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Unit 2 Looking Different Topic 3 Whose jacket is this?Section C.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words:new, classmate, clothes2. Describe peoples appearances and clothes:(1)We both have black hair and black eyes.(2)We look the same, but we are in different clothes.(3)He is in a purple T-shirt.(4)His pants are blue and mine are white.3. Review the possessives.4. Know about some incomplete plosives:(1)I dont know the boy.(2)He has a big head.(3)Does she have a round face?(4)He has short black hair. Teaching aids 教具自制卡片/书包/幻灯片/录音机/彩笔. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)通过学生表演和师生对话,复习上节课所学主要知识点,导入本课生词,以旧带新,有利于调动学生的学习积极性。1. (教师请一名学生到台前领大家复习形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的形式及用法。具体方法:这个学生利用课外自己制作的小卡片,任意抽取一张向大家展示。指定一名学生说出这个词是哪类物主代词,并说出与之相对应的物主代词,然后用这两个物主代词造句。例如,抽到的是my,先说出对应的名词性物主代词mine,然后造句:This is my bag. This bag is mine. 依次进行连锁操练。) T:Hello, boys and girls. Lets review the possessives. Ill ask a student to the front. Show the cards made by himself/herself. You should say the words correctly and then make sentences. Ss:Yes. T:OK. Lets begin. S1, come here, please. S1:S2, please.(抽出写有my的卡片。) S2:My,形容词性物主代词,对应的名词性物主代词mine。This is my bag. This bag is mine. S1:S3, please. S3:2. (教师请三人表演Section B的1a。)3. (教师从学生的物品中找一个旧书包和一个新书包。)T:Whose bag is this?(教师指着旧书包问。)Ss:Its T:What color is it?Ss:Its .T:Is it old?Ss:Yes, it is.T:Yes, youre right. Its old, not new. This is a new one.(教师指着新书包说。)(板书并要求学生掌握。)oldnew(鼓励学生利用身边的新旧物品与同伴对话。)4. (教师叫一个学生到前面来。)T:S4, do you have a good friend in our class?S4:Yes, I do.T:Whats his or her name?S4:His/Her name is T:Oh, I see. He/She is your good friend. He/She is your classmate, too.(板书并要求学生掌握。)classmate(引导学生说出Were classmates. 帮助学生记忆classmate,即class+mateclassmate。)5. (教师呈现有许多衣物的幻灯片,包括上衣、裙子、鞋、裤子等,下面写clothes,引入新的知识点,导入新课。)T: What are these? They are clothes. Whose are they? Guess, please.Ss: We think they are Kangkangs.(板书并要求学生掌握。)clothesStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)通过大量的听读训练,培养学生语感,并形成正确的语音语调。1. (教师播放两遍1a录音,让学生判断幻灯片呈现的句子的正(T)误(F)。)(1) Kangkangs new classmate comes from China. ( )(2) They are in different clothes. ( )(3) Kangkangs pants are yellow. ( )(再听1a录音并核对答案。)2. (教师引导学生阅读1a,理解1a内容,并标出关键词。) T: Now read 1a carefully, and find out the key words.3. (听1a录音,让学生跟读并注意模仿语音语调。) T: Please listen to 1a and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)通过复述和编对话表演等活动,巩固1a目标语言,培养学生灵活运用所学语言点进行交际的能力和合作精神。1. (让学生再读1a,完成1b表格,并根据表格内容把照片涂上颜色。) T: Read 1a again and fill out the table. Then color the picture.2. (根据关键词或1b的表格和照片复述1a。) T: Please retell 1a according to 1b or the key words.3. (教师将1a编成一段对话,出示幻灯片让学生根据其内容完成对话。)K:Hello, S1.S1:Hello, Kangkang.K:I have a new .S1:Where is he from?K:He is from .S1:What does he look ?K:He has hair and eyes. We look the same.S1:What color is his T-shirt?K:Its .S1:And what color are his pants and shoes?K:His pants are and his shoes are .S1:I know him. His name is (核对答案。)4. (两人一组操练对话,然后挑优秀组进行表演。)5. (小组活动。将学生分为四大组,每个学生在组内描述他/她的一个同班同学的基本情况,模仿1a,并有所发挥。)活动规则:(1)包括以下内容:年龄、来自哪里、外貌和服装等。(2)尽量运用物主代词。活动形式:(1)每个学生先在组内描述,让其他组员猜Who is he/she?(2)各小组再共同描述本班其他组的一个学生。(3)教师请每一组的组长将组内有关Who is he/she?的描述向全班学生宣读,让其他组学生猜出Who is he/she?Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:7分钟)通过大量听音、模仿和实践,教学六个爆破音在不完全爆破情况下的发音,帮助学生养成良好的发音习惯。1. (放录音,要求学生完成2,核对答案。) T: Listen and match the things with the right people in 2。2. (教师利用幻灯片呈现六个爆破音并领读。)/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/(再用幻灯片,呈现几个含有不完全爆破现象的单词和短语,让学生跟读并体会其发音。)blackboard /blA(k)7bR:d/ sit down /si(t) daJn/ doctor /dC(k)t/ that book /TA(t) bJk/ a red car / re(d) kB:/ (教师讲解不完全爆破需要注意的情况。)3. (教师放4录音,要求学生认真听,注意单词下面画线字母的不完全爆破情况。再听录音,跟读。) T: Listen to 4 carefully. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the underlined letters. Then listen again and follow.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)通过游戏,在虚拟情境中运用目标语言,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。在轻松愉快的气氛中结束本课,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣。1. (做游戏。设计小组活动:谈论自己的文具。完成3。) 活动形式: (1)教师把全班学生分成几组,把每组同学的文具放在一起。 (2)拿出自己的文具,或由小组长挑出发给组员。 (3)谈论文具,尽量运用下列句式:This is my It isnt yours.Is this/Are these ?Yes. Its/Theyre /No. Its/Theyre Whose is this/are these?I think its/theyre The pen/ruler is mine/yours Mine/Yours is big/long (教师及时给予鼓励、表扬。)2. (做“失物招领”小游戏。)操作方法: 老师从第一个游戏中借一些文具或其他物品,逐一拿起物品询问,如:Whose is this? Is it yours, S1? 要求学生尽量用mine, yours等物主代词作答,直到“失物”领完为止。3. (听录音,学唱歌曲,完成5。)4. Homework:(1)熟读并复述1a。(2)完成一篇介绍同班同学基本情况的短文,五十个单词左右。(3)准备绘画工具:彩笔、白纸。(下节课用)板书设计:Whose jacket is this?Section C1. I have a new classmate.4. He is in a purple T-shirt.2. We both have black hair and black eyes.5. His pants are blue and mine are white.3. We look the same, but we are in different clothes.
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