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What kind of disasters do you know?,fire,typhoon / Hurricane,snow slide,volcano eruption,mudflow,tornado,sandstorm,flood,Tsunami,earthquake,What has happened?,What happened?,Tall buildings were destroyed.,The car was smashed.,What happened?,People were injured.,The city was in ruins.,the city after the earthquake,the city before the earthquake,Unit Four : Earthquakes,Period One: Warming up and talking,An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earths crust. Earthquakes may result in disease, lack of basic necessities, loss of life, general property damage, road and bridge damage and sometimes landslides, fires, flood and even tsunamis.,Discussion: What do you think will happen before an earthquake?,1) Bright light flashes in the sky. 2) The well has deep cracks in it, and the water in it rises and falls. 3) Chickens are flying and dogs are barking, and pigs and cows are too nervous to eat. 4) Fish jump out of the pond, and mice run wildly out of the fields.,Signs before an earthquake:,唐山抗震纪念碑广场,唐山大地震三十周年后的新唐山,美国旧金山海湾大桥,旧金山,Unit Four : Earthquake,Period Two: Reading,Disasters have no emotion, but people do.,An earthquake happened in Tangshan, Hebei, on July 28th, 1976.,A the army came to help them B the quake happened while they were sleeping C they were nervous D dames and wells were useless E they didnt know the quake caused the strange things,1 The chickens didnt eat because 2 Before the earthquake the people didnt worry because 3 Such a great number of people died because 4 Water was needed because 5 The people did not lose hope because,Read the text aloud and join the correct parts of the sentences.,Skimming,conclusion: Sum up the main idea of the passage:,_ happened in Tangshan. For a few days, water in the wells _. From the _ of wells _came out. Mice, chicken, pigs and even fish became _. At 3:00 am, everything began to _.It seemed that the world was _. _ of the nation _ it. _ cut across the city. The city lay _.,Strange things,rose and fell,cracks,smelly gas,nervous,shake,at an end,One-third,felt,A huge crack,in ruins,Tangshans new look,Every day, every hour, every moment, every minute is precious. We must love our lives. Learn to enjoy life. Life is beautiful.,Unit4 Earthquakes,reading Language points,1.升升降降 2.立刻,马上 3.在农家大院 4.突然大哭 5.毫不在意,不重视 6.水管 7.结束,终结 8.一个巨大的裂缝 9.仿佛;好像 10.沉沦在废墟中,1.rise and fall 2.right away 3.in the farmyard 4.burst into tears 5.think little of . 6.water pipes 7.be at an end 8. a huge crack 9. as if 10. lie/ be in ruins,11.thousands of . 12.tens of thousands of 13.blow away 14.fall down 15.be trapped 16.be shocked 17.the rescue workers 18.dig out 19.bury the dead 20.coal miners,11.成千上万 12.数以万计 13.吹走 14.倒塌,下落 15.受困 16.受震撼 17.救援人员 18.挖出 19.掩埋死者 20.煤矿工人,Language points 1.too+adj./adv.to do 太而不能(表否定概念) eg. He is too young to go to school. too+adj.(glad,happy, surprised,eager)+to do (表肯定概念) eg.Im too glad to meet you here. 很高兴在这遇见你。 can not /can never be too +adj.越越好/再也不过分 eg.You can not /can never be too careful when you cross the road. 当你过马路时越小心越好.,即时练习 1)The problem was _difficult for us_solve. A.too ; that B.so ; that C.too; to D.so; too 2)You can never be _careful in the street. A.much B.very C.so D.too,C,D,2.burst vi 爆裂;爆发 n.突然爆裂;爆发 burst into +n.=burst out doing 突然 burst into tears/laughter 突然哭起来/笑起来 burst out crying/laughting,即时练习 1).When she heard the news,she _. A.burst into laughing B.burst out into laughing C.burst out laughter D.burst into laughter 2).Every time _he thought of his past ,he couldt help bursting_. A.when;out tears B.that ;into crying C.which;into crying D./;out crying,D,D,3.think little /nothing of 认为没什么 think highly of 高度评价 think of 想出;记起 think badly/ ill of 对评价很失望 think about 考虑 think over 仔细考虑 即时练习 We think _Dr. Yang because he cares for China very much. A.highly B.high of C.well D.highly of,D,4.event (重要的,不同寻常的)大事件 situation 状况;形势;处境 accident 事故;意外的事 incident 附带的小事件 即时练习 The most important _ of this month is the largest storm that we have seen in the past ten years. A.accident B.event C.incident D.situation,B,5.at an end 结束;终结 eg .The war was at an end.战争结束了 类似短语 in the end 最后 by the end of 到.为止 at the end of 在.尽头 end in 以告终 come to an end 结束,即时练习: When I got there ,the meeting was _(结束) I was attracted (吸引)by books. By the end Be the end of that summer, I _ over twenty novels A. will have read B. have read C. had read D. has read,at an end,C,6. in ruins 严重受损/毁坏 eg. An earthquake left the whole town in ruins. ruin n.废墟(常用复数形式)vt. 毁灭 eg. The storm ruined the crops. 暴风雨毁坏了庄稼,7.lie (lay ; lain) 处于某种状态 eg. The whole area has lain waste for many years.整个地区多年来一直荒芜在那里。 destroy ; damage ; ruin 的区别 destroy 指彻底毁坏以至难以修复 damage 指部分损坏还可以修复 ruin 多用于借喻中, 泛指一般的“弄坏了 ”,自由自在是
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