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Unit 7单元练习 一. 词汇1. Hows the _(天气)in Chongqing? 2. Hows your summer going? Its _(非常)good. 3. Whats he doing? Hes _(看)the soccer ball match(比赛). 4. What bad weather! Its _(冷)and windy. 5. Well have a warm _(冬天)this year. 6. What are you doing? Im _(做饭). 7. I dont like going shopping in this _(热度). 8. There are many beautiful _(海滩)in Hainan. 9. It often _(下雪)in Harbin. 10. The students are listening to music. They are really very _(放松). 11. Oh, its too_(闷热)today, its hard to breathe(呼吸)!二. 根据句子意思及所给单词,写出正确的单词形式1. Look, they _(study)English under the tree over there. 2. Its kind of hot because its _(sun). 3. Hows the weather tomorrow? Its _(wind). 4. Whats the weather like today? Its _(snow). 5. Hows the weather in Shanghai? Its _(rain). 6. There are a lot of _ in the sky. Its _(cloud). 7. Everyone _(be)having a good time. 8. This country has 5 thousand(千)_(year)of history. 9. Its a beautiful _(sun)day. 10. Thank you for _(join)our show. 11. These people are taking _(photo)in the park. 12. Are they _(watch)TV? Yes, they are. 三. 单项选择:1. Its too _ outside, you must put on your coat. A. hot B. cool C. cold D. warm2. What _ the children _?A. is, doing B. does, do C. are, doing D. do, do3. _ you _ the window? Yes, I am. A. Do, clean B. Is, cleaning C. Do, cleaning D. Are, cleaning4. _ are they doing there? Theyre running. A. Who B. What C. Where D. Whose5. - How is it _? - Its not bad. A. go B. going C. goes D. is 6. - _ is the weather? - Its windy. A. What B. How C. When D. Where 7. - Hi, Lucy! Glad to see you. What are you doing here? - Im _ vacation now. A. on B. in C. at D. for *8. On the wall there are two pictures. _ is Toms and _ is Marys. A. One, one B. One, other C. One, the other D. One, others*9. - What are you doing in the park? - Im looking at the children _ volleyball. A. plays B. playing C. are playing D. to play10. There are many people in the park. Some are walking along the lake. _ are sitting on the grass. A. The other B. The others C. Others D. Another11. Hes sitting _ the beach and _ orange juice. A. on, drinking B. in, drinking C. on, drinks D. in, drinks*12. He learns _ in the sea. A. to swim B. swimming C. to walk D. walking 13. - Hello! _ Ann. Is that Lily speaking? A. I am B. This is C. That is D. She is 14. Oh, its really a _ day. I cant find all my money. A. interesting B. terrible C. pretty D. good 15. - Where is Sam? Do you know? - Look! Hes _ on the beach. How cool! A. swimming B. lying C. looking D. having 四. 句型转换: 1. Hows the weather in Wuhan?(同义句)2. Its snowy today. (划线提问)3. The students are having an English class. (划线提问)4. They are cleaning the classroom. (改为一般疑问句)5. Its pretty good. (划线提问)五. 根据汉语意思完成句子1. 有很多人在这儿度假。There are _ _ here _ _. 2. 我们正在巴黎街头漫步,那里阳光明媚。We are in Paris, _ in the _. Its _ beautiful, _ day. 3. 天空正在下雨时,你在干什么? -我在看书。-What are you _ when its _? -I am _ a _. 4. 一些人正在公园唱歌,另一些人正在跳舞。In the park, _ are _ songs, _ are _. 5. 我感到很惊讶,他们能在这样热的天气中踢足球。 I am _ they can play soccer _ _ _. 六. 完形填空Its 1 in France. The weather is 2 and 3 . People are wearing 4 and scarves. But everyone is 5 a good time. Friends are 6 in restaurants. In the 7 , a musician is 8 the guitar, and some boys 9 playing soccer. One man is 10 a photo. 1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter. 2. A. wind B. windy C. rainy D. rain3. A. hot B. cold C. humid D. cold4. A. sweaters B. shirts C. jackets D. pants 5. A. having B. have C. has D. have to 6. A. playing B. writing C. sitting D. sit 7. A. hotel B. street C. park D. hospital 8. A. play B. playing C. plays D. played 9. A. is B. are C. am D. be 10. A. taking B. take C. takes D. taken 七. 阅读理解AIn England, people dont often talk much. You can get on a bus or a train, and everyone sits looking out of the window. Often they read books or newspapers. But they dont talk much. When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing weather. So when you meet someone in England, you can say , “Nice weather for the time of year!” “But it is a little cold today. ” Some
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