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Unit 7 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit一、朗读生词并理解其意思。二、翻译下列短语和句子。1. 当心 _ 2. 植树 _3. 给某人让座 _ 4. 探望敬老院 _5. 为-付款 _ 6. 最需要- _7. 清理公园 _ 8. 将-寄给 _三、根据句意,中文提示完成单词。1. I (相信)our football team will win.2. On March 12th every year, people in China (栽种)trees all over the country.3.People have different (能力).Some people use them to help others.4.Tom likes (收集)stamps. Its his hobby.5.Jack is one of the (成员)of the Helping Hands Club.6.The little students always give the (座位)to the old people on the bus.四从对话中找出下列问题的答案。1)Is Eddie Superdog ? 2) Can he fly? 3) What does Hobo say when Eddie wants to fly ? 4)Why does he say that? 五、 找搭档分角色朗读80页对话。六看图思考:(81页)。 1.Where are the boy and the old man? 2.What do they want to do? 3. Is the boy helping the old man? 七模仿对话编写新对话。 八阅读B部分(P81),回答:What can the members at the Helping Hands Club do for the children in poor areas?思考:What can we do to help others? Then make a dialogue using Part B as a model.九十准备A short speech: Say something about yourself. (1) your name (2) your ability (3) your personality (个性) (4)What would you like to do to help others?六、默写下列课文中的句子。1. 信还是不信!2. 当心,Eddie!3. 我们可以给他们寄送一些过去。4. .一些家庭甚至没有能力付得起钢笔和笔记本5. 我们可以为他们筹集一些钱来买这些东西。七下Unit 7 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit检测反馈一、用所给首字母完成下列句子。1. Be c_! There are a lot of cars and people in the street.2. On March 12th, her mother often takes her to p_ trees near the river.3. We should h_ each other.4. -Do you like c_ stamps? - Yes, I do.5. Look! The girl is g_ a seat to an old man.二、用合适的介词或副词填空。1. I usually help my classmates _ their homework.2. -Can you help me _ my English? -Yes, with pleasure. 3. Its important to be careful _ fire.4. Planting Trees Day is _ March 12th.5. Daniel is a member _ the Helping Hands Club.6. There isnt a home _ the elderly in our village .7. We will clean _ the classroom after school.8. Simon often gives a seat _ someone _ the bus.三、句型转换。1. 信不信由你,李阳将到我们学校来。 !Li Yang will come to our school.2. 同学们想为希望工程收集东西。The students want to _ Project Hope.3李阿姨每天都将办公室打扫的干干净净。Aunt Li _ _ the office every day.4.He often _ _ to the _ on the bus.( 他经常在公共汽车上给老人让座)5.We often go to _ the _ for the elderly every year. (我们每年都去访问老年公寓)初中英语七年级下册导学案七下Unit 7 Reading (1)学案一借助音标朗读单词表中的82页生词。记忆生词意思。并完成一下填空。1. There was a lot of (烟)from the window of a wooden house just now.2. Today Lindas parents are out, so she has to stay at home (独自)。3. It is a good habit to check your work (仔细)before you hand it in.4. She is a very (勇敢)little girl.5. Is the fire still (燃烧)?二读82页的文章,了解下列词或词组的意思并写下来。smoke hurt_ pour_ rush_ blanket_ save_ burn_ arm_ glad_ dangerous help sb. out on 10th May be at home alone hear sb. doing the 79-year-old Mrs Sun happen to pour sth. Over rush into put out the fire be careful with 三、阅读课文标出生词及不理解的句子。四快速阅读课文一遍,判断正(T)误(F)。1)Lin Tao is 26 years old, Mrs Sun is 79yearold.2)Lin Tao was at home with his parents on 10th May.3)Mrs Sun shouted “Fire! Fire!” in the kitchen.4)Lin Tao was in hospital for only one month.5)Many people visited him with some flowers and presents.五阅读课文两遍,并回答下列问题。1. What did Lin Tao see and hear on May 10th? 2.How old was Mrs Sun? 3.Why couldnt Mrs Sun get out of the fire? 4. How did Lin Tao save his neighbour?
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