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东莞市小学英语六年级单元练习-共 5 页,第 1 页 -六年级英语 Unit 4 单元练习2007-2008 学年度第二学期(答题时间 60 分钟,满分 100 分)内容 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 合计得分听力部分(满分 50 分)一、 Listen and choose听录音, 选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里( 每小题 1 分,共 10 分)( ) 1. A. ant B. dance C. sang( ) 2. A. board B. bought C. boat( ) 3. A. picture B. sheep C. cheap( ) 4. A. ate good food B. read a book C. went on foot( ) 5. A. learned Chinese B. learned China C. learned English( ) 6. A. I went by plane B. I went by train C. I went by bus( ) 7. A. She went fishing.B. He played football.C. I took pictures.( ) 8. A. I wrote a letter.B. I bought presents.C. .I visited my grandparents.( ) 9. A. John did his homework last night.B. John did housework last night.C. John played football last night.( ) 10. A. Sarah bought presents with her mother. B. Sarah went skiing last weekend.C. Sarah went ice-skating last weekend.二、Listen and judge听录音, 判断句子或图片是否与录音内容相符, 相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“” , 不相符的打“”( 每小题 1 分,共 10 分)学 校班 别姓 名学 号考生答卷不要过此线镇 区东莞市小学英语六年级单元练习-共 5 页,第 2 页 -( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6.( ) 7. I stayed in bed for 5days.( ) 8. We went to Beijing on our holiday.( ) 9. John did housework yesterday. ( ) 10. The cinema is far from the hospital.三、Listen and answer根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)( ) 1. A. Im going fishing. B. I went swimming. C. I go to school.( ) 2. A. A. Its Saturday. B. Its fine . C. Its September 15th.( ) 3. A. I usually go to Beijing by train.B. I visited the Great Wall.C. I went there by plane.( ) 4. A. Its fighting. B. Theyre fighting. C . Theyre fine .( ) 5. A. No, I dont . B. Yes, I take . C. No, I didnt. 四、Listen and fill the blank根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词, 使句子完整 (每空一词,共 10分)1. They _ a _ yesterday afternoon.2. A: What did you do there ? B: We _the _ in the zoo .3. A: How _ you go there ? B: I went by_.4. My uncle _ a _ with friends on Sundays.5. A: _ did you go _ your holiday ? B: I went to DongGuan.五、Listen and judge东莞市小学英语六年级单元练习-共 5 页,第 3 页 -根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)( ) 1. Mike saw animals in the zoo last Sunday.( ) 2. Tom liked animals.( ) 3. Mikes dad read some magazines.( ) 4. Mikes mother was busy at home.( ) 5. Mike and his parents were happy last Sunday.笔试部分(满分 50 分)六、补全对话, 选择正确答案的编号在横线上(共 10 分,每小题 2 分)Mike: Hello, Zhang Peng._?Zhang Peng: Hi, Mike. I went to the Peoples Park last Saturday.Mike: _?Zhang Peng: I went there by the No. 8 bus. I like skiing with my friends there._,too?Mike: No, but I like taking pictures. _?Zhang Peng: Yes, I took some pictures.Mike: _?Zhang Peng: Yes, I had a good time.A: Did you have a good time?B: What did you do there?C: Where did you go last Saturday?D: Did you go there by the No.8 bus?E: Did you take any pictures?F: Do you like skiing?G: How did you go there?东莞市小学英语六年级单元练习-共 5 页,第 4 页 -七、 阅读, 选择正确的答案,并把字母编号写在括号里 (10分 )Mr. Bean couldnt hear well. He is nearly deaf. But he didnt like people to talk about this. One day, he invited some friends to have a birthday party in his house. They sang and danced. They told jokes, too. One of Mr. Beans friends told an interesting story. Everybody laughed. Mr. Bean laughed, too. Then he said: “ That was a very funny joke(笑话). But I know a funnier one.” So he told his story. When the story ended, everyone laughed than ever. Because Mr. Beans story was the same as his friends.( ) 1. Mr. Bean _. A. couldnt see well. B. couldnt hear well. ( ) 2. Mr. Beans friend _ at his birthday party.A. sang and danced. B. played football. ( ) 3. Mr. Beans friends told an _ story.A. sad B. interesting( ) 4. Mr. Beans story was _ his friends. A. different from B. same as( ) 5. Mr. Bean is_.A. funny B. bad八、短文填空:(用所给的单词填空,每词只准用一次)(10 分)( took, climbed, food, saw, older, sang, happy, old, mountains, had, take, have )Yesterday I_a mountain with my cousin Tom. Tom is 13 years _. He is one year _than I. We took some _and drinks with us. And Tom took his camera, too. On the mountain, we took a lot of pictures of the beautiful scenery. When we got to the top of the _, it was 1:25 p.m.We 东莞市小学英语六年级单元练习-共 5 页,第 5 页 -_and danced there. We got tired. But we felt very _. Because we_ some squirrels and _many pictures. We _a good time.九、根据答句问问句。 (10分 )1. Amy: _?Sarah: I learned English on my holiday.2. John:_?Mike: I went to Hong Kong.3. Wu
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