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El Condor Pasa 老鹰之歌El Condor Pasa【参考译文】秃鹰飞去了主唱:保罗西蒙和阿特加蓬格尔Id rather be a sparrow than a snail.我宁可当麻雀也不当蜗牛。Yes. I would.我宁愿如此。If I could,如果我能够,I surely would.我当然愿意。Id rather be a hammer than a nail.我宁可当铁锤也不当铁钉。Yes, I would.我宁愿如此。If I only could,如果我能,I surely would.我当然愿意。Away, Id rather sail away飞走,我宁可飞走,Like a swan thats here and gone.像天鹅一样来去自由。A man gets tied up to the ground,人被地面束缚,He gives the world its saddest sound,发出的声音最悲,Its saddest sound.声音最悲。I d rather be a forest than a street.我宁可当森林也不当街道。Yes, I would.我宁愿如此。If I could,若我能做到,I surely would.我当然愿意。Id rather feel the earth beneath my feet.我宁可感觉脚踏实地。Yes, I would.我宁愿如此。If I only could,如果能如此,I surely would.我肯定愿意。Away, Id rather sail away飞走,我宁可飞走,Like a swan thats here and gone.像天鹅一样来去自由。A man gets tied up to the ground,人被地面束缚,He gives the world its saddest sound,发出的声音最悲,Its saddest sound.声音最悲。Thanatosmedy 制造
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