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Unit 2 The universal language Section Word power, Grammar and usage & Task 一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.personneln人事部门;职员,全体人员2.departmentn. 部,处,系,司,局3.chorusn. 合唱团;合唱曲vt. 合唱;齐声说4.throatn. 喉咙,咽喉5.motherlandn. 祖国6.tutorn. 指导教师;家庭教师7.symphonyn. 交响乐,交响曲8.bachelorn. 单身汉,未婚男子;学士9.kindergartenn. 幼儿园10.folkadj. 民间的,民俗的n. 人们;亲属(尤指父母)11.balletn. 芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞团12.albumn. 音乐专辑;影集,相册13.chartn. 图表;海图vt. 记录;制订;绘制(地图).拓展词汇1.opportunityn机遇,时机opportune adj.适当的,恰当的opportunistic adj.机会主义的2.unemploymentn失业employment n职业employ v雇佣3.collectionn作品集;收藏品;一批(人或物品);取走collect v收集1.personnel n人事部门;职员,全体人员记法person (人)nel全体人员词块personnel files 人事档案increase personnel 增加员工近义staff n全体职员crew n全体船员2.bachelor n未婚男子,单身汉;学士词块receive a bachelors degree获得学士学位Bachelor of Arts 文学学士联想master n硕士doctor n博士近义single n单身3.kindergarten n幼儿园记法kinder (好心)garten (garden)幼儿园词块kindergarten teachers 幼儿园老师start kindergarten 开始上幼儿园4.unemployment n失业记法un(不)employ (雇佣)ment (名词后缀)失业词块unemployment rate 失业率reduce unemployment 减少失业5.ballet n芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧联想social dance 交谊舞tango 探戈tap dance 踢踏舞二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.apply for 申请2participate in 参加;参与3split up 分手;分裂;断绝关系4on the pop charts 在流行音乐榜上5put up 张贴;举起;搭建;为提供住宿6give up 中止;停止;放弃7serve as 适合用于;供职于8try out 试验;测试1.play the musical instruments 演奏乐器2serve as his first musical tutor 他的第一位音乐老师3sing folk songs 唱民歌4be famous for 由于出名5record their first song 录制他们的第一首歌6a number one hit on the pop chart 在流行榜单上排名第一的金曲7in less than seven weeks 不到七周8in the summer of 1788 1788年的夏天三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.What instrument do you think I should learn?你认为我应该学习哪种乐器?句中do you think为插入语。What kind of music do_you_think will become popular?你认为什么样的音乐将流行起来?2.Using ellipsis is an efficient way to make sentences concise.使用省略是一种使句子简洁的有效方法。using ellipsis为动名词短语作主语。Their_coming_to_help was a great encouragement to us他们来帮忙对我们是极大的鼓励。.3.I applied for the job, and they sent me an invitation to try out for a part in the chorus.我申请了这份工作,他们随后给我发来试演合唱团角色的邀请。句中动词不定式作后置定语。Thank you for your kind invitation to_join_with_you in this wonderful Thanksgiving celebration. 谢谢你们盛情邀请我和你们一起欢庆这美好的感恩节庆典。1(教材P22)Another kind is called percussion instrument, such as the drums and the gong this kind of instrument is played by striking with the hand or with a stick.另一种被称作打击乐器比如鼓和锣这种乐器用手捶或用棍敲。strike n罢工;打;击;敲v.打;击;撞击;敲响;擦燃;罢工go on strike举行罢工/罢课be on strike 在罢工strike for/against 为了/为反对而罢工be struck by/with . 被咬/打动/迷住/给予深刻印象It strikes sb. that . 使某人忽然想起The clock strikes the hours, the half and the quarters.这个钟在正点、半点和一刻钟时都打点。He struck a match and lit his cigarette.他擦了根火柴点燃香烟。The workers went on strike last week to demand job security.上周工人们举行罢工要求得到工作保障。The visitors were struck by/with the beauty of the West Lake.游客们被西湖的美景迷住了。It_struck_me_that there was no one at home.我突然想起家中没有人。辨析比较strike, beat, hitstrike多指用力急速或突然一次猛击beat连续打击;在游戏、竞赛或战争中打败对手hit常与strike换用,侧重有目标的猛击,强调用力击中选用上述单词填空She hit him playfully over the head with her newspaper.The car was struck by a falling tree.We could hear the rain beating on the roof of the house.2(教材P25)It had always been one of my strongest desires to have a part in Turandot.在图兰朵中扮演一个角色一直是我最大的愿望之一。desire (1)n.希望,愿望have a desire for sth.渴望得到某物have a desire to do sth. 有做某事的欲望,渴望做某事have no desire to do sth. 不想做某事The people all over the world have a desire for peace.全世界人民都渴望和平。I have no desire to_discuss (discuss) the question at present.目前我不想讨论这个问题。(2)vt.向往;想要desire for 想要desire to do sth. 想要做某事desire sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事We all desire for great progress in studies.我们都渴望学习上取得大的进步。I desire you to_return (return) as soon as possible.我希望你尽快返回。名师点津desire表示“想要,要求;希望”时,后面的名词性从句要用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用“(should)动词原形”。Their desire is that our country (should) be powerful and prosperous.他们的愿望是:我们的国家要强大繁荣。3(教材P25)One day, I saw a poster put up by the production companys Personnel Department, saying they were looking for singers.一天,我看到一个制片公司人事部门张贴的海报,说他们正在寻找歌手。put up 张贴;搭建;举起;为提供住宿put up with忍受,容忍put on 上演;穿(戴)上put off 延期,推迟;取消put away 将收起来;积蓄put forward 提出,提议;推荐put out 扑灭,熄灭;出版;生产put down 放下;平息,镇压;记下put aside 把放在一边;忽视;储存Put up your hand if you know the answer please.如果你知道答案请举手。Its time that we put_up the Christmas decorations in the living room.是时候在客厅张贴圣诞节装饰品了。Plans have been put_forward to pull down and rebuild the area.把这个地区的房屋推倒重建的计划已经提出了。My childhood experiences have helped me to put_up_with all kinds of hardships.儿时的经历帮助我忍受了各种各样的苦难。4(教材P25)I applied for the job, and they sent me an invitation to try out for a part in the chor
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