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,创设情境,Postman, postman, is there a letter for me? Sorry, there isnt one. There are three. One from England, one from Spain, One from Australia, a long way away.,POSTMAN, POSTMAN,启发思考,I am going to visit Thailand this summer vocation.,applyed for ( 办理) a passport,changed some Thai Baht (泰铢),I bought a pair of sunglasses and a suitcase.,Where are you going this summer? What did you do for your vacation?,自主或小组探究,Daming has got two letters in English. Who wrote the letter to Daming form the US?,What is Dad going to do? He is going to ask Daming some questions.,Listen and answer,Read in groups then answer,( 1 )What did Mum buy? ( 2 )What did Dad read ? ( 3 )What did they borrow?,Mum bought new chopstiicks.,Dad read a book about Chinese history.,They borrowed a bike.,Dear Daming, How are you? We are ready for your visit. Dad put another bed in my room. Mum bought new chopsticks for you. And we borrowed a bike for you. Dad read a book about Chinese history. He is going to ask you some questions! Me, too. History is my favorite subject. Well visit a lot of places together. It will be fun! See you soon! Love, Simon,协作交流,He ate a hamburger yesterday.,He is eating an apple now.,He is going to eat a banana tomorrow.,Please write a letter to your best friend. Tell him(or her): What did you do last week? And What are you going to do this summer holiday?,Dear _, How are you? Last week I went to _ . I _ there. I had a good time. Summer holiday is coming. I m going to _. I _there. How about you? From,总结提高,Mum bought new chopsticks for you. Dad put another bed in my room. And we borrowed a bike for you. Dad read a book about Chinese history.,1. Write the new words and sentences. 2. Write a letter to Mary. Use the words in part 6.,Homework,
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