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CCER 学刊(季刊) 2003 年 6 月 第 2 期 总第 16 期 CCER 学刊(季刊) 2003 年 6 月 第 2 期 总第 16 期 Journal of Economic StudiesJournal of Economic Studies Journal of Economic Literature Classification System for Journal Articles 本文拟对现今在国外经济学论文中经常用到的 JEL 的经济学文献分类系统作一个 详尽的介绍。 该分类系统由著名经济学杂志 JEL 创立并推广实施。 JEL, 全称 The Journal of Economic Literature, 即经济文献杂志,于 1969 年始在美国经济协会(AEA)赞助下 在每年的 3 月,6 月,9 月和 12 月季度发行。下面我们可以看到,该系统将所有的经济 学文献按内容分为 A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、I、J、K、L、M、N、O、P、Q、R、 Z 共计 19 个领域,每个领域又细分为若干个子方向,在每个方向之下再设有专题内容; 其中,各领域和方向都有专门的综述栏,专题就不再设有综述内容栏。比如说,D 类为 微观经济学领域,共设 9 大方向(D00 是有关该领域的综述性文献另作一栏) :D1 家庭行为;D2生产和组织;D3分配;D4市场结构和定价;D5一般均 衡和非均衡;D6福利经济学;D7集体决策分析;D8信息何不确定性;D9 跨期选择和增长。其中,D4 即市场结构和定价方向下又设有:D40该方向的 综述专题;D41完全竞争专题;D42垄断专题;D43寡头和其他形式的不 完全性专题;D44拍卖专题;D45配给、许可证专题;D46价值理论专题; D49其他专题。再以 E 类的宏观经济学和货币经济学领域为例:E00,为宏观经济 学和货币经济学领域的综述性内容栏;E1一般总量模型;E2消费、储蓄、生 产、就业和投资;E3价格、商业波动和周期;E4货币与利率;E5货币政 策、中央银行、货币与信贷的供给;E6公共金融的宏观经济层面、宏观经济政策 和一般内容。其中,E4 即货币与利率方向下又设有:E40综述;E41货币需求 专题;E42货币准则和制度、管制与货币体系专题;E43利率的决定和利率期 限结构专题;E44金融市场和宏观经济专题;E45预测与仿真专题;E49其 他专题。 整个分类系统都以这样的三级目录来组织的, 衷心希望本文的内容能方便读者 将来的研究工作。 A General Economics and Teaching o A0 General ? A00 General o A1 General Economics ? A10 General ? A11 Role of Economics; Role of Economists ? A12 Relation of Economics to Other Disciplines ? A13 Relation of Economics to Social Values ? A14 Sociology of Economics ? A19 Other o A2 Teaching of Economics 176 JEL Classification CodeJEL Classification Code ? A20 General ? A21 Pre-college ? A22 Undergraduate ? A23 Graduate ? A29 Other B Methodology and History of Economic Thought o B0 General ? B00 General o B1 History of Economic Thought through 1925 ? B10 General ? B11 Preclassical ? B12 Classical ? B13 Neoclassical through 1925 ? B14 Socialist; Marxist ? B15 Historical; Institutional ? B19 Other o B2 History of Economic Thought since 1925 ? B20 General ? B21 Microeconomics ? B22 Macroeconomics ? B23 Econometrics; Quantitative Studies ? B24 Socialist; Marxist ? B25 Historical; Institutional ? B29 Other o B3 History of Thought: Individuals ? B31 Individuals o B4 Economic Methodology ? B40 General ? B41 Economic Methodology ? B49 Other C Mathematical and Quantitative Methods o C0 General ? C00 General o C1 Econometric and Statistical Methods: General ? C10 General ? C11 Bayesian Analysis ? C12 Hypothesis Testing ? C13 Estimation ? C14 Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods CCER 学刊学刊 177 ? C15 Statistical Simulation Methods; Monte Carlo Methods ? C19 Other o C2 Econometric Methods: Single Equation Models ? C20 General ? C21 Cross-Sectional Models ? C22 Time-Series Models ? C23 Models with Panel Data ? C24 Truncated and Censored Models ? C25 Discrete Regression and Qualitative Choice Models ? C29 Other o C3 Econometric Methods: Multiple/Simultaneous Equation Models ? C30 General ? C31 Cross-Sectional Models ? C32 Time-Series Models ? C33 Models with Panel Data ? C34 Truncated and Censored Models ? C35 Discrete Regression and Qualitative Choice Models ? C39 Other o C4 Econometric and Statistical Methods: Special Topics ? C40 General ? C41 Duration Analysis ? C42 Survey Methods ? C43 Index Numbers and Aggregation ? C44 Statistical Decision Theory; Operations Research ? C49 Other o C5 Econometric Modeling ? C50 General ? C51 Model Construction and Estimation ? C52 Model Evaluation and Testing ? C53 Forecasting and Other Model Applications ? C59 Other o C6 Mathematical Methods and Programming ? C60 General ? C61 Optimization Techniques; Programming Models ? C62 Existence and Stability Conditions of Equilibrium ? C63 Computational Techniques ? C67 Input-Output Models ? C68 Computable General Equilibrium Models ? C69 Other 178 JEL Classification CodeJEL Classification Code o C7 Game Theory and Bargaining Theory ? C70 General ? C71 Cooperative Games ? C72 Noncooperative Games ? C73 Stochastic and Dynamic Games ? C78 Bargaining Theory; Matching Theory ? C79 Other o C8 Data Collection and Data Estimation Methodology; Computer Programs ? C80 General ? C81 Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Microeconomic Data ? C82 Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Macroeconomic Data ? C87 Econometric Software ? C88 Other Computer Software ? C89 Other o C9 Design of Experiments ? C90 General ? C91 Laboratory, Individual Behavior ? C92 Laboratory, Group Behavior ? C93 Field Experiments ? C99 Other D Microeconomics o D0 General ? D00 General o D1 Household Behavior and Family Economics ? D10 General ? D11 Consumer Economics: Theory ? D12 Consumer Economics: Empirical Analysis ? D13 Household Production ? D18 Consumer Protection ? D19 Other o D2 Production and Organizations ? D20 General ? D21 Firm Behavior ? D23 Organizational Behavior; Transaction Costs; Property Rights ? D24 Production; Capital and Total Factor Productivity; Capacity ? D29 Other o D3
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