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成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,外研版 选修8,Foreign Food,Module 3,When in Ireland,do as the Irish do.And when it comes to food and drink,be sure to try these local specialities (地方特色) 1)Baked Ham(烤火腿),Generally it is served with boiled cabbage and cooked or fried potatoes.It is not everyday food,even for the welltodo,but bargains can be had at some pub restaurants.,2)Smoked Salmon (鲑鱼) The most popular way to enjoy salmon is smoked,either on bread with egg,or simply on its own with a salad on the side.Farmed salmon can be rather ordinary,so wild salmon tends to be much higher.,3)Dublin Coddle Dubliners often eat this on Saturday nights before they go out.It is a good basic dish made of chopped sausage and bacon cooked with onions and potatoes in beef stock.It is also easy to make in quantity,and can be reheated the next day.,4)Soup of the Day Advertised nearly everywhere,it is usually served with bread and butter,and is a very good value for a lunchtime snack.In a typical Irish way,the question,“What is the soup of the day?”will,nine times out of ten,be answered with a shrug and the word,“Vegetable.”Pot luck (家常便饭)is the order of the day.,
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