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Unit 5 Why do you like pandasSection B 2aSelf Check.根据语境及所给首字母提示,补全所缺单词。1. Dontfto call Mr. Jackson.OK, I will.2. Do your parents work in the samep?No. My mom works at school. My dad works at a radio station.3. We know the color of green is asof life.4. Lucys grandma looks very old.Yeah! She looksoseventy years old.5. We must do these things tosthat boys life.根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。1. Lily draws five red _ (flag) in her art class.2. I can see lots of _ (tree) in their school.3. We mustnt buy things made of _ (ivory).4. Why does your father want _ (kill) that dog?5. Rose, your shoes are dirty. Get some _ (water) and brush them.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。1.他叫我不要砍树。He tells me not to _ _ _.2.现在他们处于极大危险之中。Now they _ _ _ _.3.老约翰经常迷路。Old John often _ _.4.这条裙子是由什么做的?What _ this skirt _ _?5.嘿,迈克!祝你好运。Hey, Mike! _ _ to you.根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。leg, great, animal, water, zooToday is October 4th. Its World Animal Day. Gina and her sister Sally go to the (1) _ early. They want to do some things for the (2) _ there. In the south of the zoo, Gina finds an elephant. Its (3) _ are kind of dirty. Gina and Sally get some (4) _ and clean them. After that they get some food for this elephant. After the elephant eats the food, the two girls take a photo with it. Then they play with it.This elephant is (5) _. It can draw. It can play soccer, too. Gina and Sally like it very much. Gina and Sally play with it for a long time. They have a great time in the zoo.答案:. 1. forget 2. place 3. symbol 4. over 5. save. 1. flags 2. trees 3. ivory 4. to kill 5. water. 1. cut down trees 2. are in great danger3. gets lost 4. is; made of 5. Good luck. 1. zoo 2. animals 3. legs 4. water 5. great在校园的时候曾经梦想去桂林,到那山水甲天下的阳朔仙境,漓江的水呀常在我心里流,去那美丽的地方是我一生的期望,有位老爷爷他退休有钱有时间,他给我描绘了那幅美妙画卷,刘三姐的歌声和动人的传说,亲临其境是老爷爷一生的心愿,我想去桂林呀,我想去桂林,可是有时间的时候我却没有钱,我想去桂林呀,我想去桂林,可是有了钱的时候我却没时间2
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