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小学六年级英语期中试卷听力部分一、选择你所听到的单词。( ) 1.A. wantB. whatC. waterD. were( ) 2.A. long B. alongC. shotD. short( ) 3.A. bike B. byC. byeD. buy( ) 4.A. policeB. pleaseC. pleasureD. price( ) 5.A. right B. writeC. brightD. light( ) 6.A. priceB. princeC. prizeD. piece( ) 7.A. getB. gotC. gapD. cat( ) 8.A. thinkB. thankC. thickD. thing( ) 9.A. streetB. straightC. sweetD. speak( ) 10.A. nothingB. everythingC. anythingD. something 二、按照听到的对话内容,将下列句子重新排序。( ) Eh yes. She is my sister.( ) May I sit here?( ) She is my daughter.( ) Really? Then I am glad to see you, my new son.( ) No, you cant. The seat is for my sister.( ) What do you mean?( ) Where is your sister?三、选择合适的答语。( ) 1. A. Youd better take a bus to the station. B. You can go swimming. C. You can find it then.( ) 2. A. Please show me that yellow one. B. I want size eight. C. I dont like the colour.( ) 3. A. This is Mary speaking. B. I am Mary. C. Who are you?( ) 4. A. Let me examine you. B. It looks nice. C. I feel dizzy.( ) 5. A. Its cheap but nice. B. Its eighty yuan. C. Its for my mother.四、根据听到的对话,判断正误。( ) 1. Yesterday was Saturday. ( ) 2. Alice and Shirly stayed at home. ( ) 3. In the morning they listened to music. ( ) 4. In the afternoon they did sports and read English. ( ) 5. After supper they watched TV. 笔试部分一、根据中文含义选择正确的英文解释,将序号填在括号内:( ) 1.巧克力A. childrenB. chocolateC. bar( ) 2.严重的A. seriousB. secretC. station( ) 3.着迷的A. busyB. crazyC. lazy( ) 4.笔直地A. downB. streetC. straight( ) 5.便宜的A. cheapB. chairC. chip( ) 6.留下A. liveB. leaveC. life( ) 7.头昏眼花A. coughB. pillC. dizzy( ) 8.价格A. priceB. prizeC. praise( ) 9.昂贵的A. examineB. expensiveC. interesting( ) 10.没有什么A. somethingB. everythingC. nothing二、选择填空。( ) 1. Hello, Tom _. May I speak to Jack, please?A. speak B. there C. here D. her( ) 2. Its only about _walk.A. ten minutes B. ten minutes C. ten minutes D. ten minutess ( ) 3. _ a good party we are having!A. How B. Where C. When D. What( ) 4. How many _ do you want?A. tickets B. ticket C. the tickets D. the ticket ( ) 5. Let _ examine _.A. I/you B. me/ you C. my / you D. me / your ( ) 6. _ will she be back?A. When B. What C. Where D. Who ( ) 7. I want a model plane _ my son.A. for B. to C. of D. at ( ) 8. This T-shirt looks nice _ a girl.A. for B. to C. of D. about ( ) 9. Whats the matter with _dog?A. Lily B. Lilys C. / D. Lily ( ) 10. Id love to go with you, _ I have lots of work to do.A. and B. so C. then D. but 三、连词组句。1. way, the, shop, tell, could, to, you, me, nearest, the2. to, her, please, call, ask, back, me3. pills, times, day, take, three, these, a4. just, Kate, out, for, is, lunch5. this, are, evening, free, you四、根据要求,完成对话。(周末到了,高楠邀请好朋友小敏去香山公园。)Gao Nan: Hi, Xiao Min. Its spring now. _ Would you _Xiao Min:_【试题答案】听力部分一、选择你所听到的单词。(B) 1.A. wantB. whatC. waterD. were(B) 2.A. long B. alongC. shotD. short(D) 3.A. bike B. byC. byeD. buy(C) 4.A. policeB. pleaseC. pleasureD. price(A) 5.A. right B. writeC. brightD. light(A) 6.A. priceB. princeC. prizeD. piece(A) 7.A. getB. gotC. gapD. cat(A) 8.A. thinkB. thankC. thickD. thing(A) 9.A. streetB. straightC. sweetD. speak(D) 10.A. nothingB. everythingC. anythingD. something 二、按照听到的对话内容,将下列句子重新排序。(4) Eh yes. She is my sister.(1) May I sit here?(7) She is my daughter.(5) Really? Then I am glad to see you, my new son.(2) No, you cant. The seat is for my sister.(6) What do you mean?(3) Where is your sister?三、选择合适的答语。(A) 1. A. Youd better take a bus to the station. B. You can go swimming. C. You can find it then.(B) 2. A. Please show me that yellow one. B. I want size eight. C. I dont like the colour.(A) 3. A. This is Mary speaking. B. I am Mary. C. Who are you?(C) 4. A. Let me examine you. B. It looks nice. C. I feel dizzy.(B) 5. A. Its cheap but nice. B. Its eighty yuan. C. Its for my mother.四、根据听到的对话,判断正误。(F) 1. Yesterday was Saturday. (T) 2. Alice and
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