以及寻找细节信息,培养学生全面看待事物的能力。2a通过小组合作以采访的形式了解学生使用因特网的情况,要求学生根据采访信息写一篇介绍同学们使用因特网情况的文章。教师可以通过全面分析因特网的特点,给学生提供一些关键词,帮助学生辩论因特网的优点及缺点。要求学生通过自己的实际情况参与掌握本课。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 能根据音标正确拼读下列生词:correct, safely, true, perfect, cheat, search。2. 能理解下列单词的含义并能拼写其中的黑体词:perfect, true, correct, search。3. 能够正确使用“主语+及物动词+宾语+宾补”的结构。 4. 能够用英语谈论因特网的利与弊。 Skill aims:1. 能听懂本课文本材料,及其他介绍因特网的文章。 2. 能在图片或者关键词的提示下,介绍一件事物的正反两方面。3. 能读懂本篇文章以及与之水平相当的文章。4. 能通过调查,写出他人使用因特网的情况。Emotional aims: 通过对因特网利与弊的学习,学生能够明白任何事物都有两面性的道理,教育学生正确使用因特网。. The key points and difficult points Key points: 1. 复习“主语+及物动词+宾语+宾补”的结构。 2. 学习用英文介绍因特网的特点。 3. 利用所学知识、结合调查的结果写一篇有关同学们使用因特网情况的文章。 Difficult points: 根据采访结果写一篇报道。. Learning strategies1. 在学习因特网利与弊的时候,对比记忆,一条优点与之对应的不足,可以让你在辩论的时候借助对方的信息,还击对方。2. 采访结束之后,你应该将采访的结果用文章的形式记录下来。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(6 minutes)1. The whole class work and group work2. Group work3. Group work and individual work4. Group work and individual work5. Individual work1. Students enjoy the short movie. Understand “Every coin has two sides”.2. Students discuss the questions and the short movie, then answer the first question.3. Students give their different answers according to their own ideas.4. Volunteers answer the question with different answers. Other students show their own opinion by saying “I am sure it is a good way for English learning.” “I am not sure if .”5. Students choose the good ways that fit for them.1. Show a short movie about different people using the Internet in different ways. Such as a little boy is playing games on the Internet day and night. Another boy is studying English on the Internet.2. Show the questions in 1a to students. Then ask students to discuss these questions in groups.3. Invite students to answer question 1 and 2. 4. Invite more students to share their answers of question 3 “ How can you use the Internet to learn English after class?”5. Teacher summarizes the good ideas of English learning.E.g. Watching English movies after finishing homework.Searching some good ways to remember new words.Presentation(10 minutes)1. The whole class work 2. The whole class work3. The whole class work and group work4. The whole class work 5. Individual work6. Group work1. Students read 1a. The first and last paragraphs can help them find the main idea of the passage.Underline the new words.2. Students find the new words in passages and guess the meanings in the sentences.3. Students check their answers by changing the new words into their meanings. Then check the answers in groups.4. Students read the new words after the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation.5. Students read 1a again. They can find that the whole passage is talking about the Internet.6. Students read 1a carefully. They can find the answers in paragraphs 2 and 3.1. Finish 1a.Ask students to read 1a, then get the main idea of the passage and underline the new words: “change, side, true, perfect”. 2. Finish 1b. Show 1b to students and give them 2 minutes to finish 1b.3. Advise students to change the words into their meanings in the passage. Ask students to check whether their answers are right or wrong.4. Teach the new words.5. Give students 2 minutes to read the passage again. And then ask students to give it a good title. 6. Show 1d to students. Then ask students to read 1a carefully and fill in the table. Consolidation(10 minutes)1. Individual work2. Group work3. Group work4. Group work and the whole class work1. Students share their answers with their classmates and all the answers can be found in the passage.2. Students discuss in groups. They should look the information up in the textbooks and the notebooks.3. Students stand up one by one, showing their ideas and sitting down. Each student has 2 minutes to express their ideas once. They should debate actively. E.g.Group A: I am sure the Internet can bring us convenience. We can do some shopping without leaving the room.Group B: I am not sure if your words are true. More and more people buy things on the Internet. But we cant see the goods directly. Sometimes they are not good.4. Students discuss in groups and know they should use the Internet correctly from now on.1. Invite some students to share their answers with their classmates. 2. Debate: Teacher divides the class into two parts. Part one aims to fi
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