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Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 3 Bicycle riding is good exercise .教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题围绕自行车而展开。主要内容包括:孩子们由一次交通事故展开讨论,引出语法项目“条件状语从句”和话题“骑自行车”。通过图片展示自行车交通事故,引出避免交通事故的一些建议,不遵守交通规则可能带来的危害及制定合理的骑行规则。最后为了拓展学生的视野,学习环青海湖自行车赛和环法自行车赛。通过学习本话题,可以增强学生的安全意识,激励学生热爱自行车运动,倡导“绿色出行,低碳出行”的理念。本话题建议用5个课时来完成:第一课时:Section A1a,1b,1c,1d,2第二课时:Section A3a,3b Section B1a,1b,2a,2b第三课时:Section B3a,3b Section C1a,1b,1c第四课时:Section C2,3 Section D2第五课时:Section DGrammar and Functions,1,Project 第四课时(Section C2, 3 Section D2)教学设计思路:本课是一节写作课。一篇是有关骑自行车,以此为主;另一篇是根据事故报告单改写故事,以此为辅。在本课中,把写作分成写前,写中和写后三个部分。首先让学生看图复习条件状语从句和提建议并快速完成Section C-2的词汇练习,接着便转入写前的词汇、句子准备环节。接着让学生独立写作,进入写中环节。待学生写完以后,先在组内互评,然后择优在班内展示。完成了Section C-3 的主要写作任务后,转入Section D-2的改写任务。因为在Section A-3a已经进行过类似的写作,完成该任务相对比较容易,故老师只要展示一篇范文供学生参考即可。最后总结写作的步骤,布置家庭作业完成本课。本课主要. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1) 学习并掌握新词汇 motorcycle,cyclist,broken,look out(2)继续学习if引导的条件状语从句2. Skill aims: (1)能够根据交通事故报告单写出具体的事故过程。 (2)能够结合生活实际情况,合理的交通安全建议。 3. Emotional aims:加强交通安全意识。4. Culture awareness:. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: (1)正确地运用if引导的条件状语从句。 (2)采用各种方法合理的建议。2. Difficult points: (1)展开联想,把生硬的事故报告单变成生动的短文。 (2)把零散的信息有机整合成一篇观点明确,条理清楚的文章。 (3)使用恰当的连接词连接句子。. Learning strategies1. 综合利用所学知识,经过加工整理后变成自己的知识。2. 善于汲取他人的观点,意见,并合理地运用到自己的文章中。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/图片/小黑板V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(3mins):RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1 (Group work)Present some pictures and let the Ss make evaluations about them.T: Good morning, boys and girls. T: How are you today ?T: Im fine,too. Do you know how to give advice ?T: Fine . Next, I will show you some pictures . Try to give advice when you see the pictures.You can say your sentence like this “You should/shouldnt . .If you., you will/may . .” Now ,let s try picture One. Revise the adverbial clause of condition and giving advice.Ss: Good morning , Mr.Ss:Fine ,thank you. And you ?Ss: Yes. We can use “should ,must,dont ,.”to give advice. S1: You shouldnt cross the street when there are too many vehicles .If you do it, you may get hurt . S2: .S3: .S4: . 通过看图作评价来复习“建议”和“条件状语从句”。Remark:学生表述有误时,老师要做好记录并在本环节结束时统一纠正,不要中途打断学生的表述。老师可以让学生把列举出来的建议记下来,为写作任务3积累素材。Stage 2(3mins):Finishing Section C -2 StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Individual work)Let the Ss finish Section C-2.T:You did very well in revising the adverbial clause of condition and giving advice. Then look at the words and sentences in Section C-2 ,and complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words.T:Now ,lets check the answers. Finish Section C-2.S1:It is good for the environment because.S2:S3:考查学生词汇运用能力。Remark:老师可以利用核对答案的机会,鼓励学生运用构词法记忆单词。如:care-careful,carefully,careless,carelessly。Stage3(4mins) Pre- writingStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Show the pictures in 3 and let the Ss discuss what bicycle riders should do or shouldnt do.T:Great. You have completed the sentences correctly. Now ,lets read them together. One,two,three, start!T:What are these sentences about?T:We have learned much about cycling. Can you tell me what bicycle riders should do or shouldnt do ?T:Great. Next, Ill show you some pictures. Try to say “ Bicycle riders should /shouldnt .” Are you clear ?T:Lets begin! (show pictures) T: This one ?T: .T: Do you know why I showed so many pictures ?T: Yes . All the pictures are about cycling. Because we will write a passage about cycling today. Every time ,before writing your passage , you should do the same : collecting related words or expressions. Discuss what bicycle riders should or shouldnt do.Ss: .Ss: They are about cycling.Ss: Sure.Ss: Clear.Ss: Bicycle riders should wear a helmet .Ss: Bicycle riders shouldnt make a call .Ss: .Ss:To revise .培养学生养成写作前进行材料收集的习惯。为完成Section C-3 的写作任务做准备。Remark:老师要多准备类似于3的图片让学生判断,并把该图所表示的行为或物品的词或词组写在图片下方,作为写作的参考词汇。Stage 4(10mins):While-writingStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1( Individual work)Let the Ss write a passage about cycling.T:We are going to write a passage about cycling. You can introduce the advantages, disadvantages and some knowledge about traffic rules. You can start your writing now.Write a passage about cycling.让学生独立完成组词成句,组句成篇的能力。进行Section C-3的写作任务。Remark:在学生进行写作任务时,老师要四处走动,要适时提供必要的帮助。Stage 5(10mins): Post writing StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Group work)Let the Ss share their writings with their group members and then choose the best one to present to the class .T: Attenti
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