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适用于新目标版九年级 中考专版 第 37 期适用于新目标版九年级 中考专版 第 37 期 第 37 期 适用于新目标版九年级 中考专版副主编: 门秀芹责编: 祁智男美编: 朱婷 一审: 杨荣二审: 张华程编审: 婉 雪外籍编审: William Self-assessmentSelf-discovery 言 警 句 言 警 句 词 语 辨 析 请分析下列易混淆词语并完成经典考题部分。 sound, listen aB. a; the C. the; anD. the; a ()7. If you have any questions about study, you can call me _ 681- 553. OK, thanks. A. onB. inC. atD. by ()8. He likes the camera very much _ he can t afford it. A. unlessB. butC. ifD. as ()9. Can you serve me _ tea, sir? No problem. A. anyB. some C. littleD. a few ()10. What kind of house do you like? I like _ with a garden in front of _. A. it; oneB. one; one C. one; itD. it; it ()11. _ I finish the work today? No, you needn t. You _ finish it tomorrow. A. Can; mustB. Must; should C. Can; have toD. Must; can ()12. Look, a set of cups _ on sale in the shop. The cups look beautiful. Why not buy them? A. isB. areC. was D. were 交 际 运 用 根据对话内容,从 A- G 选项中选出填入空白 处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 A: Hello. My name is Xu Ping. (1)_ B: My name is Alex. (2)_ A: Nice to meet you, too. What are you looking at? B: Oh, I m looking at my family photo. A: Can I have a look at it? B: Of course. Here it is! A: Wow, you have a big family. (3)_ B: It s me. I was only five years old when I took the photo. A: How time flies! Many years has passed since then. B: You re right. A: (4)_ B: Yes, he is. How do you know that? A: You are similar to each other in appearance. So I guessed it. B: You re so clever. A: (5)_ B: Yes, but only a little. If possible, I hope you can help me improve my Chinese language abilities. A: OK, no problem! B: Thank you very much. A: You re welcome! A. Can you speak Chinese? B. Is English your native language? C. Is the boy beside you your brother? D. That s a good idea. E. What s your name? F. Nice to meet you. G. Who is the little boy? 综 合 检 测 阅读下面短文,根据首字母提示在空白处填 上适当的单词, 使短文意思连贯, 符合逻辑。 Everyone always remembers his or her favorite teacher. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Thompson. She allowed us all to (1)c_ her Mama T. Mama T was loved by all of her students. She always (2)e_ us rather than pointed out our failure(失败). In the fourth grade, I had to stand in the back row with the boys while taking the school pictures (学年照). My feet were very big and wore size 8 shoes. I remember Mama T holding her left foot (3)n_ to mine and saying that my feet were larger. It showed that she wasn t laughing at(4)m_. How humorous she was! Even when she reprimanded( 训 诫 ) students, she tried to speak in a humorous (5) w_ in order not to make them feel bad. I was interested in reading and writing. Once, we were (6)a_ to write a short story about the Civil War (独立战争). I created an interesting character in the story. I (7)s_ remember Mama T s expression when she read the story to the class. I was(8)h_ that I could make her smile. Mama T allowed me to express myself! Many years later, I received a letter from her. She told me she and her (9)f_ members were living well. She also told me how much she had enjoyed my writing. It was Mama T who taught (10)h_ of children in her life and spent time “noticing” me. It really touched my heart. Her actions taught me that speaking nicely to others can stay with them for the rest of their lives. 陈东(本版答案见第 39 期) 备战中考之综合能力检测(七年级上册 Starter & Units 1-4)备战中考之经典考点回顾(七年级上册 Units 5-9) 收 藏 夹 soccer ball (英式)足球; watch TV 看电视; think about 思考、 思索; How about. (提出建议)怎么样?; a pair of 一双; How much.? 多少钱?; How old.? 多大年纪?for sure 无疑、 肯定; from .to. 从到 句 型 秀 场 1. Do you have a basketball? 你有篮球吗? 2. Let s go to the park this afternoon. 让我们今天下午去公园吧。 3. I sleep for a while after lunch. 午饭后我睡会儿觉。 4. Do you like salad? 你喜欢吃沙拉吗? 5. What do you like for breakfast? 你早饭想吃什么? 6. I don t want to get up so early. 我不想太早起床。 7. How much is this coat? 这件外套多少钱? 8. The trousers are twenty dollars. 这条裤子 20 美元。 9. Can I help you? 你想买什么? 10. I ll take the sweater. 我要买这件毛衣。 11. Here you are. 给你。 12. You are welcome. 不客气。 13. When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候? 14. Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 15. Have a good time! 过得愉快! 16. What s your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的学科是什么? 17. Why do you like history? 你为什么喜欢历史? 18. Who is your math teacher? 你的数学老师是谁? 19. When is your Chinese class? 你什么时候上语文课? 口 语 秀 场 一、 谈论物品所有 A: Do you have a football? B: No, I don t. But I have a volleyball. 二、 谈论个人喜好及表述理由 1. A: Do you like chicken for lunch? B: Yes, I do. I like it very much. 2. A: What s your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is physics. A: Why do you like physics? B: Because it s funny. 三、 谈论价格 A: How much is the shirt? B: It s 50 dollars. 四、 谈论日期、 时间 1. A: When is your mother s birthday? B: Her birthday is on March 15th. 2. A: When is your chemistry class? B: It s on Tuesday. 五、 谈论人物 A: Who s your head teacher? B: Mr. Lee. Wearing the same clothes One day Mr Brown sees a young woman walking in the street with children. He is very surprised because all the children are wearing the same clothes
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