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【模块4】 Unit 1 Women of achievementI. 单词填空: observe referring supports modest shade II. 单项填空: (110) BAADB DABCB (1120) AABDB CDABDIII. 完形填空: (110) ADBBD ACABC (1120) BADAB ABADAIV. 阅读理解: (A) DCBD (B) ADCCB (C) ACAV. 阅读表达: 1. They developed fat when they lived by the sea. 2. Longer than an apes. 3. They could stand straight up and walk into the sea. 4. They ate a lot seafood.5. The development of the human body.VI. 书面表达:(A) I read the text about Madam Curie last night. She was born in Poland and studied physics in France. Then she became a French professor of physics and a great scientist who discovered two kinds of radioactive mattersPolonium and Radium in her life. It was very hard for her to do the research. And as a result, she got the Nobel Prizes for Physics and Chemistry because of her achievements. Madam Curie is a good example for us to learn because of her devotion to science. (B) My father is of middle height. He always appears serious. In fact he is very kind and thoughtful of others and their feelings. Everyone likes him. My father is a man of success. By his own efforts, he has achieved great achievements in what he does. Now he is well-known to many people. As a parent, he is very strict with me and has high expectations of me. He always does something to help me. When I make some progress, he is more than excited. I like my father.VI. 翻译单句: 1. It is worthwhile to improve studying conditions for students.2. You should not look down upon the classmates who dont know as much as you do.3. If you want to know how to translate this sentence, youd better refer to a dictionary.4. If we go on behaving like this, we will be short of energy soon.【模块4】 Unit 2 Working the LandI. 单词填空: expand equipped struggle focuses/focused ratherII. 单项填空: (110) CDADB DABCB (1120) AABDA BADDCIII. 完形填空: (110) BCAAD CCAAB (1120) CDDAD BADBC IV. 阅读理解: (A) CDCC (B) DBCC (C) DABBV. 阅读表达:1. 74,000 million dollars. 2. Large farms. 3. The Environmental Working Group.4. Farm subsidies are costly and wasteful.5. They support the programs.VI. 书面表达:(A) I started learning English when I was five years old and now I can speak the language freely. Last year I went to America with a group of people, in which I was the only one who could speak English well. During the trip I did a lot of things to help others. For example, I helped them order dishes in restaurants, buy gifts in shops and ask the way in the streets, so everyone in the group enjoyed the trip. Being a link between the group and the American people, I practiced the language and made many friends.(B) We usually have the out-of-class activities from 4:50 to 5:50 in the afternoon. There are many kinds of activities. We can read books in the reading-room and play basketball, football and other games on Monday and Wednesday. On Tuesday some go to see English films and others listen to the broadcast programmes. We also have some interest groups. Many of us go to computer rooms on Thursday. Some like drawing, singing, dancing and making things. We have an English corner on Friday. We like talking in English there. I hope we can have more time to do such activities and I also hope to do less homework.VII. 翻译单句 1. I would rather have a quiet night in front of TV. 2. I was running 20 miles a week to build up the body. 3. His parents asked him to focus his mind on studies. 4. They regretted making such a decision.【模块4】 Unit 3A Taste of English humorI. 单词填空: overcome vast throughout outstanding directedII. 单项填空: (110) BADBC CCDAA (1120) DDBCA BBABAIII . 完形填空: (110) CDBBC DABDA (1120) CDDCA CBABCIV . 阅读理解: (A) BABD (B) CDDA (C) CADCV. 阅读表达:1. A TV program. 2. More than six million. 3. Some educators. 4. Songs, stories, jokes and pictures.5. It makes children feel able to learn.VI. 书面表达(A) Last Friday a sports meet was held in our school. It started at eight oclock in the morning. There were nearly twenty events in the meet. I took part in the 800-metre race. At the gunshot, I rushed out from the starting line. All my classmates rose from their seats and cheered for me. I felt extremely excited and went all out to run. I aimed at winning honor for my class. Unfortunately, I wasnt among the top three. But I didnt feel disappointed, because I tried my best and won the respect of my classmates. (B) There was a tall man wearing a hat in front of a house. He was knocking at the door loudly. Hearing no answer, the man walked round the house and stopped before an open window. He thought for a while and then left. A few minutes later the man came back with a ladder. He put the ladder against the wall. He was climbing towards the open window when he heard a voice calling him from below. It was a policeman. The policeman thought he was a thief, but to his surprise, the ma
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