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Module 6 Films and TV Programmes(第2课时)Grammar.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1The island is _(equal) attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons.2The little boy behaves _(bad) in public places and often makes trouble.3Everyone thinks he is a _(high) skilled engineer.4_(surprise), the baby survived the earthquake.5Mr. Smith used to smoke _(heavy) but he has given it up.6Our teacher gives us so much homework today that we can _ (hard) finish it on time.7You must drive more _(careful) next time, or there may be another accident.8The story is _(real) an interesting one. I think you will like to read it.9He began to cook _(immediate) after he came home.10We _(occasion) meet for a drink after work.11_(easy) said than done.12The workers are _(angry) demanding higher pay.答案:1.equally2.badly3.highly4.Surprisingly5heavily6.hardly7.carefully8.really9.immediately10occasionally11.Easily12.angrily.选词填空A用loudly, loud或aloud填空。1The teacher asked him to read the text_.2Could you speak a little_?3The two boys are arguing_.B从括号中选择合适的词填空。4They are all_to me.(friendly, friend)5His teachers all think_of him.The desk was piled_with papers.(high, highly)6I sat and watched everyone very_.She held her son_.(closely, close)7Carelessly driving is the most_cause of the accident.(like, likely)答案:1.aloud2.louder3.loudly4.friendly5.highly; high6.closely; close7.likely.语法填空1I think you might have got drunk at the party.Well. I_did.答案:almostalmost“几乎”,符合题意。2You keep on coughing. Whats the matter?Oh, Ive got a cold. Nothing serious, _.答案:thoughthough作副词用时,常放在句末,意为“然而;不过;但是”,符合句意。3They_(几乎总是) spend their weekends in the suburb.答案:nearly always nearly是程度副词,always是频度副词,同时修饰动词spend,程度在前,频度在后。4Do you allow your son to go to any Internet cafe on holidays?_not!答案:Absolutelyabsolutely“绝对地”,符合句意。5John has_(recent) begun to learn Chinese.答案:recently本题考查副词。recently意为“近期的”,符合句意。6Do you often go to the cinema?No, _(occasion). Ive been writing a novel this year.答案:occasionally根据“Ive been writing a novel this year.”(一直忙于写一本小说。)可知,“我”并不是经常去看电影,只是偶尔去看。occasionally意为“偶尔;有时”,符合语境。7Finnish President said FinlandChina relations had progressed_(smooth)with fruitful cooperation(合作)in new and hightechfields.答案:smoothly句意:芬兰总统说芬兰和中国之间的关系进展顺利,在新的高科技领域取得了丰硕的成果。smoothly意为“顺利地”,符合题意。8Eric nearly always wins the science award.Thats because his projects are_(extreme) well presented.答案:extremelyextremely为程度副词,修饰well。9Staying in a hotel costs twice_than renting a room in a dormitory for a week.答案:more本句意为:住旅馆的费用是在宿舍租一间房一周费用的两倍还多。more符合句意。10The seats in the second place have_ all been completely filled.答案:almostalmost为程度副词,almost all意为“几乎全部”。.完形填空The film starts out at a normal day in a typical American high school. Friends _1_ in the dining room and boys play football. But theres a big surprise when the movie _2_ with two students going crazy in the _3_shooting and killing people.This is “Elephant”, _4_ in just 20 days; it stars real high school kids. American _5_ Gus Van Sant had no ready made lines(台词). The student actors made up their own _6_, with Van Sant asking them to base their characters on their own _7_. _8_ it may not sound very high quality, the _9_ won the Palme dOr(金棕榈奖)for Best Film and the award for Best Director at the Cannes Film Festival in _10_ on May 25th. The film is based on the _11_ at a high school in the US, where two boys killed 13 people and then themselves in 1999. The _12_ of the movie refers to the old expression about a problem thats as hard to ignore(忽略)as an elephant in the house.The film takes a close look at a few hours in the lives of the victims(受害者)and the killers. It shows how high school is a _13_ experience for everyonefun and friendly,or hard and lonely. In many ways,the two _14_ who carry out the shooting, act like ordinary kids. They joke around with one boys mother as _15_ serves them cakes and plays the piano.But,there are hints(暗示)of the _16_ they feel inside. One of the boys is bullied (欺负) at school. The other plays _17_ video games. But Van Sant isnt _18_ their killings on either bullying or violent games. In fact, the film doesnt offer any reason for why school violence happens. “I didnt want to _19_ anything. Its up to the _20_ to draw its own conclusions,” said the 51yearold director.1A. chat BsleepCswim Dfight答案:A文章开头讲述的是一部电影的梗概:朋友在餐厅里干什么,排除B、C两项,从后面一句话But theres a big surprise.来看,排除D项。所以只能是聊天。2A. start BendsCbegin Dtalk答案:B故事的结局出乎人的意料。从语法角度也可判断出,由于主语the movie为单数,只能选择B项。3A. cinema
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