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Objective,To be able to introduce the Christmas with the expressions:,put across,put aside,put forward,put up with,carry on,1. After lunch, the adults slept on the sofas while we all played cards.,He is strong while his brother is weak. 他长得很结实,而他弟弟却很瘦弱。,(1)while 而,Some people waste food while others havent enough. 有些人很费粮食,然而有些人却吃不饱。,(2)while 尽管,虽然,1. While these experiments are interesting and useful, it is important to remember that they may not always tell us much. 虽然这些实验有趣也有用,但是很重要的是要记住,这些实验也可能不会告诉你很多。 2. While he loves his students, he is very strict with them. 虽然他爱他的学生,可是他对他们很严格。,正当吉姆修自行车时,林涛来看他。,While Jim was mending his bike, Lin Tao came to see him.,尽管没有确证,大多数人还是认为他有罪。,While there was no conclusive evidence, most people thought he was guilty.,Practice,Let the word fly,put across,解释,put aside,搁到一边,put forward,提出,put up with,容忍,忍受,Translate the phrases,我不知道杰克如何能忍受得了他的老婆。 作为朋友, 我应该对你坦诚, 因此提出了这些批评和意见。 她把书搁到一边, 我们交谈起来。 他没能使听众理解他的观点。,1. I dont see how Jack can put up with his wife.,2. As a friend, I should be frank to you, so I put forward these criticism and opinions,3. She put her book aside, and we had a talk,4. He could not put across his point of view to the audience.,Translation,The bigger boats will be able to put more people across the river. I have put aside five minutes to talk to you. They put him forward as a candidate.,1. 大一点的船能把更多的人渡过河去。,2. 我挤出5分钟来与你交谈。,3. 他们推举他为候选人。,Guess the meaning of the following sentences.,I.根据汉语提示在空白处填上英语, 每空一词。,1. 他写了一篇感谢他的父母帮助他摆脱困境的文章。 He wrote an article _ his parents _ helping him out of trouble. 2. 这座村庄正在发展成为一个城镇。 The village _ _ _ a town.,thanking,for,is,growing,into,3. 我玩得很高兴, 完全忘记了今天早晨考试的事。 I had _ much fun _ I entirely forgot about the test this morning. 4. 这个问题应该尽快被解决。 The problem _ _ _ _ as soon as possible. 5. 这本字典太重,不能随身携带。 This dictionary is _ heavy _ _ about.,so,that,ought,to,be,solved,too,to,carry,II. 用方框内所给短语的正确形式填空。,blow up stay awake put up carry on blow down go to church look into at the bottom of play with put on,1. Its said that a ship full of treasures lies _ the lake. 2. Can you _ this balloon?,at the bottom of,blow up,3. The secretary _ all night waiting for a phone from her boss. 4. So far, several tents _ at the foot of the mountain for the climbers to sleep in. 5. To finish the paper in time, he _ working deep into the night. 6. You had better _ more clothes today, for its very cold outside.,stayed awake,have been put up,carried on,put on,7. Last night, a number of trees in our city _ by the strong winds. 8. My parents have formed the habit of _ every Sunday. 9. The police _ the matter, but they know little about it now. 10. On weekends Mattie always stays at home and _ his basketball.,were blown down,going to church,have looked into,plays with,Thank You!,
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