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Unit8Comic strip & Welcome to the Unit一、 A.借助音标朗读生词3遍并记忆其汉语意思。B.完成以下词汇填空题。1. When do you _ (喂)your dog, before lunch or after lunch?2. Dont forget to _ (带) your computer here tomorrow.3. What a lovely _ (兔子)! It has two long ears and a short tail.4. Do you have a _(宠物)? Yes. Its a parrot. It can speak and sing. 二、 在文中找出下列短语。1. bring me something to eat _ 2. How rude you are! 3. Thats it._ 4. watch them swim around_5.在我的膝上睡觉 _6.把它抓在我的手里 _7.和我的狗在公园里玩耍 _ 8.教猫说话 _三、写出Part A中动物的名称,用一句话来描述一种动物的主要特征。 四写出自己喜爱的动物及喜爱的原因。五读Part B三遍。六、仿写对话,练习表演。七、阅读Comic strip,回答问题。1. What time is it? 2 What does Eddie ask Hobo to do? 八朗读对话两遍,背诵对话。九默写下列课文中的句子1. 我喜欢我的猫因为她喜欢躺在膝上睡觉。2. 我最喜欢我的老鼠因为它很小、柔软,而且我能把它拿在我的手里。3. 我喜欢我的鹦鹉因为他会唱歌而且我想教它说话。七下Unit8 Comic strip & Welcome to the Unit检测反馈一、根据首字母和中文提示完成单词。1. There are many _ (老鼠) in the old house.2. I like my p_ because it can say hello to me.3. You cannot _ (拿着) the goldfish in your hand.4. I f_ fish to my cat twice a week.5. I want to t_ him to speak.二、 用动词的适当形式填空。 1. They should _ (take ) good care of their pets.2. Mrs Wang is teaching the girls _ ( dance ).3. Where does your dog sleep? It _ ( sleep ) in its house in the garden.4. He _ ( bring ) his pet to school yesterday. 5. Who _ ( teach ) you English last term.6.Do you like watching your goldfish _ (swim) around?三选择( ) 1. I like _ my goldfish _ around in water. A. watch; to swim B. watching; swim C. watching; to swimD. watching; swimming ( ) 2. She is _ a small white mouse in her hand. A. carryingB. taking C. holding D. having( ) 3. Our teacher often teaches us _. A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sings四、完成句子 1. 你太没有礼貌了。_ _ you are!2. 记着带点吃的给我。Remember to _ _ _ _ _.3. 我喜欢我的狗,因为我放学后可以和它玩。 I like my dog because I can _ _ it _ _.4. Bring me my lunch. _ my lunch _ me.5. 我的鹦鹉很聪明,我常常教他讲话。 My parrot is very smart and I often _ _ _ _.6.我喜欢看它们游来游去。I like _ _ _ _.初中英语七年级下册导学案七下Unit8 Reading(1)学案一、 从文中找出下列短语1.动物中最聪明的_2. 追赶一个球_3.睁大眼睛_4.永远照顾他_5.用树枝给我搭建帐篷_6.需要温柔的触摸_7.必须喂她很多_8.惹麻烦_二预习课文完成下面的表格。PetsFeatures(特征)DogGoldfish三、再次朗读诗歌两遍。1.What does the dog do?_寻找韵律:All rhymes with _.Hide rhymes with _.Sticks rhymes with _.Bite rhymes with _.Friend rhymes with _.1. What does the goldfish do?_Bed rhymes with _.Bubble rhymes with _.Much rhymes with _.四、打着节拍朗读诗歌,注意韵律。五、完成Part B1、B2 &B3六默写下列课文中的句子1. 当我躲藏时,他就睁大眼睛找我。2. 他玩精彩的把戏,给我用棍棒搭建营房。3. 他从不喊叫也不咬人,而且他不喜欢打架。4. 我的狗是我的最好朋友,我将照顾他到最后。5. 她从来不麻烦。七下Unit8 Reading(1)检测反馈一、根据汉语写出单词。1. Whats the _ (麻烦)with you?2. The dog often _ _ (追赶)birds and cats.3. The boy likes _ (打仗)very much.4. Dont _ (躲)in the kitchen.5. Dont _(藏)behind the door .they will be you easily.6. Dont make any _(噪音). The man is sleeping.7. He often sleeps with his eyes open _(张大地).二、单项选择( )1.I didnt go to the park with my classmates, because my mother asked me to my little sister at home. A. look afterB. look atC. look forD. look like( )2.Its hard to keep the house with three kids. A. cleaningB. to clean C. cleanedD. clean( )3.You play with fire, Tom. .Its dangerous. A. neednt B. may not C. mustntD. wouldnt三完成句子。1. He is _ (clever) animal of all.2. He _ _
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