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课时跟踪练(三) Word power, Grammar and usage & Task一、打牢语言基础,基稳才能楼高.单项填空1We always keep _ spare paper, in case we run out.Atoo much Ba number ofCplenty of Da good many解析:选Cpaper为不可数名词,排除B项和D项,句意应为“充足的纸”而不是“太多的纸”,所以用 plenty of。2Christmas Day is usually celebrated on December 25th _ the birth of Jesus Christ.Ain praise of Bin honour ofCin terms of Din association with解析:选B句意:人们通常把十二月二十五日定为圣诞日以纪念耶稣基督的诞辰;in praise of “称赞”;in honour of “纪念”;in terms of “在方面”;in association with “与在一起,与联合”。3(上海高考)My morning _ includes jogging in the park and reading newspapers over breakfast.Adrill BactionCregulation Droutine解析:选D句意:在公园中慢跑以及在早饭期间读报纸是我每天早晨的惯例(routine)。 drill“操练”;action“行为”;regulation“规则,条例”。4(江西高考)Thanks for your directions to the house; we wouldnt have found it _.Anowhere BhoweverCotherwise Dinstead解析:选C句意:谢谢你给我们指明方向,否则我们不可能找到这栋房子。otherwise表示“否则”,符合语境。而nowhere“无处”,however“然而”,instead“取代”,均不符合句意。5As is known to all, the newly learnt words will soon be forgotten unless _ used in everyday communication.Agradually BaccuratelyCfamiliarly Dfrequently解析:选D句意:众所周知,刚学过的词如果不在每天的交流中经常用,它们很快就会被遗忘。gradually“逐渐地”;accurately“精确地”;familiarly“熟悉地”;frequently“经常地”。6_ only do I know her, but I am her best friend who can share her joy and sorrow.AIf BEvenCNot DToo解析:选Cnot only . but (also) .“不但而且”为并列连词,连接两个并列分句。not only 位于句首时,它所引导的分句用部分倒装结构。7What an important _ Mr Smith played in the Cartoon and Animation Expo!Arole BrecordCactivity Dsignificance解析:选A句意:史密斯先生在这次动漫展中发挥了多么重要的作用啊! play a role/part in 为固定搭配,意为“在中扮演角色;在中发挥作用”。8According to _ new discovery, working out every day is of _ great benefit to our health.Aa; / Ba; theCthe; a D/; /解析:选A句意:根据一项新的发现,每天进行锻炼对我们的健康很有益处。第一个空泛指“一次新的发现”,故用不定冠词a;第二个空考查“be of抽象名词”的用法,抽象名词前不加冠词,故选A项。9When you talk about a persons _, you are referring to the country, race, or social class of their parents or ancestors.Aorigin BnationalityCgeneration Drelation解析:选A句意:当你们谈论一个人的出身时,你们指的是他们父母或祖先的国家、种族或社会阶级。origin“出身”;nationality“国籍”;generation“一代人”;relation“关系”。根据句意应选A。10At the meeting the old man _ some good advice and all the people there agreed with him.Acame about Bcame alongCcame up with Dcame out解析:选C句意:这位老人在会上提出了一些好的建议,在场的所有人都同意了他的建议。come about“发生”;come along“进展”;come up with“提出”;come out“出版,出现”。根据句意应选C项。.完成句子1有消息说这个部门可能要关闭。Word got_around_that the department might be closed.2努力学习,不然你就会落后。Study hard, otherwise_you_will_fall_behind.3这家超市的货物质量上乘。The goods in this supermarket are_of_high_quality.4不仅我而且我父母都喜爱旅游。Not_only_I_but_also_my_parents_are fond of travelling around.5当我们运输东西的时候,我们总是选择卡车。When_we_transport_things,_we always choose trucks.6人们喜欢使用原始的交通工具出去,比如说自行车。People like to_use_original_transportation like bikes to go out.7有人提出这样的一种生活方式,这就是低碳生活。Somebody came_up_with_such_a_way_of_life,_which is the lowcarbon life.8很多人成立了一些协会来支持这一活动。Many people founded_some_associations to support this activity.二、勤练语篇阅读,多练自能生巧ASouth Korean artist The One sang Ameis Listen to the Sea on the stage at Hunan TVs Im a Singer on March 6,2015. Eighteen years later, Listen to the Sea still touched listeners hearts. But the question is whats the latest song you can think of that reaches the same heights as Listen to the Sea. An obvious fact is we are indeed lacking good songs. Now we can thank Sing My Song for offering music fans more new songs.Since Super Girl became hot in 2005, over 10 different singing competitions have appeared the time since. Among them is The Voice of China, which aims to find the singer with the strongest vocal (歌唱的) abilities. Im a Singer provides a platform for the former famous singers to challenge themselves again. Super Girl and Super Boy are intended to look for idols (偶像). The winners dont need to be the best singer but they must have a special personality (个性). Even those who dont watch this show know Li Yuchun, the 2005 Super Girl champion, a shorthaired “tough girl”, though they may be unable to name a single one of her songs.Sing My Song is unique because its the only singing talent show that requires every singer to show their own written songs rather than using other artists songs. The five superstar judges try to find the best songs and songwriters in China. In Sing My Song, the ability to be a strong songwriter is over singing ability.Although Sing My Song is a great success, it still faces the same problem all singing talent shows share:For most singers, their starting point at the show is also their careers peak (顶峰). We have to hope that some of these beginners will be able to hold on to their dream and add something new to Chinese music.语篇解读:本文介绍中国好歌曲这一全新的音乐节目,叙述了这一节目有别于其他音乐类节目的独特之处、成功之处和不足方面。1Im a singer has provided a platform for _.Athe
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