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计算机四级笔试模拟试题第一套(A)一、选择题:( 共 70 题,每题 1 分,满分 70 分。其中 1-55 题为中文题,56-70 题为英文题)。 下列各题 A)、B)、C)、 D)四个选项中,只有一个是正确的 ,请将正确选项涂写在答题卡相应位置上,答在试卷上不得分。 (1)若一个子程序起始地址为 3K,调用指令 CALL 的内存地址为 K+1,则执行CALL 指令所要执行指令的地址为( ) 。 A) 3K B) 3K+1 C) 3K-1 D) K+2 (2)若逻辑变量 X=0,Y=1,则执行按位加 XY 以后的值为( ) 。 A) 1 B) 0 C) 10 D) 2 (3)一般情况下,操作数左移 3 位的结果是原操作数( ) 。 A) 整除 8 B) 乘以 8 C) 整除 4 D) 乘以 4 (4) 设用一维数组 A1 n来存储一个栈, 令 An 为栈底,用整型变量 T 指示当前栈顶位置,AT为栈顶元素。当从栈中弹出一个元素时,变量 T 的变化为( ) 。 A) T:=T1 B) T:=T1 C) T 不变 D) T:=n (5)在排序方法中,关键码比较次数与记录的初始排列无关的是( ) 。 A)Shell 排序 B)归并排序 C) 直接插入排序 D)选择排序 (6) 对一棵非空的二叉树(设第 0 层为根结点) ,那么其第 i 层上至多有多少个结点( ) 。 A) i B) 2i 1 C) 2i1 D) 2i (7)对下列四个序列用快速排序方法进行排序,以序列的第一个元素为划分的基准。在第一趟划分过程中,元素的移动次数最多的是哪一个序列?( ) 。 A) 70,75 ,68,23,10 ,16,90,82 B) 82,75,70,16,10,90,68,23 C) 70,75,82,90,23,16,10,68 D) 23,10 ,16,70,82 ,75,68,90 (8) 数组 Q0,n-1 作为一个环形队列,f 为当前队头元素的前一位置, r 为队尾元素的位置,假定队列中元素的个数总小于 n,队列中元素的个数是什么?( ) 。 A)r-f B) n+f-r C)n+r-f D ) (n+r-f)mod n (9)A=x|x, B) R=, C) R=, D) R=, (62)Which function is NOT served by building a prototype? ( ) 。 A) It takes the place of the final system. B) It assists in gathering software requirements. C) It assists in estimating the cost of the project. D) It is used as the foundation of the larger projects. (63)Which of the following statements about testing software with data is (are) true? ( ) 。 I. The primary purpose of such testing is to find errors. II.Such testing can demonstrate the existence of errors but cannot demonstrate the absence of errors. A) Neither B) only C) only D) and (64)Inthefollowing statements about functional dependency, whichone isincorrect? ( ) 。 A) If X then XX . B) If XY and Y then XY. C) If XY and X then XY. D) If XY and YZ, then XZ. (65)Which function is used to lock a file in FoxPro DBMS? ( ) 。 A) FLOCK( ) B) RLOCK( ) C) LOCK( ) D)LOCK (66)Which is NOT a characteristic of an RISC processor? ( ) 。 A) a high clock speed B) a highly optimized pipeline C) a few general-purpose registers D) a limited amount of small instructions (67) Local bus can reduce the occupation time of CPU. For the EISA local bus, commonly the time can be reduced to( ) 。 A) 42% B) 22% C) 12% D) 2% (68)In the modulation style of PSK ,if a kind of Modems modulation rate is 3200baud and its phase is 8 , what is the data transfer rate of this kind of Modem ? ( ) 。 A) 14.4kbps B) 28.8kbps C) 9600bps D) 3200bps (69)Which routing select algorithm is described below ? ( ) 。 According to a kind of fix regulation , the select algorithm of route works and has nothing to do with the network information newly.( ) 。 A) Static Routing Algorithm B) Dynamic Routing Algorithm C) Centralized Routing Algorithm D) Distributed Routing Algorithm (70)About the following IP addresses ,Which is incorrect ? ( ) 。 A) B) C) D) 山东新华电脑学院官网:www.sdxhce.com山东新华电脑学院就业:job.sdxhce.com山东新华电脑学院环境:photo.sdxhce.com山东新华电脑学院活动:video.sdxhce.com
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