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,科学普及出版社 五年级 | 下册,科学普及出版社 五年级 | 下册,Lets talk,科学普及出版社 五年级 | 下册,科学普及出版社 五年级 | 下册,Lets learn,Does she do morning exercises here every day?,Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.,科学普及出版社 五年级 | 下册,Does she watch TV in the evening?,Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.,科学普及出版社 五年级 | 下册,Does she do sports in the afternoon?,Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.,科学普及出版社 五年级 | 下册,Does she take a walk after supper?,Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.,Lets chant,科学普及出版社 五年级 | 下册,I try to do my best each day, In my work and in my play. And if I always do my best, I neednt worry about my test.,Look and say,科学普及出版社 五年级 | 下册,Does your mother _ in the evening?,Yes, she does.,What about your father?,He usually _.,科学普及出版社 五年级 | 下册,Who is he?,Listen and say,Does he come from ?,Does he like ?,He plays basketball very well.,科学普及出版社 五年级 | 下册,Read,What happens to Miss Rabbit?,Homework,1. Write the new words and sentences. 2. 运用所学的句型与同学互相询问对方爸爸妈妈的日常活动。,科学普及出版社 五年级 | 下册,
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