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Well connectedText Well connected? The biological implications of social networking, Text 4b (Reading texts pp. 156-160)Text 4b is an article from The Biologist on the effect of social networking on face-to-face contact. You will use the text to carry out further selective summarising practice. Most of your note-taking will be from memory.丁卜is is to encourage you to make brief notes in your own words. This should help you develop a better understanding of the key points of the text, as well as encouraging you to write the summary in your own words and avoid plagiarising sections of the text. After making the notes, you will again be given an opportunity to check the text and revise the notes.Task 5 Considering the title and abstract5.1 Analyse the title of Text 4b. Discuss questions 1-3 with other students.1 .What do you understand by the term social networking?2. How are you involved with social networking, if at all?3 .Does your idea of networking correspond with the following dictionary definition?5.2 Analyse the opening summary for Text 4b.Why do you think some phrases in the text have been highlighted?One of the most pronounced changes in the daily habits of British citizens is a reduction In the number of minutes per day that they interact with another human being. Recent history has seen people in marked retreat from one another as Britain moves from a culture of greater common experience to a society of more isolated experience. She Is in good company, as Americans too step back from one another in unprecedented magnitude.5.3 Analyse phrases from the: opening summary.a Discuss the meaning of each phrase with another student, or work alone.b Complete the table below by explaining, in your own wards, the meaning of each phrase.c Answer the questions below.1. What does they refer to in the second line?2. What does She refer to in the final sentence?Task 6 Reading and making notes6.1 Read Section 1 of the text without stopping.a. Without looking back at the text, list the examples of how or why people in Britain and America are stepping back from one another in unprecedented magnitude.b. Compare your list with that of another student.6.2 Look at Figure 1 and discuss the questions below.a. What very obvious trend do you notice?b. In which year did the difference between social interaction and electronic media use completely reverse?Study tip: Graphs, tables and charts can summarise key information in a very economical way, Remember to look at them carefully.6.3 Read Section Eye and ear conlact, without stopping and then steps a-c without looking back at the text.a. Write down what you think the subheading Eye and ear contact refer to.B. Write notes based on what you recall from the text.c. Check the text; decide if there arc any extra points you should record in your notes.Task 7 Making notes and drawing conclusions7.1 Read Section 3, Morbidity.When you have fioislled reading, write clown in no more than two sentences why experts emphasise the importance of maintaining (or regaining) a culture of greater common experience.7.2 Read Section 4, Marriage and cohabitation. When you finish this section complete steps a-c.a. Make notes from memory, as in earlier tasks.b. With other students, discuss what main point is being made in this section.c. Write a summary of the main point in one sentence.7.3 Read Section 5, Conclusion, without stopping.a. Make a note of the key points from memory.b. On completing your notes, decide whether you personally are concerned about any of the issues discussed in the text.c. With other students, discuss any concerns you have.Task 8 Writing a summary8.1 Re-read the opening Summary at the beginning of Text 4b. What do you now understand by the question Well connected? in the title?8.2 Write a test of no more than 150 words summarising the biological implications of social networking.When you have finished, you will be able to compare your summary with an example supplied by your teacher.Note: Your teachel may now decide to spend more time looking at the text in order to focus on some of the vocabulary, text structure and academic st5rle that may be useful for you to study.Key reading skills:Writing a summary of the textSummarising a text involves answering the question: Whatkeyideas does the writer want to communicate? A summary does not have to be long and should not include too much detail.Text 4b well connected? The biological implications of ”social networkingOne of the most pronounced changes in the daily habits of British citizens is a reduction in tfe number of minutes per day that they interact with another human being. Recent history has seen people in marked retreat from one another as Britain moves from a culture of greater common experience to a society of more isolated experience. She is in good company, as Americans too step back fro
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