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warming up &vocabulary,Do you know which country the short video refers to?,Britain/ the UK,Make Britain Proud,a,Do you remember the theme of the short video?,The 2012 Olympic Games will held in _.,London,Watch a video clip and answer some questions.,England,When you mention England, what or who will you think of?,English language,Manchester Union,Big Ben,Queen Victoria,Cambridge University,Princess Diana,Beckham,Big Ben 大本钟,Buckingham Palace白金汉宫,Royal Observatory Greenwich 格林威治天文台,Tower Bridge 塔桥,Hyde Park 海德公园,Stonehenge 巨石阵,Who rules the country: the Prime Minister or the Queen?,A. the Queen,B. the Prime Minister,C. both,The Queens position is ceremonial: opening Parliament, welcoming Heads from other countries, going on tours to other countries to encourage trade with Britain.,VS,The Prime Minister together with his most important ministers (called Cabinet) and his Members of Parliament make important political decision and the laws.,Which is the longest river in England?,A. the River Avon,B. the River Thames,C. the River Severn,Thames,Severn,Avon,The Rivers Thames and Severn are very similar in length but the River Thames is slightly longer. The River Thames is 338 km and the River Severn is 290 km. The River Avon is much shorter.,Oxford,Cambridge,What are the provinces called in England? A. counties B. departments. C. states,Vocabulary building,It is a _ palace.,royal,It is very _,splendid,Buckingham Palace,the Union Jack,Shen Yang ia a famous city in China.It is a _ city.,industrial,名词形式:industry,Guangzhou is a _ city in China,historical,(history),Roman,collection,collect,Anglo-Saxon,wedding,What are they doing?,They are sightseeing,They are feeling very _,delighted,tower,uniform,statue,pot,It is a _ car,smart,The car _ when they went to the downtown.,broke down,What are they doing? They are _.,constructing,(construction),If you take the plane or metro to go other places,it is very _.,convenient,(convenience),debate,1.to make or become an integrated whole or a unity; combine 2 to make or become clear or easy to understand 3. to conclude successfully; complete 4.To absorb ones attention by clearly visible behavior or Appearance 5. an angry disagreement; argument 6. make plans in advance or put in order 7. bend one part of a thing back over on itself 8. to take great pleasure (in) 9.Excite 10.pleasurable,1.Unite 2.clarify 3.Accomplish 4.Attract 5.Quarrel 6.Arrange 7.Fold 8.Delight 9.Thrill 10.enjoyable,1.United we stand, divided we fall. 2.Give an example to help clarify what you mean. 3. My grandmother has accomplished the age of 97 years of her life. 4.The film The Founding of a Republic attract a lot of peoples attention. 5.I have arranged for a car to pick you up. 6.The gift you gave me on Teachers Day thrilled /delighted me. 7.The weather here is enjoyable.,clarify,Ones attitude,Ones stand 阐明自己的立场,Ones mind 阐明自己的想法,Word association and collocation,unwilling,willing,willingness,reluctant,willingly,content,unwillingly,Be unwilling to do sth 不乐意做某事,Be willing to sth 乐意做某事,Convenience,Inconvenient , inconvenience,convenient,At ones convenience,If it is to your convenience如果你方便的话,If it is convenient to you,attract,Attract ones attention,n.Attraction,Attract sb to sth 把某人吸引到,An attractive smile 动人的微笑,Adj.attractive,possibility,Adj.possible,Adj./opp.impossible,n./opp.impossibility,arrange,Arrange sth 整理布置某事,Make arrangements for为做准备,n.Arrangement 安排,1.Will you clarify your stand/position? 澄清你的立场? 2.To our disappointment,he was unwilling to不情愿tell us the truth. 3.Our new house is very _for me as I can get to the offic ein five minutes. A.Reasonable B.comfortable C.convenient D.available 4.Drop in on me when it is convenient to you. 5.The Great Wall is a great tourist _drawing millions of visitors from all parts of the world every day. A.Interest B.view C.scene D.attraction 6.换工作是有可能的事。 Changing jobs is one possibility. 7.You had better make proper arrangements of work and rest.劳逸结合,Consolidation:tic tac toe,Puzzles in Geography,Reading 1,Part 1,Para.1 states the topic to be examined in the reading.,Para.2 explains the joining of England and wales and what the term”Great Britain”means and how it came about.,Para.3explains differences in four countries,Part 2,Para.4explains how England is divided into three zones.,Part 3,Para.5-para.6 explains the importance of london as a cultural and political centre in the UK.,Divide the passage into three parts and write down the main idea of each part.,Part I ( ) :,Part II ( ):,Part III( ),The UK consists of four countries and they work together but they still have different institutions.,England is divided into three parts and they have their own characteristics.,London is the greatest treasure of all.,Para.1-3,Para. 4,Para.5-6,Whats the function of paragraph 1?,Part 1-Geo
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