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八年级英语上册人教版 评估测试卷(Units 1-2)一、按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。(10分)1. I (反身代词) 2.bike (同义词) 3.different (名词) 4.umbrella(复数) 5.like (反义词) 6.health(形容词) 7.although (同义词) 8.television(缩写) 9.write(作者) 10.coffee(复数) 二、单项选择(30分)( )1. Where did you do on the beach?We beach volleyball there. A. play B. plays C. played D. playing( )2. Did your sister go to Sanya on vocation? .He spent his vocation in Shenzhen.A. Yes, he was. B. No, he wasnt. C. Yes, he did. D. No, he didnt.( )3. Did you go with ? Yes, I went there with my father.A .someone B. anyone C. everyone D. no one( )4. Theres wrong with your bike, you can ride it.Thank you. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything( )5. Lu Shan was wonderful, we took quite photos there . A. fewB. a few C. little D. a little ( )6. It that he was unhappy today. A. seemB. seems C. seemed D. seeming ( )7. Now, there are more in our city, it looks beautiful. A build B .building C. buildings D. built( )8.How do you go to school every day? The school is not far from my house, so I go to school by .A. train B. foot C. plane D. bicycle( )9. Lucy and Mary are twins, but there are many between them. A. difference B. differences C. differentD. same ( )10. Luckily, we brought our umbrellas, so we didnt get .A. wet B. hot C. cold D. dry( )11. What do you usually do on weekends?I usually surf the online. A. internet B. Internet C. TV D. program( )12. does your father exercise? He hardly ever exercises. He doesnt like sportsA. When B. What sports C. Why D. How often( )13. Excuse me. How can I get to the zoo? Go the forest and you can see the zoo.A .cross B. cross from C. through D. though( )14. It Lindas watch . your watch is in your bag.A. may be; Maybe B. maybe; Maybe C. may be; Maybe D. maybe; May be( )15. Its such an important match we cant miss it. A. thatB. as C. which D. what( )16. To be healthy, we must eat _ vegetables and _ meat. A. much; little B. more; less C. less; more D. less; little( )17. What do you usually do on weekends ?I usually help mother with .A. work B. homework C. housework D. job ( )18. He puts some articles on the . A .book B. magazine C .bag D. pencil box( )19. He has some good habits. he had some bad habits, too. A. And B. However C. But D. or ( ) 20. Thank you for bringing this book to me. . A. You are welcome B. OK C. Thats rightD. Thank you三、完形填空(20分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Seeing Yang Leiguang, you might never imagine that the boy traveled alone to Tibet for one month. More surprisingly, the 21-year-old from Henan University of Science and Technology 1 only 500 yuan with him to finish the journey. 2 Yang had been preparing for the Tibet trip for three years doing exercise, learning hiking, practicing photography and reading travel guides he still met some unexpected 3 on the way. “Since it was my first time in Tibet, I underestimated the cost. I had to use every way to live 4 and make more money,” he says. In one months time, he did several different 5 , such as writing down the names of the people who booked tickets to enter the Potala Palace , 6 leaflets and so on. What he felt most 7 about was selling souvenirs. It can make money but have to run away whenever someone came to tell him to stop selling. For most of the trip, things go well, but there was one moment when he felt embarrassed. “That was at Nam Co,” he says. “A girl and I wanted to go back to Lhasa, when a truck came and agreed to take us”. But there was only one 8 available, Yang gave his seat to the girl, but he left all of his stuff on the truck. When he knew his mistake, it was already too 9 . He couldnt catch up with the truck, and he didnt have a cell phone to call the police or the girl. He had to walk alone along the road. “I walked for hours on the road, and I even 10 the worst resultthat I may die ,” he says. He was lucky enough to catch a bus to Lhasa at last, where he met the girl again and got his stuff. 1. A. bring B. took C. carried D. had2. A. If B. When C. Although D.
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