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Unit 5Meeting your ancestorsSection Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending课后篇巩固探究一、写作词汇检测A.根据每一组的提示词,完成或翻译句子。1.ripen(1)Fields of corn were ready for harvesting.(2)阳光使水果成熟。答案:(1)ripe(2)The sun ripens the fruit.2.ample(1)We have supply of water.(2)我们用于度假的钱很充足。答案:(1)ample(2)We have ample money for the journey.3.centimetre(1)The insect is about five long.(2)1米合100厘米。答案:(1)centimetres(2)There are 100 centimetres in one metre.4.accuracy(1)She is quick and at figures.(2)我怀疑你的话的正确性。答案:(1)accurate(2)I doubt the accuracy of your statement.5.assume(1) it rains tomorrow,what shall we do?(2)我本以为他是法国人。答案:(1)Assuming(2)I had assumed him to be a Frenchman.6.interrupt(1)“No more ,”said the teacher.(2)一则重要新闻中断了那个节目。答案:(1)interruption(2)The program was interrupted by the important news.7.acute(1)We are aware of the problem.(2)狗的嗅觉非常敏锐。答案:(1)acutely(2)Dogs have an acute sense of smell.B.根据图画内容及所给词语造句。8.(starvation)答案:Starvation drove him to eat the food on the ground.9.(mat,yoga)答案:The girls are doing yoga on the mat.10.(beast,climb)答案:The tiger is a beast which cant climb trees.11.(messy,find)答案:I cant find anything in the messy room.二、阅读词汇检测阅读下列句子,说出黑体词的含义。1.She collected different kinds of seashells as she walked along the beach.答案:海贝壳2.Is there a botanical garden nearby?答案:植物学的3.Primitive men lived in caves and hunted wild animals.答案:原始的4.He is the beast that has been attacking women.答案:野兽三、用下列词组或单词的适当形式完成句子at mostcut upampleas well asalternativekeep outused to beinterruptbe made ofregardless of1.What hotels are there in the small town?答案:alternative2.Rain our baseball game so we had to put it off till the next week.答案:interrupted3.We go to the English Salon now and then, being busy doing our lessons.答案:regardless of4.She has enough experience rich knowledge so that she has been accepted.答案:as well as5.The farmer tried to shut the door at once to the elephant but he failed.答案:keep out6.As a news item it merits a short paragraph .答案:at most7.If you this kind of vegetable before cooking it,you will lose its vitamin.答案:cut up8.Her necklace glass but it looks like a real diamond one.答案:is made of9.The policeman offered drinking water to the area where the villagers suffered the terrible flood.答案:ample10.This area an ocean millions of years ago.答案:used to be四、单句填空1.After three days without food,the men were close to (starve).答案:starvation2.The kitchen knife has become dull,so Mother asked me to (sharp) it.答案:sharpen3.This experiment is designed to test the (accurate) of the new equipment.答案:accuracy4.These apples need another week to (ripe).答案:ripen5.The audience was almost (entire) female.答案:entirely6.Regardless what they say about me,Im going to do it.答案:of7.We are to finish the experiment in two months most.答案:at8.She cut the meat to feed the little dog.答案:up9.I am sorry (interrupt) you but how could they live here?答案:to interrupt10.We know that they move around,(follow)the herds of animals.答案:following五、阅读理解导学号62554023One of the richest collections of early-human fossils ever found has been taken out of an African cave,thanks to the efforts of a team of scientists small enough to fit through ancient narrow ways.The fossils,discovered in the dark places of the Rising Star cave in South Africa,belong to a new species that appeared at the beginning of the family that includes modern humans.The fossils could be more than 2.5 million years old.Or they could be relatively recent.Homo sapiens(智人) appeared in Africa roughly 200,000 years ago,so the bones are at least that old.The new species is a strange mixture of parts.It had hands and feet much like those of other members of the biological group called Homo,which includes our own speciesHomo sapiens.Its brain,though,was only about as big as an orange.The Rising Star ancient humans could control objects with their hands,but their highly curved(弯曲的) fingers also made them good climbers.Their Homo-like feet and long legs show they could walk long distances,but their shoulders are also suited for climbing.The researchers call them Homo naledi,after the word for “star” in the African language Sotho.The first slight knowledge of the more than 1,550 bits of fossils,representing at least 15 individuals,came from cavers helping a researcher to look for ancient remains.One place leading to the fossil room is just over seven inches wideless than the width of a sheet of notebook paper.It took a team including six female
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