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Topic 2 Where are you fromSection A. Material analysis本节课是一节听说课,主要活动是1a, 2a和3a。通过人物对话学习有关询问姓名、国籍的表达方式,训练学生的听说能力,并能正确使用人称代词:you, they;形容词性物主代词:my, your;Be动词am, is are的一般现在时在不同情况下形式上的不同变化;特殊疑问词what, where, who引导的特殊疑问句以及缩写形式;初步了解元音字母a,e和辅音字母p, b, t, d, k和g的读音规则并能够根据已学音标进行单词的拼读和拼写。另外,在本课学生还将了解到一些西方国家的标志性建筑、自然风光和名胜古迹。II. Teaching aims Knowledge aims 能够听懂、正确朗读并应用新学习的单词: excuse, me, name, America, Japan等; 能够正确使用be动词am, is, are的一般现在时在不同情况下形式上的不同变化及缩写形式Im = I am, theyre = they are, whats = what is, arent = are not, isnt = is not。 能够用英语熟练表达询问姓名,国籍的方式Whats your name? Where are you from? 能够正确运用特殊疑问词what, where, who引导的特殊疑问句。 Skill aims 能听懂有关询问姓名、国籍等基本情况的简单对话或叙述; 能运用图文就表示询问姓名、国籍等的基本情况的话题进行简单的交流; 能根据已学音标的初步知识拼读单词;能正确地朗读对话,并能注意语音语调; 能写询问对方基本情况的简单句。 Emotional aims 能够与同学积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践,培养友好互助的精神; 能有兴趣用所学的功能句进行口头对话; 使学生乐于接触并了解异国文化。. The key points and difficult points Key points 正确使用表示询问姓名、国籍等的表达方式;正确使用人称代词:you, they, 形容词性物主代词:my, your;正确使用Be动词am, is, are的一般现在时在不同情况下形式上的不同变化; 掌握缩写形式Im = I am, theyre = they are, whats = what is, arent = are not, isnt = is not; 掌握元音字母a, e及辅音字母p, b, t, d, k, g的读音规则。 Difficult points 特殊疑问词what, where, who引导的特殊疑问句及缩写形式;Be动词am, is, are的应用; 元音字母a, e及辅音字母p, b, t, d, k, g的读音规则。. Learning strategies 运用图片教学能帮助学生理解和掌握教学内容。. Teaching aids录音机、教学挂图、闪卡、黑板和多媒体。. Teaching proceduresStep Interaction patternsStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(2minutes)1.The whole class work and individual work.1.The students replythe teacher.T: Hello! Goodmorning.Ss: Hello! Goodmorning.The teacher walks to one student.T: Hello! Areyou ?S1: Yes. I am.1.The teacher greets with students.Presentation(13minutes)1. Individual workand the whole class work.2.Individual work.3.Individual work and the whole class work.4.The whole class work.5.Individual work.1.Do 1a. (学生迷惑) The student answers the teacher “No, Im not. Im ” students look and listen to the teacher carefully;Students make sentences using it one by one.2.The student answers “My name is ”3.The student answers “Im from Canada.”The whole class read the new word for several times.4. The third student answers “No, Im not. Im from America. ”The whole class read the new word for several times. 5.Students look at the picture and listen to the tape carefully;Follow the tape to read 1a for two times.1.Walk to next student and say “Excuse me, are you?”(老师将解释Excuse me,常用于口语中,意为“劳驾,打扰一下。”) Repeat it for several times;Write down the sentences on the blackboard and say “Yes, I am.”(是肯定回答) “No, Im not”.(是否定回答,注意:肯定回答时I am.不能缩写,否定回答时,I am缩写)And say “Im Denny. My name is Denny.” Write down on the blackboard: “ImDenny.= My name is Denny.” Let students use “My name is”to make sentence one by one.2.Walk to one student and say “My name is Denny. Whats your name?”(老师解释 你叫什么名字?Whats = What is) (Write down on the blackboard).3.Walk to another student and say “Im from China,”老师解释 我来自中国) “Where are you from?” (你来自哪儿?) and show a picture of Canada (如加拿大的电视塔); Then teach the new word “Canada”for several times.4.Walk to the third student and asks “Are you from Canada, too?” and shows a picture of America(如美国的自由女神像); Then teach the new word “America”for several times.5.Show the teaching picture of 1a, then let students look at the picture and listen to the tape carefully for the first time;Then play the tape again and let students follow it for two times.Consolidation(12minutes)1.The whole class work and pair work.2.The whole classwork and individual work.1.Do 1c. Read the word after the teacher for three times;Work in pairs and make up new conversations with the country names. Then two pairs show their conversations to the students.2.Do 1b. Students guess, listen and number the pictures;Then listen to the tape again and match the names with the countries, one student checks the answers; Then Read after the tape.1.Show the picture of Japan (如日本富士山图)and teach the word “Japan” for three times;Point out other country names(eg. China, the USA, the UK), then let students work in pairs and make up new conversations with the country names for 1 minute.2.Show the pictures of 1b and explain the cultural background of these pictures;Play the tape again and choose one student to check the answers; Then show the listening material and play the tape.Practice(12minutes)1.The whole class individual work and pair work.2.Pair work.3.The whole class work and group work.1.Do 2a. Follow the teacher “They are Maria and Jane.”Then listen and complete the co
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