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人教新版 五年级上册,Unit5 Is this your schoolbag?,Lesson 29,Review,Look and say,hen,goose,cow,horse,elephant,fish,Review,Look and say,Is that your fish?,Yes, it is.,Is that your elephant?,No, it isnt.,Review,Look and say,Presentation,Lets learn,umbrella,Presentation,Lets learn,fan,Presentation,Lets learn,sun cap,Presentation,Lets learn,camera,Practice,Game 1,umbrella fan sun cap camera,魔法手指,Practice,Game 2,Whats missing,Presentation,Look and say,What can you see in this picture?,1. Whose umbrella is this?,Presentation,Its Peters umbrella.,Listen and answer,Its Kates fan.,2. Whose fan is this?,Presentation,Just talk,Lisa: Hi, Gao Wei. Its six oclock now. Gao Wei: Oh! Its time to go home. Lisa: Lets go home, Peter and Kate! Gao Wei: Whose umbrella is this? Lisa: Its Peters umbrella. Gao Wei: Whose fan is this? Is it your fan, Lisa? Lisa: No, it isnt. Its Kates fan. Gao Wei: Peter and Kate, come back! Your umbrella and fan! Peter & Kate: Thank you. Here we come!,Read it by yourself for one minute . 自读对话一分钟。,10,20,30,一分钟倒计时,50,40,60,30,20,10,Practice,自己读对话,比一比看谁能在一分钟内读完,并且读得准确、流利!,Show time,小组合作,练习对话并表演,其他同学评价。,Practice,OK!,Great!,Super!,Whose is this? Its my/your/his/her ,Practice,Pair work,Practice,猜一猜,活动1,学生分成4人一组,然后学生甲低头蒙住眼睛不看,另外三个学生分别拿出一样物品放在课桌上。三个学生一起问学生甲:Whose is this? 学生甲看着物品说:Its XXXs. 并通过询问:Is it your, XXX? 再次确认,被问到的学生按照实际回答。,Practice,失物招领,活动2,本课的重点单词:,Summary,umbrella,sun cap,fan,camera,Whose umbrella is this?,Summary,如何询问某物是谁的,并做回答呢?,Its Peters umbrella.,
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