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Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms areSectionB (1a2b).根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。direct, fascinating, polite, crowded, correct, expensive1. Its _ to speak loudly in the library.2. There arent many people on the bus, so its _.3. After reading her novels, we know she is a brave, honest and _ woman.4. Backpacking can be a great and _ way to spend a weekend with friends.5. Nobody told Alex the _ time, so he didnt know when he should get there.6. Shanghai is a really _ city and Molly has decided to stay there for another two weeks.根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. Show the man a map and tell him the _(方位).2. With _(谁) did Mary go shopping last Sunday?3. He is always ready to help those in need. He never refuses their _(请求).4. Talking with English _(讲某种语言的人) helps Wang Ting improve her spoken English.5. The information we need includes your names, _(地址) and phone numbers.6. When I worked in the small town, I went to that coffee shop at the _(拐角) after work every day.7. Tina and her friends got lost in a(n) _(地下的) parking lot in the Walmart.根据汉语意思及括号内所给英文提示语,将下列句子翻译成英语。1.这个计划取决于天气情况。(depend on)_2.你应该学会如何礼貌地请求帮助。(ask for help)_3.辛迪(Cindy)喜欢动物,比如狗,熊和猴子。(such as)_4.今晚你方便来我家吃饭吗?(convenient)_5.昨天特德(Ted)整个上午都在看报纸。(spend)_6.先生,很抱歉打扰你,请你给我开一下门,好吗?(trouble)_答案:. 1. impolite 2. uncrowded 3. direct4. inexpensive 5. correct 6. fascinating. 1. direction 2. whom 3. requests 4. speakers5. addresses 6. corner 7. underground. 1. The plan depends on the weather.2. You should learn how to ask for help politely.3. Cindy likes animals, such as dogs, bears and monkeys.4. Is it convenient for you to come to my house for dinner tonight?5. Ted spent the whole morning reading the newspaper yesterday.6. Sir, Im sorry to trouble you, but could you please open the door for me?在校园的时候曾经梦想去桂林,到那山水甲天下的阳朔仙境,漓江的水呀常在我心里流,去那美丽的地方是我一生的期望,有位老爷爷他退休有钱有时间,他给我描绘了那幅美妙画卷,刘三姐的歌声和动人的传说,亲临其境是老爷爷一生的心愿,我想去桂林呀,我想去桂林,可是有时间的时候我却没有钱,我想去桂林呀,我想去桂林,可是有了钱的时候我却没时间1
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