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高考英语语法考点分析与突破系列讲座 第一讲 名词 名词是中学英语语法的重要内容之一,也是高考的一个重要考点。在高考试卷中,主要出现在单选,完型及改错题型。纵观近十年高考题,高考对名词的考查主要集中在名词辨析、名词的单复数、名词的所有格及名词作定语四大方面。考点一、名词词义辨析 高考题型示例:1. (09 湖北卷,26) In our class, when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book, it was a for everyone to stand up. A. signal B. chance C. mark D. measure 2. (09 安徽卷,31) China has got a good for fighting against the flu with its careful and smooth organization. A. reputation B. influence C. impression D. knowledge 3. (2011天津卷) Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his_. A. ability B. force C. strength D. mind 4. (2012 湖北)It is important to have your eyes examined regularly to check for any sign of eyes disease that may not have any _. A. symptom B. similarity C. sample D. shadow 5. (2012 四川)Heres my card. Lets keep in _. A. touch B. relation C. connection D. friendship突破技巧:同义、近义名词在不同语境中的辨析一直是高考考查的热点,也是我们学习的难点,在做此类题时,应从以下几方面去突破:l 学习过程中注意同类词的比较和辨析l 注意名词使用的场合和语境。l 注意名词的内涵、外延及固定搭配。考点二、名词的单复数高考题型示例:1.(2011 浙江)He gained his _ by printing _ of famous writers. A. wealth; work B. wealths; works C. wealths; work D. wealth; works2. (2010 山东)His parents raise hundreds of _, including four _. A . cattle ; cows B. cattles ; cows C. cattle ; cow D. cattles ; cow 3.(2010 天津) James took the magazines off the little table to make _ for the tevelision. A. room B. areas C. field D. position 4. (08 天津卷,11) Most air pollution is caused by the burning of like coal, gas and oil. A. fuels B. articles C. goods D. products 5. (2006 全国) Many people agree that _of English is a must in international trade today. A. a knowledge B. knowledges C. knowledge D. the knowledge 突破技巧:不可数名词没有复数形式,只能用数量词来修饰如:water、milk、 health、wealth等。不规则可数名词单数变复数的形式 (特殊名词,需牢记)l 变元音字母man-men woman-women foot-feet tooth-teeth goose-geesel 变词尾 child-children ox-oxen(牛) l 单复数同形one fishtwo fish,one deer-three deer,one sheep-many ship等 l 有些名词形式上虽是单数,意义上却是复数 cattle 牛(总称) people 人民 police 警察 public 公众l 复合名词的复数形式由man和woman构成的复合名词,两部分都要变复数。 One man teacher- two men teachers a woman doctor- many women doctorsl 英语中有些名词既是可数名词又是不可数名词,但所含的意义不同,需牢记。如: paper纸papers论文 water水waters水域 custom习惯customs海关 manner方式manners礼貌 work 工作 works 著作 time时间times时代wood木材woods树林 sand沙子sands沙滩 room 空间-rooms 房间 l 英语中大部分的抽象名词属不可数名词的范畴,没有复数形式,也不能和不定冠词 a/ an 连用。但有一些抽象名词表示具体概念时,可在前加不定冠词,这类抽象名词和普通名词的转化词需牢记。常见的这类词有:success成功; a success 一件成功的事或一个成功的人failure失败; a failure 一个失败的人或一件失败的事knowledge知识; a knowledge of 一门.的知识pleasure快乐; a pleasure 一件快乐的事time 时间,时光; a good time 一次快乐的时光考点三、名词的所有格 高考题示例:1. (09江西卷,23) The shoes were covered with mud, so I asked them to take them off before they got into _car. A. girls; Toms B. girls; Toms C. girls; Toms D. girls; Toms2._desks are in the same room.A. Johns and Susan B. John and Susans C .John and Susan D. Johns and Susans3.- Where did you spend last weekend ? -At _. A. Mr Greens B .Mr Green C. the Mr Greens D. the Mr Greens突破技巧:1、表示有生命的名词所有格,其构成形式如下:一般单数名词在词后加“s” 例如:my brothers bag 以-s或-es结尾的复数名词的所有格,只在名词右上方加 , 不规则的复数名词后要加 s the workers club the students books the childrens bags the womens shoes复合名词所有格的词尾“s”加在后面名词之后。 例如two sons-in-laws photos 如果一样东西为两个人共有,则只在后一个名词加“s”;如果不是共有的,两个名词后都要加“s”。 例如:Jane and Marys room (共有) Janes and Toms books (不共有) 在表示“某人家”、“店铺”的名词所有格后面,一般省略它所修饰的名词 at the doctors 在诊所 at the barbers 在理发店 at Mr. Greens 在格林先生家 2 表示无生命东西的名词,通常采用of+名词的结构来表示所有关系。 the gate of the school 学校的大门 the window of the room 房间的窗户 考点四、名词作定语高考题示例:1.(2009 湖北) Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for _building. A . respect B. friendship C. reputation D. character 2. (2009 北京)The _ is just around the corner and you wont miss it. A. bicycles shop B. bicycle shop C. bicycles shop D. bicycles shop3(2010 上海)It took us quite a long time to get to the park. It was _ journey. A. three-hour B. a three hour C. a three-hour D. three hours 4. (2011上海)The village is far away from here indeed. Its _ walk. A. a four hour B. a four hours C. a four-hours D. a four hours5. (2010 四川)There are only twelve _ in the hospital. Awoman doctors Bwomen doctors Cwomen doctor Dwoman doctor突破技巧:名词作定语名词可以用作定语修饰后面的名词,表示类别、处所、材料、身份、性别、功能、用途等。l 表示目的、用途、来源及所属等。a tooth brush 牙刷 a schoo
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