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第 27 期 适用于新目标内江版九年级 中考专版副主编: 门秀芹责编: 赵佳琪美编: 朱婷 一审: 杨荣二审: 张华程编审: 婉 雪外籍编审: William 适用于新目标内江版九年级中考专版 16-17 (下学期) 第 27 期 Self-assessment 言 警 句 英语测试报 的宗旨: 专业测评, 成功学习。助教、 助学、 助考! 适用于新目标内江版九年级中考专版 16-17 (下学期) 第 27 期 Self-discovery 言 警 句 2016 年 12 月 23 日 2016 年 12 月 23 日 语 块 荟 萃 soccer ball (英式)足球; watch TV 看电视; think about 思考、 思索; How about. (提出建议)怎么样?; a pair of 一双; How much.? 多少钱?; How old.? 多大年纪 for sure 无疑、 肯定; from.to. 从到 交 际 集 锦 1. Do you have a basketball? 你有篮球吗? 2. Let s go to the park this afternoon. 让我们今 天下午去公园吧。 3. I sleep for a while after lunch. 午饭后我睡会 儿觉。 4. Do you like salad? 你喜欢沙拉吗? 5. What do you like for breakfast? 你早饭想吃什 么? 6. I don t want to get up so early. 我不想太早起 床。 7. How much is this coat? 这件外套多少钱? 8. The trousers are twenty dollars. 这条裤子 20 美元。 9. Can I help you? 你想买什么? 10. I ll take the sweater. 我要买这件毛衣。 11. Here you are. 给你。 12. You are welcome. 不客气。 13. When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时 候? 14. Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 15. Have a good time! 过得愉快! 16. What s your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的学 科是什么? 17. Why do you like history? 你为什么喜欢历 史? 18. Who is your math teacher? 你的数学老师是 谁? 19. When is your Chinese class? 你什么时候上语 文课? 口 语 大 全 一、 谈论物品所有 A: Do you have a pen? B: No, I don t. But I have a pencil. 二、 谈论个人喜好及表述理由 1. A: Do you like hamburgers for breakfast? B: Yes, I do. I like them very much. 2. A: What s your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is chemistry. A: Why do you like chemistry? B: Because it s funny. 三、 谈论价格 A: How much is the sweater? B: It s 100 dollars. 四、 谈论日期、 时间 1. A: When is your father s birthday? B: His birthday is on April 1st. 2. A: When is your English class? B: It s on Monday. 五、 谈论人物 A: Who s your headmaster? B: Mr. Brown. 词 语 辨 析 请分析下列易混淆词语并完成经典考题部分。 sound, listen it s a good time to _. 语 法 聚 焦 名词所有格 表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时 间、 距离、 世界或国家等无生命的东西的名词后 加 s 来表示所有关系, 叫做名词所有格。 【用法解读】 1. 名词的格表示所属关系, 表示 “的” , 通常 是在有生命的名词末尾加 s(名词以 s 结尾 则直接加 ) 。 2. 表示两者共同拥有时,只在后一个名词的后 面加 s; 表示两者各自拥有时, 要在每个名词 后面加 s。 3. 表示时间、 距离等无生命的名词时可以使用 s 的所有格形式。 4. 表示某人的家、 学校、 商店等的名词时也使用 所有格, 中心名词常省略。 5. 表示无生命事物的名词和一些表示动物类名 词的所有格, 常用 of 短语, 放在中心名词后 面。 6. 如果 of 形式所有格和 s 所有格连用, 为双重 所有格。 【经典考题】 I. 选择最佳答案。 ()1. Are you sure this is a photo _, the famous comedy actress? It surprised you, didn t it? But she was once really thin.(2016 山东东营) A. Jia LingB. Jia Ling s C. of Jia LingD. of Jia Ling s ()2. How far is your home from school? About _ walk. (2016 黑龙江龙东) A. five minute s B. five minutes C. five minutes ()3. _ room is big and nice. (2016 黑龙江绥化) A. Kate s and Jane s B. Kate s and Jane C. Kate and Jane s II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 4. Who is that boy wearing a white hat? Ben, a friend of _(I). (2016 黑龙江大庆) 5. When is _ (father) Day? On the third Sunday of June. (2016 湖北鄂州) 刘良 (本版答案见下期 A2 版) 词 汇 检 测 玉. 根据句意及汉语提示补全单词。(10 分) 1. Please remember to copy these new words in your _(笔记本). 2. In the _(图书馆), the books on history are all kept in the big bookcase. 3. Could I borrow your _(橡皮擦), Jack? 4. Tony often goes to see his _ (祖父母) who live in the countryside at weekends. 5. Can you tell me how to _(拼写) the word, Mike? 6. Do you have a tape _(播放器)? I want to listen to some music. 7. What _ (颜色) is your jacket, John? It s grey. 8. You can find the museum on the _ (地 图) easily. 9. Is Eric your _(表弟), Julia? Yes. He is my aunt s son. 10. Why not put away the things in the room to make it _(整洁的)? II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5 分) 11. When she s free, she always watches these _(photo) that remind her of those happy days. 12. She is upset because she _(lose) the camera she bought recently. 13. Is that your jacket, Peter? No, it isn t. It s _ (she). 14. It s _(we) duty(责任) to protect the environment. 15. Could you please carry these heavy _ (box) for me? III. 选用方框内的短语并用其适当形式填空。 (5 分) come on, a set of, last name, middle school , ask.for 16. Jim _ his parents _ a bicycle as his birthday present and they agreed. 17. _, Judy, or you ll be late for the meeting. 18. Grace saw _ keys lying on the ground and picked it up. 19. She has been teaching in the _ for ten years. 20. His full name is Jack Hands, so Hands is his _. 句 子 检 测 根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。(10 分) 1. 你会用英语读这篇文章吗? Can you read the article _ _? 2. 海伦, 愿你在我们学校过得愉快。 Helen,wishyouto_ _ _ in our school. 3. 他的鞋是黑色的。你的鞋呢? His shoes are black. _ _ _? 4. 请拨 13756137209 给他打电话。 Please _ him _ 13756137209. 5. 谢谢你邀请我参加你的聚会。 _ _ _ _ me to your party. 6. 我不敢相信你自己做了一个飞机模型。 Ican tbelieveyoumadea_ _ yourself. 7. 劳驾, 你知道邮局在哪吗? _ _, do you know where the post office is? 8. 戴夫的乒乓球拍在椅子下。 Dave s ping- pong bat is _ _ _. 9. 非常谢谢你。 别客气。 Thank you very much. _ _ _. 10. 这个男孩的名字叫做迈克。 The b
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