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Unit 2 What is it?,Teacher: Ivy,Lesson 3,课堂纪律/CLASS RULES,听录音时保持安静 回答问题积极举手 保持自己的座位,桌子清洁整齐 无故发出声音,胡乱制造噪音 经常不举手乱发言的 扰乱其他同学,Lets begin our class!,Greeting/问候,How are you?,Fine, thank you.,熟人之间见面的问候,你好吗?,And you?,Im fine, too.,Greet your friends, be friendly.,Hello! My names _. My names _. How do you do?,用升调,Check Homework,Recite Lesson 1 (recite one by one.) P8 written excercises a,b 各选一个写在英语本上 P9 Write the conversation Workbook Write letter Cc,Dd each 1 line,Unit 2 What is it?,Listen and answer this question:,Is that a red flower in picture 4?,No, it isnt. Its a red umbrella.,Its a red umbrella.,Question:,How to read them ? (New words P12),what,good,look,wheel,green,now,flower,red,umbrella,grey,bird,key,right,silver,chair,table,指示代词this / that,this 这、这个 that 那、那个,找参照物讲解用法,a hat a green hat,a flower a red flower,an umbrella a red umbrella,a bird a grey bird,a key a silver key,Its a wheel. Its a green wheel.,Simple question,肯定句改为一般疑问句 Steps: 1. 找出句中的be动词。 2. 把be动词提到句首,并大写。 3. 其它单词按顺序照抄。 4. 句号改为问号。 5. 读音用升调。 6. 用Yes/No来回答。,Practice,Whats this/that? Its a _. Its a _ _. Is it/this/that a _? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.,Guided Conversation,Teacher book P10 First look at the pictures, and guess.,Practice each pattern and picture!,Numbers,Listen and repeat numbers 1-16 Listen to the rhyme and explain the 韵律。 英语中也有像诗歌一样押韵,叫rhyme。,Phonics,P8-9,Point and Say Play with Sounds Sound It Out,Phonics,P10-11,Point and Say Play with Sounds Sound It Out,Homework,Listen, read and recite Lesson 3. Workbook Write Ee, Ff, Gg each 1 line.,Good students 颁奖,
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