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能力阶段练习 翻译:将下列句子翻译成英文1 听众为他的歌唱得好鼓掌叫好。( applaud)_2 在会上他作了重要讲话。(significance)_3 不要打断你父亲的讲话。_4 他愿意做任何事来保护孩子们不受伤害。_5 我的衣服湿了,我一直走在雨中。_完型填空:阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。My senior year , I cant believe its almost over . Now when I 1 , it was stressful , but exciting , the prom , graduation , and then of course , college .I started my college application process months before Christmas . My parents told me it would be 2 if I set up interviews and tours . But I was unmotivated . I wanted to go to college , but I didnt want to deal with the 3 .As the days flew by , my applications lay on my desk just as I had 4 them three months before . “You are wasting 5 time,” my parents complained . Sweeping away the gathered 6 on the applications , I worked on them every Sunday 7 I finished . next came writing the essays . I had many ideas , but every school had different 8_ .I changed them until I was pleased . 9 , everything was underway .Now I just had to wait . In March , I started receiving letters of rejection (拒绝). I began to think that I had set myself up for 10 . I had a letter from Salem State College stating that they wanted to see my third quarter 11 before they made their decision . Yes ! At least someone wanted to 12 me . The beginning of April , I received a letter from Keens State . I had been rejected . Those 13 words : “We regret to inform you ” made me sit down and cry . I had 14 all hope . Then I heard from Plymouth State . Not my first 15 , but I had been accepted . Maybe if I get my grades 16 , I can transfer to another school.The college application process 17 me deeply . All my friends had dozens of schools to choose from . I guess my parents were 18 . High school grades are extremely important to your 19 . If I could do it all over again , I would take it more 20 .1Ahold back Blook back Ckeep back Dgo back 2Asmart Bcertain Cconvenient Davailable 3Aloneliness Bsubjects Cstress Dtests 4Afound Bleft Csent Dchosen 5Abusy BspareCchangeable Dvaluable 6Adust BideasCwork Dtroubles 7Abefore BunlessCuntilDwhen 8AdecisionsBstandardsCregulationsDrequirements 9ASuddenly BFinallyCGenerallyDFortunately 10AdisappointmentBachievementsCdiscriminationDpreparations11Apapers BplansCgradesDexams12Aaccept Brespect Cjudge Dconsider 13Aborrowed Bcheering Cheated Dopening 14Aruined Bgained Clost Dseen 15Achance Bchoice Cguess Dsuccess 16Aup Bout Con Dover 17Ahurt Bbeat Cpunished Dfrightened 18Astrict Bright Ckind Dupset 19Aschool history Bpresent familyCfinal exams Dfuture plans 20Afirmly BreadilyCseriouslyDwillingly 阅读理解(阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,英才苑选出最佳选项。A. AMy most memorable and best experiences will stay in my mind for many years to come . For most people , horses are just animals , smelly beasts that should only be used for racing , for money . Ever since I was only a few years old , horses have been my passion . My dream was to ride a horse . When that time finally approached my anxious little life , my heart beat a thousand times a minute .It was warm summer day in Odessa , Ukraine, and we were at a park . My mom was buying several things for home while I wandered around to find something that made my eyes twinkle . I spotted a figure from heaven , a four-legged beautiful animal was standing down the block , breathing heavily . I ran up to the horse , not even knowing how to pet it , just excited to see the most beautiful creature .He was shining white , with a well- brushed tail . He was playing with his bit and chewed on the reins . I could tell this horse was bored . Where was the owner ?Right away I assumed that I could ride this horse . I turned the other way and went to search for my mom to get some money . I spotted her buying groceries and dragged her to where the horse was . The owner was back and stated that it was his horse and I couldnt ride it . A warm stream of tears flooded down my cheeks as my mom tried to convince the man to let me ride the horse. He finally agreed for a costly price . He taught me how to get on the horse and explained to me that it was important to keep heels down and arms steady . The gentle beat of the horses trot awakened all the senses in me as I bounced up and down on the saddle (鞍). I was the happie
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