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The review of unit 7,Play a game,1.讨厌;恨 2.钱 3.钱包 4.拿,提,搬 5.也许,可能 6.在我学校附近 7.对.感兴趣 8.邮票 9.沿着街道 10.跟我来 11.圣诞节就要来了 12.不客气,不用谢,1.邮票 2.收集,搜集 3.别客气,不用谢 4.店主,售货员 5.稍等片刻 6.值多少钱,花费 7.发卡 8.粉红色 9.餐馆 10.去年的卡片 11.不同种类的发卡 12.这儿是你的零钱 13.离我学校远,1.足够的,充分的 2.零头 3. 与不同 4.纸 5.大部分,大多数 6.贫穷的,可怜的 7.地区 8.(程度上)最大,最高 9.口袋 10. 为聚会购物 11.一些纸杯 12.在我学校周围的商店 13.贫困地区的儿童,1.双,对,副 2.尺码 3.试穿,试试看 4.适合,合身 5.昂贵的 6.别的,不同的,又一;另一 7.价格,价钱 8.(衣服)适合,合身 9.大的,大型号的 10.公共汽车站 11.笔记,便条 12.另外一双 13.会见朋友,1. Last years cards are one yuan each. They are c_. 根据英文解释写单词 2. We can buy _ (present) for my mother on Womens Day. 3.Your skirt looks very _. (beautiful) 4. We can buy _ (present) for my mother on Womens Day.(用所给词适当形式填空) 5.This hair clip m_ her pink coat. =_.,heap,presents,gifts,pretty,atches,This hair clip goes well with her pink coat,Task 1,Enjoy a song,Are you interested in _? (音乐) Are you interested in _?(听音乐),music,listening to music,be interested in sth,be interested in doing sth,I am interested in _. I am interested in _.,_ you interested in _ ? Do playing football Does play football Are playing football Are play football,stamps,collecting stamps,C,Task 2,连词成句,连词成句 is my wallet Here _.,1.Here _ (be) a book. 2.Here _ (be) some books. 3.Here _ (come) Mr Zhang,Here is my wallet.,is,are,comes,Task 3,火眼金睛,火眼金睛,1.The pair of shoes are too expensive. 2.The trousers are too small. Can I try another one? 3.Can I try on them? 4.Would you like any tea? 5.-What do you want to buy? -Id like a dress. 6. I need you carry all the bags.,1.The shoes _ (cost) 200 yuan. 2.How much _ the pair of trousers _? A. do cost B. does cost C. Is / D. are / 3.How much _ the trousers _? A. do cost B. does cost C. Is / D. are /,cost,B . C,A . D,1. I want to buy _ food, but I dont have _ money. Do you have _ money. some; some; some B. some; any; any any; some; some D. any; any; some 2.-Can I borrow _ money from you? -Sure. A. some B. any,B,A,1.Sam, come here. I need you _ some homework for me. A.do B. does C. to do D. doing,C,Task 4,看图说话,看图说话 How do you use your pocket money?,1.We use our pocket money _.,2.We use our pocket money _.,to buy books,to buy snacks,Use our pocket money to do sth,What can we do to help the children in some poor areas?,1.Buy them some books 2.Buy them some clothes and shoes,1. Buy them some books,2.Buy them some shoes,= buy some books for them,=buy some shoes for them,Shopkeeper:_ Millie: Id like a pair of shoes. Shopkeeper: Which pair do you like? Millie: I like the blue pair. _. Shopkeeper: They are 100 yuan. Millie: Ok. _.,Can I help you?/ What can I do for you?,How much are they?/ How much do they cost?,Ill take them,以” Lotte Mart” 为题,写一篇作文。,提示: 离我们学校不远。 有两层楼,每层都很大。在这我们能买到不同种类的商品。 一楼有鞋店,衣服店,体育用品商店。 二楼有来自不同地方的零食,我最喜欢糖果。 是个购物的好地方。,
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